
Musaicum Books present this meticulously edited collection of the most sacred texts of Judaism, as well as most important historical and theological books about the Jewish faith. Content: Religious Texts: "Tanakh" – The Hebrew Bible "Talmud" – The Central Text of Rabbinic Judaism "Torah – Bilingual (English/Hebrew)" – Five Books of Moses "Tales and Maxims from the Midrash" – Biblical Exegesis by Ancient Judaic Authorities "The Kabbalah Unveiled" – Translations and commentaries of the Books of Zohar "The Sepher Ha-Zohar" – Zohar, or Splendor is the most important text of Kabbalah. "Siddur – The Standard Prayer Book" – The Authorized Daily Prayer Book of the United Hebrew Congregations "The Union Haggadah" – Jewish text that sets forth the order of the Passover Seder. History: The Jewish Wars (Flavius Josephus) Antiquities of the Jews (Flavius Josephus) History of the Jews (Heinrich Graetz) The Legends of the Jews (Louis Ginzberg) Philosophical Works: Kitab al Khazari (Kuzari) (Judah Halevi) The Guide for the Perplexed (Moses Maimonides) Ancient Jewish Proverbs (Abraham Cohen)


On the Soul and the Resurrection is work by Gregory of Nyssa, written upon his brother Basil's death, about the immortal soul and the infinity of God. The work is written in form of Socratic dialogue between Gregory who plays the part of an interlocutor and his older sister, St. Macrina, who plays the part of Socrates. Gregory deals with two topics of considerable importance in Christian theology: the immortality of the soul and the physicality of the resurrection. He confronts many of the arguments made by those who deny the existence of the soul or resurrection and gives thorough answers to the questions about the soul and the resurrection.


Musaicum Books presents Hilaire Belloc's most controversial and influential historical and sociological studies: The Servile State Definitions Our Civilisation was originally Servile How the Servile Institution was for a Time Dissolved How the Distributive State Failed The Capitalist State in Proportion as It Grows Perfect Grows Unstable The Stable Solutions of this Instability Socialism is the Easiest Apparent Solution of the Capitalist Crux The Reformers and Reformed Are Alike Making for the Servile State The Servile State Has Begun Europe and Faith What Was the Roman Empire? What Was the Church in the Roman Empire? What Was the «Fall» of the Roman Empire? The Beginning of the Nations What Happened in Britain? The Dark Ages The Middle Ages What Was the Reformation? The Defection of Britain The Jews The Thesis of This Book The Denial of the Problem The Present Phase of the Problem The General Cause of Friction The Special Causes of Friction The Cause of Friction Upon Our Side The Anti-Semite Bolshevism The Position in the World as a Whole The Present Relation Between the English State and the Jews Zionism Our Duty Their Duty Various Theories Habit or Law?


On the Incarnation is one of the early works of Athanasius of Alexandria, Christian theologian and a Church Father. This theological treatise presents teachings on the redemption. Author puts forward the belief that the Son of God, the eternal Word (Logos) through whom God created the world, entered that world in human form to lead men back into the harmony from which they had earlier fallen away.


Catholic faith had a strong impact on Hilaire Belloc's works. One of Belloc's most famous statements was «the faith is Europe and Europe is the faith». This book presents Belloc's interpretation of European history through Catholic prism. Europe and Faith What Was the Roman Empire? What Was the Church in the Roman Empire? What Was the «Fall» of the Roman Empire? The Beginning of the Nations What Happened in Britain? The Dark Ages The Middle Ages What Was the Reformation? The Defection of Britain Survivals and New Arrivals The Two Cultures Survivals The Main Opposition New Arrivals The Opportunity


Musaicum Books presents to you this meticulously edited collection of Aleister Crowley greatest works. Crowley was a highly prolific writer, not only on the topic of Thelema and magick, but on philosophy, politics, and culture. This extraordinary collection presents both his fiction and non-fiction works with special emphasis on religious and mystical texts. Contents: Thelema Texts: The Book of the Law (Liber AL vel Legis) The Law of Liberty (Liber DCCCXXXVII) Ecclesiæ Gnosticæ Catholicæ Creed Liber A'ash vel Capricorni Pneumatici Liber B vel Magi Liber Cheth vel Vallum Abiegni Liber Cordis Cincti Serpente Liber DCCCXIII vel Ararita Liber III vel Jugorum Liber Liberi vel Lapidis Lazuli Liber Librae Liber LXI vel Causæ Liber Porta Lucis Liber Resh vel Helios Liber Stellae Rubeae Liber Tzaddi vel Hamus Hermeticus Aleister Crowley On Drugs: The Diary of a Drug Fiend The Psychology of Hashish Cocaine Mysticism & Magick The Book Of Lies The Blue Equinox The Lesser Key of Solomon White Stains Moonchild


Heavy use of drugs is an important part of Thelema rituals. Aleister Crowley himself had problems with addiction during his life. His heroin addiction came to dominate his life, and cocaine began to erode his nasal cavity. This collection presents Crowley's experiences with drugs with special emphasise on connection to spirituality and religion. Musaicum Books present his works on this subject: The Diary of a Drug Fiend The Psychology of Hashish Cocaine


The Psychology of Hashish is an autobiographical essay of Aleister Crowley's experimentation with cannabis. Heavy use of hashish during Thelema rituals comprise the important part of Crowley's philosophy. In this essay, Crowley explains the importance of drug use during the rituals, calling it an aid to mysticism.


This book is a lengthy treatise on Magick, Aleister Crowley's system of Western occult practice, synthesised from many sources, including Eastern Yoga, Hermeticism, medieval grimoires, contemporary magical theories from writers like Eliphas Levi and Helena Blavatsky, and his own original contributions. The first part of the book, «Mysticism» is essentially Crowley's system of yoga, which is designed to still the mind and enable single-pointed concentration. The second part, «Magick», deals with the accessories of ceremonial magick in detail. Subjects include: the temple, the magick circle, the altar, the scourge, dagger, and chain, the holy oil, the wand, cup, sword, pentacle, lamp, crown, robe, book, bell, lamen, and the Magick Fire.


The American Language is a multi-volume study of how the English language is spoken in the United States. The book is Menken's research of the differences between English and American language. Mencken wanted to defend «Americanisms» against a steady stream of English critics, who usually isolated Americanisms as borderline «perversions» of the «mother tongue». The book discusses the beginnings of «American» variations from «English», the spread of these variations, American names and slang. According to Mencken, American English was more colorful, vivid, and creative than its British counterpart. The book concludes with the observation in the norms of use of the proper names in America, including surnames, given names, geographical names, Menken's analysis on the American slang, and forecast on the further language development.