
The Shih King (the Book of Poetry) is the oldest existing collection of Chinese poetry, comprising 305 works dating from the 11th to 7th centuries BC. It is one of the «Five Classics» traditionally said to have been compiled by Confucius, and has been studied and memorized by scholars in China and neighboring countries over two millennia. It is also a rich source of chengyu that are still a part of learned discourse and even everyday language in modern Chinese.


Mennonites in the World War (Non-Resistance Under Test) is a historical work by Jonas Smucker Hartzler, American Mennonite minister and teacher. The Mennonites are members of certain Christian groups belonging to the church communities of Anabaptist denominations named after Menno Simons (1496-1561) of Friesland. The author initially provides an insight in the early history of the Mennonite Church and their involvement in other wars, previous to the WWI. The rest of the work covers various issues Mennonites had to deal with during the Great War, starting with non-resistant nature of their doctrine.


The Mencius is a collection of conversations, anecdotes, and series of genuine and imagined interviews by the Confucian philosopher, Mencius. The book explores Mencius' views on the topics of moral and political philosophy, that are often posed as a dialogue to the ideas presented by Confucianism. The book documents Mencius' travel across the states, and his philosophical conversations and debates with those he meets on his journey.


The writer of this book is well aware that it will not stand the test of criticism as a literary production. A frontiersman himself, his opportunities for acquiring information, and for supplying the deficiencies of a rather limited education, have of course been «few and far between;» and therefore it cannot be reasonably expected that he could make a book under such circumstances which would not be sadly defective as to style and composition. However, it can justly lay claim to at least one merit, not often found in similar publications—it is not a compilation of imaginary scenes and incidents, concocted in the brain of one who never was beyond the sound of a dinner-bell in his life, but a plain, unvarnished story of the «'scapes and scrapes» of Big-Foot Wallace, the Texas Ranger and Hunter, written out from notes furnished by himself, and told, as well as my memory serves me, in his own language.


Napoleon's Russian Campaign of 1812 is a historical account of the French invasion of Russia which was undertaken by Napoleon to force Russia back into the Continental blockade of the United Kingdom. On 24 June 1812 and the following days, the first wave of the multinational Grande Armée crossed the border into Russia with somewhere around 600,000 soldiers, the opposing Russian field forces amounted to around 180,000–200,000 at this time. Through a series of long forced marches, Napoleon pushed his army rapidly through Western Russia in a futile attempt to destroy the retreating Russian Army of Michael Andreas Barclay de Tolly, winning just the Battle of Smolensk in August. Under its new Commander in Chief Mikhail Kutuzov, the Russian Army continued to retreat employing attrition warfare against Napoleon forcing the invaders to rely on a supply system that was incapable of feeding their large army in the field. The fierce Battle of Borodino, seventy miles west of Moscow, was a narrow French victory that resulted in a Russian general withdrawal to the south of Moscow near Kaluga. On 14 September, Napoleon and his army of about 100,000 men occupied Moscow, only to find it abandoned, and the city was soon ablaze. Napoleon stayed in Moscow for 5 weeks, waiting for a peace offer that never came. Lack of food for the men and fodder for the horses, hypothermia from the bitter cold and guerilla warfare from Russian peasants and Cossacks led to great losses. Three days after the Battle of Berezina, only around 10,000 soldiers of the main army remained. On 5 December, Napoleon left the army and returned to Paris.


An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith is a work of Christian priest John of Damascus and it presents a summary of the dogmatic writings of the Early Church Fathers. This work was the first work of systematic theology in Christianity and an important influence on later Scholastic works. Author offers a very insightful and thorough discussion of the Trinity and orthodox Christology. He provides a more in-depth look at the basic theological assertions of the Orthodox Church. The book begins with an argument for the existence of God, and covers many important dogmas and doctrines of the Church.


This is a collection of biographies of valiant and daring adventurers, who were among the early settlers of the Wild West. These men were real scouts and trappers, for they lived in the wilds and had to know how to shoot a rifle; how to trap; and how to camp in whatever place night happened to overtake them. Biographies presented in this book are accurate histories of several important frontiersmen and heroes of the border. These stories are all true and are vouched for by early historians. Contents: Daniel Morgan: The Famous Virginian Rifleman, and His Adventures with the Indian Bear James Harrod: Founder of Harrodsburg, Kentucky, and Famous Scout of the Frontier Robert McLellan: Pluckiest of the Early Pioneers Colonel Benjamin Logan: The Intrepid Fighter of the Kentucky Frontier George Rogers Clarke: Famous Leader of the Borderland of Kentucky John Slover: Scout under Crawford and Hero of Extraordinary Adventures Lewis Wetzel: Heroic Virginia Frontiersman and Implacable Enemy of the Redskins Samuel Colter: And His Wonderful Race for Life Meshack Browning: The Celebrated Bear Hunter of the Alleghanies "Bill" Bent: Hero of the Old Santa Fé Trail Thomas Eddie: The Last of the Old School Trappers Jim Bridger: Founder of Bridger, Wyoming, and Famous Indian Fighter "Old Bill" Williams: The Famous Log Rider of Colorado "Big Foot" Wallace: Noted Ranger on the Texan Frontier Captain Jack Hays: Famous Texan Ranger and Commander of Valiant Border Fighters Bill Hamilton: Famous Trapper, Trader, and Indian Fighter Uncle Job Witherspoon: And His Exciting Adventures with the Blackfeet Henry Shane: Heroic Scout of the plain of Teas Poor Jerry Lane: The Lost Trapper of Wyoming The Song of the Moose


This is a historical account on formation of Virginian aristocracy. The author deals with the genesis of colonial landowners who managed to make a fortune in a relatively short period of time thanks to cheap land and slave work-power. Contents England in the New World The Indian Weed The Virginia Yeomanry Freemen and Freedmen The Restoration Period The Yeoman in Virginia History World Trade Beneath the Black Tide


History of the Frontier is a collection of works related to the history of American colonization of Wild West. Turner expresses his views on how the idea of the frontier shaped the American being and characteristics. He writes how the frontier drove American history and why America is what it is today. Turner reflects on the past to illustrate his point by noting human fascination with the frontier and how expansion to the American West changed people's views on their culture. Contents: The Significance of the Frontier in American History The First Official Frontier of the Massachusetts Bay The Old West The Middle West The Ohio Valley in American History The Significance of the Mississippi Valley in American History The Problem of the West Dominant Forces in Western Life Contributions of the West to American Democracy Pioneer Ideals and the State University The West and American Ideals Social Forces in American History Middle Western Pioneer Democracy


Captain W.F. Drannan – Chief of Scouts is an autobiography of a Scout Captain William F. Drannan in which he has tried to portray that part of his earlier life which was spent in piloting emigrant and government trains across the Western Plains.