



Они герои, но их боятся как злодеев. С ними спорят, но им доверяют жизнь. Это люди, которые решили посвятить себя спасению других. У них не без юмора – потому что без него порой просто не справиться. О том, как в больнице можно выдать женщине чужого мужа. О том, почему доктор Ху в американском госпитале страдает больше пациентов. О том, как важно провести операцию, не отрезав дельфину голову. И о том, как достать из тела больной именно ту лягушку. Удивительные истории. О врачах.


Лизу Сандерс называют эталонным рассказчиком медицинских детективных историй, и именно поэтому она стала вдохновителем и консультантом создателей сериала «Доктор Хаус». Ведь несмотря на огромный опыт и высокую квалификацию и она, и ее коллеги постоянно сталкиваются с загадками: неожиданными сочетаниями симптомов, причину которых не так просто бывает отыскать. Молодой человек после праздничного ужина по случаю своего дня рождения падает на танцполе из-за невыносимых болей в животе. Бодрая старушка вдруг перестала следить за собой и слегла, когда на ее чердаке поселились белки-летяги. Молодая женщина буквально обезумела вскоре после собственной счастливой свадьбы. Молодой учитель и увлеченный спортсмен ни с того ни с сего едва не погибает от образовавшегося тромба. Чтобы помочь этим людям, врачи вынуждены были провести настоящее расследование: назначить десятки снимков и анализов, прочесть горы профессиональной литературы и провести немало консультаций. Вы окажетесь на месте озадаченных врачей: увидите то, что видят они, почувствуете их нерешительность и переживете их восторг, когда загадка будет разгадана.


Although much has been written about Cuba after Castro, relatively little has been written about Cuba before Castro. The political reality of Castro’s Revolution has created a historical void about this period, paying insufficient attention to an important century before 1959. Cuba has become a political punching bag, between supporters and critics of Castro and the Revolution, making it difficult to understand real life in Cuba because of the disproportionate preoccupation with, and monopoly of, the political reality on the island. In spite of some attempts, it continues to be easier and perceived as more pressing, to write about politics rather than the reality that Cubans experienced in their daily lives— their sufferings and celebrations, successes and failures, lives and deaths, and beliefs and disbeliefs. Going for and against the avalanche of information about the political authenticity in and out of Cuba, most Cubans have tended to forget that Cuba is much larger than the perceived reality after Castro’s Revolution. Too many have failed to remember the Cubans who have lived and worked in Cuba in the century before an important period of Cuban history where the nation was forged. Indeed, even limited attention reveals a rich and sophisticated society that calls for study. In this book Jorge J.E. Gracia approaches this situation by telling true stories about some members of his family (Doctor Ignacio Gracia, Maruca Otero, the Marques de Arguelles, and many others) who lived during a culturally rich century before Castro. He hopes to entice historians, academics, tourists and others, to pursue a balanced exploration of the island by telling part of their stories. This enterprise is neither history nor fiction, but memories written by a Cuban who left Cuba when he was eighteen years old and has become a distinguished philosopher in the United States.



Dangerous Woman? Ordained by God? Gender matters! What do pastors really do beyond the pulpit? What's it like to be a woman pastor? It's complicated. People leave congregations when the pastor wears a skirt. Other congregations become advocates for women clergy. Rev. Dorothy Nickel Friesen, an ordained Mennonite pastor, digs deep into the soul of a pastor with humor, pathos, and passion. Her memoir, a collection of short stories based on true events, visits the agony of bedside death, lost dreams, and angry parishioners who walk away from her leadership. She also shares the laugh-out-loud stories of weddings (a missing groom), rituals of deep meaning (with water from the Jordan River), and tension-filled advocacy for peace (on a military base). With honesty and warmth, Rev. Dorothy beckons women, especially, to love God's people as a leader, preacher, and friend. She hopes this book will help you see beyond the «Bible wars» and deepen your faith that God generously gifts women for spiritual leadership.


This book narrates the story of a young family that, in the year 1975, made the bold decision to leave the United Kingdom and seek a new life in South Africa. Although intending to stay for just a few years, they only returned some twenty years later. Whilst there, they took the opportunity to visit virtually every town and game park, and five of the neighboring countries. However, this was not just an extended holiday, but an opportunity to study different cultures and customs. Their time there spanned the darkest days of apartheid, through the first signs of change sparked by the Soweto Riots, to the release of Nelson Mandela, the first democratic elections, and beyond. Thus, in addition to this book being partly a travelogue and memoire, it is also an eye-witness commentary on the highs and lows, the good, the bad, the dangers, and the changes that occurred during an eventful time, in that unique country. It should thus appeal not only the general reader who enjoys a yarn about far-away places, but also to those interested in social and cultural history.


Pivoting upon her ten-year stay as a missionary in Rwanda, in this memoir McAllister reflects deeply on her experiences of redemption and transformation. A Given Life: The Encouragement of Grace is intensely personal, incorporating the author's insights about cross-cultural Christian service, and how God brought inner healing while strengthening and stretching her faith. With the stated purpose of encouraging readers, the author shares hard-won wisdom gained over eighty years, emphasizing God's role in rescuing her and giving her a new life, «a given life.»