
Магия – реальна. И впустить ее в свою жизнь может каждая. В этом абсолютно убеждена американская ведьма Аманда Йейтс Гарсиа. На своем примере она показывает: каждая деятельная и самостоятельная девушка – тоже ведьма, которая проходит в своей жизни через свою личную преисподнюю, чтобы выйти оттуда еще более сильной, чем прежде. Соединяя воедино свою личную историю, античную мифологию и сведения о ведьмах и колдовстве в истории, Аманда Йейтс Гарсиа показывает, что такое магия на самом деле. Ведь магия – это не странные ритуалы и зелья. Это обостренное восприятие мира, умение читать знаки судьбы и усваивать уроки, которые преподносит жизненный опыт. Это женское сестринство, созидание и сострадание ко всем живым существам. А быть ведьмой – значит обрести собственный голос, самой определять свою судьбу и иметь страстное желание преображать этот мир к лучшему.


Сборник объединяет два труда: классическое произведение К.С. Станиславского «Моя жизнь в искусстве», в котором обобщен опыт нескольких артистических поколений и сформулированы важнейшие положения современной театральной эстетики, и книгу одного из виднейших исследователей и пропагандистов наследия Станиславского, известного русского и советского театроведа Владимира Николаевича Прокофьева – «В спорах о Станиславском». В ней идет спор о путях развития театра, раскрывается борьба разных взглядов и направлений в сценическом искусстве. Автор рассматривает соотношение школы Станиславского с концепцией условного театра Мейерхольда, театральностью Вахтангова, теорией эпического театра Брехта.


Именем Берии пугали детей, и это не преувеличение. Женщины боялись ходить в одиночестве по московским улицам – вдруг подъедет Берия на черном автомобиле и увезет к себе. И то, что он уже несколько лет как расстрелян, не имело особого значения. Он превратился в легенду – вечно живую и безумно страшную. Кто же такой Лаврентий Берия? Революционер, политик, государственный и партийный деятель, куратор атомного проекта, благополучный муж и отец, или просто всесильный садист, дорвавшийся до власти? Что из того, в чем его обвиняют, чистейшая правда, что имеет какие-то основания, а что абсолютный вымысел? Где заканчиваются легенды, и начинается реальный человек?


Johnny Cash is more popular than ever, and the demographic of his international fan base spans from youth to the elderly Oriented at music fans and collectors: full of never-before-published material on Cash, including personal letters, photographs, and transcripts of phone conversations Rare new material on the musical idol, illuminating a previously unknown but major side of his professional and personal life Offers a look into how Johnny’s religious zeal in later life affected his career Saul Holiff is a major figure in Canadian (and U.S.) musical history (he managed not only Cash but June Carter, George Jones, the Statler Brothers, and Tommy Hunter) in the vein of Col. Tom Parker, but until now, very little was known about his work or his life Illustrates the unlikely and little-known odd couple of a wild and quintessentially American music superstar and an intellectual, cultured, behind-the-scenes Canadian from London, Ontario


Ed Rosenthal was Jewish kid from the mean streets of Rockaway, Queens who became a real estate broker in Downtown Los Angeles. His passion is poetry, writing about the historic buildings he sells and advocates to preserve. He hates slumlords, is fed up with his buyers, but finally closes The Big Deal and saves a century’s-old icon: Clifton’s Cafeteria. It is fall of 2010 and he’s ready to not to talk to anyone for a week. After the ribbon cutting he skips town and makes his way toward the Mojave and his favorite hiking trip in Joshua Tree National Park. But his vacation soon turns into a nightmare. Over six grueling days without water, food, or hope, he discovers a well of perseverance in the snippets of his life that play over the deadly but inspiring landscape. The God of Random Chance has, despite his best efforts his whole life, finally caught up to him. He describes his ordeal and its setting in intimate, vivid detail: surreal visions mix with wayfinding and intuitive wisdom in a poet’s-eye view of the life-lessons and magic that the desert can hold. Rosenthal’s shocking ordeal was covered on The Outdoor Channel, local broadcast, The Weather Channel, in Los Angeles Magazine, and interviewed by Dick Gordon for “The Story” on National Public Radio. In 2014 he was the subject of an episode of “Fight to Survive” with Bear Grylls on The Outdoor Channel.


This is the first English-language biography of the relentlessly ambitious and incomparably talented printer Giambattista Bodoni (1740–1813). Born to a printing family in the small foothill town of Saluzzo, he left his comfortable life to travel to Rome in 1758 where he served as an apprentice of Cardinal Spinelli at the Propaganda Fide press. There, under the sponsorship of Ruggieri, his close friend, mentor, and protector, he learned all aspects of the printing craft. Even then, his real talent, indeed his genius, lay in type design and punchcutting, especially of the exotic foreign alphabets needed by the papal office to spread the faith. Bodoni's life changed when in 1768 at age 28 he was invited by the young Duke of Parma to abandon Rome for that very French city to establish and direct the ducal press. He remained in Parma, overseeing a vast variety of printing, some of it pedestrian, but much of it glorious. And all of it making use of the typefaces he personally designed and engraved.



Dr. Frances Sage Bradley (1862–1949) was a mediating force between the urban world of her own education and experience, and that of rural Americans. As a widow with four young children, Bradley trained as a doctor and became one of the first women to graduate from Cornell University Medical School. During the height of the Progressive Era, she left her private practice to do significant field work for the newly-created Children's Bureau, working mainly in the Appalachian South.In this timely biography, Barbara Barksdale Clowse details the story of this physician, reformer, and writer, and her efforts to extend access to healthcare to rural communities. Clowse describes Bradley's important innovations in the field of public health, including physical exams or «conferences» for children and infants which simultaneously educated parents and local medical practitioners, and her advocacy for improved nutrition and modern medicine in rural areas. Finally, Clowse illustrates how Bradley's work regarding maternal mortality and morbidity in America was instrumental in demonstrating the need for what became the Sheppard–Towner Act of 1921, also known as the Maternity and Infancy Protection Act.A century has passed since Bradley lived out her commitment to social justice in healthcare, yet many of the issues that she faced still plague the United States today. A Doctor for Rural America presents a balanced portrait of an overlooked pioneer and her work to establish healthcare as an obligation that the government owed to its citizens.

