
Medienkommunikation kennt keine Grenzen: Nachrichtensender wie CNN, Al-Jazeera oder Blogs informieren uns über politische Geschehnisse in allen Teilen der Welt. Ob Katastrophen, Olympiaden oder Kriege – wir sind eingebunden in globale Medienereignisse, an denen wir uns mit Twitter und Facebook selbst beteiligen können. Auch die Geschichten, die wir aus Filmen und Youtube kennen, werden mittlerweile kulturübergreifend kommuniziert.
In die Analyse dieser Phänomene führt dieses Lehrbuch ein. Thematisiert werden Konzepte der transkulturellen Medienforschung sowie Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von globaler Medienpolitik, Medienproduktion und Medienaneignung. Hierbei fokussiert der Autor medienübergreifend Fernsehen, Internet und Film.


In Transcultural Communication, Andreas Hepp provides an accessible and engaging introduction to the exciting possibilities and inevitable challenges presented by the proliferation of transcultural communication in our mediatized world. Includes examples of mediatization and transcultural communication from a variety of cultural contexts Covers an array of different types of media, including mass media and digital media Incorporates discussion of transcultural communication in media regulation, media production, media products and platforms, and media appropriation


What does it mean that we can be reached on our mobile phones wherever we are and at all times? What are the cultural consequences if we are informed about ‘everything and anything important’ via television? How are our political, religious and ethnic belongings impacted through being increasingly connected by digital media? And what is the significance of all this for our everyday lives? Drawing on Hepp’s fifteen-year research expertise on media change, this book deals with questions like these in a refreshingly straightforward and readable way. ‘Cultures of mediatization’ are described as cultures whose main resources are mediated by technical media. Therefore, everyday life in cultures of mediatization is ‘moulded’ by the media. To understand this challenging media change it is inappropriate to focus on any one single medium like television, the press, mobile phones, the Internet or other forms of digital media. One has to capture the ‘mediatization’ of culture in its entirety. Cultures of Mediatization outlines how this can be done critically. In so doing, it offers a new way of thinking about our present-day media-saturated world.