
Introduced by Christopher Harvie.
Set against the religious struggles of seventeenth-century Scotland, with Montrose for the king against a convenanted kirk, John Buchan’s Witch Wood is a gripping atmospheric tale in the spirit of Stevenson and Neil Munro.
As a moderate Presbyterian minister, young David Sempill disputes with the extremists of his faith. All around, the defeated remnants of Montrose’s men are being harried and slaughtered by the faithful, and Sempill’s plea for compassion, like his love for the beautiful Katrine Yester, is out of joint with the times.
There are still older conflicts to be faced however, symbolised by the presence of the Melanudrigill Wood, a last remnant of the ancient Caledonian forest. Here there is black magic to be uncovered, but also the more positive pre-Christian intimations of nature worship.
In such setting, and faced with the onset of the plague, David Sempill’s struggle and eventual disappearance take on a strange and timeless aspect in what was John Buchan’s own favourite among his many novels.
‘Set in the Borders which he knew so well, this story of 17th-century Scotland shows the qualities which have enabled Buchan’s thrillers to last so well, and which still persuade serious readers to regard him more highly than many apparently more ambitious novelists.’ Independent


Introduced by Christopher Harvie.
Sir Edward Leithen, lawyer, politician, sportsman and occasional philosopher, was probably the most autobiographical of John Buchan’s heroes. This collection of four novels, written over a span of thirty years, shows Leithen/Buchan in all his moods – from the urban menace of The Power House in which ‘the thin line between civilisation and barbarism’ runs through London’s West End; to the Highland exhilaration of John Macnab; the twists and turns of The Dancing Floor; and Sick Heart River, where Leithen meets death and redemption in the wastes of Canada.
Buchan’s learning and practical experience took him far beyond the range of the ‘clubland hero’ and these tales lead us to the heart of one of Scotland’s most fascinating and enigmatic writers.
‘John Buchan was the first to realise the enormous dramatic value of adventure in familiar surroundings happening to unadventurous men.’ Graham Greene


This comprehensive eBook presents the complete works or all the significant works – the Œuvre – of this famous and brilliant writer in one ebook – 5899 pages easy-to-read and easy-to-navigate: • The Thirty-Nine Steps • Greenmantle • The World's Greatest Books • Mr. Standfast • Prester John • Poems of American Patriotism • HuntingtowerJohn Buchan • The Path of the King • My First Book:Various • The Half-Hearted • The Moon Endureth: Tales and Fancies • Salute to Adventurers • Sir Quixote of the Moors • John Burnet of Barns: A Romance • Greenmantle • The African Colony: Studies in the Reconstruction


Greenmantle, by John Buchan, is actually based on a remarkable, if little-known, aspect of German propaganda during World War I. It involved Kaiser Wilhelm declaring himself a convert to Islam, a leader of jihad, as a tactic for winning the support of the Muslim territories under British control and thus fomenting an anti-British revolution. <p> Richard Hannay, Buchans intrepid hero from The Thirty-Nine Steps, is the man entrusted to stop this plan from being carried out, and his adventure takes him from London, to Holland and Turkey and finally to the Russian border for a spectacular climax. <p> This racy, lively, energetic novel is best appreciated as an excellent work of light literature. <p> The conclusion is an undeniably exciting confrontation, including the charge of Cossack cavalry, as Hannay engages in the final showdown between the two German villains, the gross Stumm and the evil beauty, Hilda von Einem.


An effortless adventure classic that spans the void between dime shocker and quality literature. The rapid elaboration of the plot, that is so well known that it has passed many images into popular conciousness, is still satisfying after many reads. <p> Richard Hannay returned to England, after making his fortune in South Africa, he is unwillingly ensnared in a tortured plot to assassinate Karolides the Greek premier and so plunge Europe into war. Scudder, an American journalist turned spy has coded information relating to the plot but is murdered in Hannays luxurious flat before he can pass on the code. Hannay, with all fingers pointing to him as the murderer escapes by Scottish express and with Scudders coded notebook. <p> Decamping from the train in the Sottish lowlands ( the Forth Bridge escape from the train was created with the 1935 Hitchcock film adaptation ) he is pursued across hill and dale by the police and the enemy agents intent on seizeing the notebook. In his flight he holes up in a remote wayside inn with a literary inn keeper, who can quote Kipling. <p> It is here that he masters the code and learns Scudders secrets. From then on its a race to get to London and notify the authorities. One of the brilliant scenes on the way, concerns Hannay posing as road mender to evade his pursuers. To do this, Hannay explains how you must become one with the environment youre using as a cover; one of Buchanss favourite ploys and one employed in many of his novels. Hannay exchanges pursued for pursuer and tracks the agents to their escape channel and ultimately the title of the book is explained. <p> Every reading of this splendid and timeless novel reveals further delights that may have been missed before and even well remembered scenes take on a fresh vividness and charm. <p> All this praise may seem fulsome but after experiencing The Thirty Nine Steps you too will be won over.


Follows 39 Steps and Greenmantle libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!


The Thirty-Nine Steps by John Buchan libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!


The Path of the King by John Buchan libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!

