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Jennifer Crusie
Список книг автора Jennifer CrusieАннотация
Tess Newhart knows her ex-boyfriend Nick Jamieson isn't the right guy for her. He's caviar and champagne she's take-out Chinese pot stickers. He's an uptight Republican lawyer she was raised in a commune. He wants to get ahead in business she just wants… him . But there's no way Tess will play second fiddle to his job.Yet somehow she finds herself agreeing to play his fiancée on a weekend business trip that could make or break Nick's career. And while he's trying to convince Tess that he needs her in his respectable world, Tess is doing her best to keep her opinions to herself and her hands off Nick.
Part basset, part beagle, all Cupid…For Nina Askew, turning forty means freedom—from the ex-husband, freedom from their stuffy suburban home, freedom to focus on what she wants for a change. And what she wants is something her ex always vetoed—a puppy. A bouncy, adorable puppy.Instead she gets…Fred.Overweight, middle-aged, a bit smelly and obviously depressed, Fred is light-years from perky. But he does manage to put Nina in the path of Alex Moore, her gorgeous, younger-by-a-decade neighbor.Alex seems perfect—he's a sexy, seemingly sane, surprisingly single E.R. doctor—but the age gap convinces Nina that anyone but Alex would be better relationship material. But with every silver-haired stiff she dates, the more she suspects it's the young, dog-loving doc she wants to sit and stay!
Dumped by her boyfriend and demoted from WBBB's prime-time spot, radio producer Allie McGuffey has nowhere to go but up.She plans to make her comeback by turning temporary DJ Charlie Tenniel into a household name. And if he's willing to help cure her breakup blues with a rebound fling, that's an added bonus. Charlie just wants to kick back, play good tunes and eat Chinese food. He's not interested in becoming famous. But he is interested in Allie. And after all, what harm is a little chemistry between friends?But suddenly their one-night stand has become a four-week addiction. Night after night on the airwaves, his voice seduces herand all the other women in town. He's a hit. It looks as if Charlie's solved all Allie's problemsexcept one. What is she going to do when he leaves?
In the fall of 2000, “Gilmore Girls” premiered on the WB and viewers were introduced to the quirky world of Stars Hollow and the Gilmores who had made it their home, mother-daughter best friends Lorelai and Rory Gilmore. With the show in its seventh season on the fledgling CW, Coffee at Luke's is the perfect look at what has made the show such a clever, beloved part of the television landscape for so long.What are the risks of having your mother be your best friend? How is “Gilmore Girls” anti-family, at least in the traditional sense? What’s a male viewer to do when he finds both mother and daughter attractive? And how is creator Amy Sherman-Palladino like Emily Gilmore? From the show’s class consciousness to the way the characters are shaped by the books they read, the music they listen to and the movies they watch, Coffee at Luke's looks at the sometimes hilarious, sometimes heartbreaking underpinnings of smart viewer’s Tuesday night television staple, and takes them further into Stars Hollow than they’ve ever been before.
Tess Newhart teab, et tema endine kallim Nick Jamieson pole tema jaoks see õige.Mees on nagu kaaviar ja šampanja, Tess Hiina kiirtoit ja pelmeenid. Nick on kõrk vabariiklasest advokaat, Tess kasvas kommuunis ja peab Tuhkatriinu-lugu poliitiliselt ebakorrektseks. Mees tahab karjääriredelil edeneda, Tess tahab… temaga suhet edendada – aga mitte karjäärihimulise Nickiga, vaid hooliva ja lõõgastunud Nickiga. Nick tahab teda ka, aga Tess ei kavatse mängida teist viiulit tema kinnismõtteis. Ometi avastab naine, et on nõus teesklema Nicki kihlatut nädalavahetuse tööreisil, mis võib mehe karjääri jaoks otsustavaks saada…
Keskkooli füüsikaõpetaja Lucy Savage saab viimaks ometi lahti Bradleyst – ja mehe jubedast rohelisest lamamistoolist. Tegelikult on muruplats täis Lucy truudusetu eksabikaasa asju. Sest kuigi Bradley jättis lahutuskohtusse tulemata, on mees Lucy elust igaveseks läinud. Vähemalt arvab ta ise nii. Kui õde viib Lucy lõunasöögile vallalisepõlve tähistama, äratab nende jutt Bradley-nimelisest kasutust täist politseiniku tähelepanu, kes tahab sedasama Bradleyt raha kõrvaldamise eest vahistada.
Uurija Zack Warren usub, et kena Lucy võib viia ta otse eesmärgile. Kui keegi Lucyt tulistab ja siis tema auto õhku laseb, nõuab Zack, et naine vajab ööpäevaringset kaitset. Mille tarvis on siis naisel kolm koera ja kiskjakass? Kuid mees nõuab õigust kolida Lucy majja… Nüüd luusib oht Lucy maja juures ja isegi tema köögis, vannitoas – ja magamistoas. Või on Zack, kes näeb oma sassis tumedate juuste ja musta nahktagiga välja nagu paharet, tegelikult hea ning just see, keda Lucy vajab.