
"As a Man Thinketh" has long since been regarded as a classic. This short accessible work elucidates the power of positive thinking. As James Allen writes, «As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.» This idea is central to the work and asserts the fact that the impetus to all good things in one's life begins and ends with the belief that good things can and will happen. Millions of people have discovered the powerful but simple wisdom of James Allen and have used it to change their outlook on life. Also contained within this volume are two other classic works by James Allen, «Above Life's Turmoil» and «Byways of Blessedness.» Begin your journey of self-improvement by putting to work the philosophies within this volume. The power of positive thinking has the potential to truly change one's life. Before one can make the changes in one's life that will lead to the happiness that one deserves there must exist the belief that those changes can and will happen. This is the power of the philosophy of James Allen. Experience it for yourself with this volume of James Allen's classic works.


“As a Man Thinketh” has long since been regarded as a classic of the New Thought movement. This short accessible work elucidates the power of positive thinking. James Allen writes, “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” This idea is central to the work and asserts the fact that the impetus to all good things in one’s life begins and ends with the belief that good things can and will happen. Millions of people have discovered the powerful but simple wisdom of James Allen and have used it to change their outlook on life. James Allen writes in his preface to this work, “This little volume (the result of meditation and experience) is not intended as an exhaustive treatise on the much-written-upon subject of the power of thought. It is suggestive rather than explanatory, its object being to stimulate men and women to the discovery and perception of the truth that—‘They themselves are makers of themselves,’ by virtue of the thoughts, which they choose and encourage; that mind is the master-weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance, and that, as they may have hitherto woven in ignorance and pain they may now weave in enlightenment and happiness.


"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." With that simple but profound philosophy — and the right application of thought — you can overcome obstacles, reach goals, improve health, and achieve serenity.Since its initial publication a century ago, millions around the world have responded to James Allen's powerful message of positive thinking and have used it to achieve their maximum potential.Included in this edition are Allen's insightful Morning and Evening Thoughts, a collection of beautiful daily meditations that feed the mind and soul.


James Allen may truly be called the Prophet of Meditation. In an age of strife, hurry, religious controversy, heated arguments, ritual and ceremony, he came with his message of Meditation, calling men away from the din and strife of tongues into the peaceful paths of stillness within their own souls. James Allen was the author of the best selling As a Man Thinketh. His writings had a deep influence of the current crop of self help books. This devotional will guide you through a year that will change your life forever. Unlock the power of positive thinking in your life.


In creating one of the first and most successful examples of the inspirational self-help book, James Allen was motivated by his own hard experience to show how our mental attitude has profound control over our lives and how we experience the world. More than that, he shows how, in mastering how we think, we can master our place in the world. [i]As a Man Thinketh first appeared in 1903 and draws its title from the Bible (Prov. 23: 7) “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Written to be accessible to all, the author persuasively describes how readers need to take responsibility for their thoughts as well as their actions, and that how a person thinks literally shapes their life path. In improving our thoughts, we can improve our lives. With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of As a Man Thinketh is both modern and readable.


James Allen, author of «As a Man Thinketh» and other classics of inspiration, returns with From Passion to Peace, his thoughts on personal fulfillment. This edition adds a new introduction and a selected bibliography. The first three parts of this book, Passion, Aspiration, and Temptation, represent the common human life, with its passion, pathos, and tragedy. The last three parts, Transcendence, Beatitude, and Peace, represents the Divine Life—calm, wise and beautiful—of the sage and Savior. The middle part, Transmutation, is the transitional stage between the two; it is the alchemic process linking the divine with the human life. Discipline, denial, and renunciation do not constitute the Divine State; they are only the means by which it is attained. The Divine Life is established in that Perfect Knowledge which bestows Perfect Peace.



«Як людина мислить» – ця невелика за обсягом книга Джеймса Аллена стала наріжним каменем усієї подальшої великої і наростаючої частини нон-фікшн: «мотиваційної літератури», книг із саморозвитку людини. З 1902 року, коли була опублікована «Як людина мислить» («Людина мисляча»), вона вважається класичною і основоположною книгою з саморозвитку. Основна ідея книги така, що думки формують людську особистість: благородні думки створюють шляхетну людину, ганебні думки роблять людину ницою. Переклад з англійської Юлії Шматько.


«Как человек мыслит» – эта небольшая по объему книга Джеймса Аллена стала краеугольным камнем всей последующей обширной и все разрастающейся «мотивационной литературы» – книг по саморазвитию человека. С 1902 года, когда она была опубликована, «Как человек мыслит» («Человек мыслящий») считается классической и основоположной книгой по саморазвитию. Основная идея книги такова, что мысли формируют человека: благородные мысли создают благородного человека, низкие мысли делают человека низким. Перевод с английского Юлии Шматько.


These are James Allen’s thoughts on personal fulfillment. The first three parts of this book, Passion, Aspiration, and Temptation, represent the common human life, with its passion, pathos, and tragedy. The last three parts, Transcendence, Beatitude, and Peace, represents the Divine Life-calm, wise and beautiful-of the sage and Savior. The middle part, Transmutation, is the transitional stage between the two; it is the alchemic process linking the divine with the human life. Discipline, denial, and renunciation do not constitute the Divine State; they are only the means by which it is attained.
“The Divine Life is established in that Perfect Knowledge which bestows Perfect Peace." – James Allen