
108 Haiku by Kobayashi Issa and 108 Paintings by Mark W. McGinnisKobayashi Issa (1763 – 1828) is considered on of the four great masters of Japanese haiku.Mark W. McGinnis (1950 – ) is a painter and writer with over 120 exhibitions and numerous publications.From the introduction by by David G. Lanoue:Who is the Issa that Issa presents in his writing? He's a discoverer of the universe, gratefully attending to the small daily miracles that too many of us, in our rush to be somewhere else, miss. He lives in the here and now with heart and hands open to receive the Buddha's gifts. He shows us a way to live.


Helping a child to develop a sense of awareness may be one of the greatest gifts we can give. Awareness, presence, mindfulness, and stillness are gifts that improve and heighten our quality of life from the first steps to the final breath of life – and maybe beyond. It is a simple gift that is be best taught by frequent examples of awareness – by drawing the child’s attention to their sensory perceptions and allowing them to experience freely.
This book is inspired by the classic story of the Buddha teaching mindfulness to village children using tangerines. The book may be read to the child using the illustrations to convey the experience of the orange, or it may read be to the child as the child observes and handles an actual orange, or it may be recalled to the child the next time the child eats an orange or anything else for that matter. The slow and careful sensory experience encouraged by the book can be adapted to many situations and a child can begin to build the sense of awareness and presence that can be a staple of her or his life.


Mark W. McGinnis – «This journal documents a three week trip to India in 2000. It is a tale of an an arrogant American who believes he can handle whatever he encounters in a distant land. This myth is rapidly dispelled by India. The primary purpose of the trip is to research for a book of Buddhist animal wisdom stories I am planning. I travel part of the Buddhist pilgrimage path and have some of the best and worst experiences of life. The book features my sketches and photography from the trip and a sometimes humorous and sometimes painful narrative of my travels.»


This foundation design book was written over the course of 10 years while teaching at Northern State University in Aberdeen, SD. My incentive for writing this book was not the lack of good design books available. On the contrary, a stimulus was the availability of so many good sources. My intent in the following pages is to bring together the thoughts of many people with my own. It is my hope that I have arranged the basics of design with some clarity and made them accessible to the beginning design student. It has also been my purpose throughout the text to relate the design fundamentals not only to the process of producing art but also to many areas of knowledge outside the visual arts, which are the source of inspiration for the artist and designer. I have written this text in a more personal, first person, manner than is traditional for a textbook approach. This reflects my belief that art and design is a subjective field of human endeavor, even in its basics. I have attempted to write more as an artist than an academic.


Mark W. McGinnis: "This is a group of twenty essays some with 'big' themes such as beauty, death, ego, freedom, and sex. Also included are two reflections on great men – David Bohm, a 20th century quantum physicist, and the19th century poet Walt Whitman. A series of essays in the collection build toward my evolving philosophy that I call 'Naturalism.' Each essay is accompanied by a painting from my "Sentient Landscape' series.


Mark W. McGinnis: «Designs of Faith is a series of 12 large five panel paintings I call quintychs and 12 essays. The subject of both the paintings and essays are the following religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Baha’i, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, the Dreaming Religion of Aboriginal Australia, Hopi Religion, Ifa Divination of the Yoruba of West Africa, and Inuit Spiritualism. The content of the essays focus on the foundation history of the religions and the basic moral and ethical teachings of the faith. The Designs of Faith Project was begun in 1992 and completed in 1998.»


Mark W. McGinnis' approach to Watercolor Sketching. The book discusses materials, design, techniques, content, style, and the sketch.From the conclusion:I wish I had discovered watercolor sketching long ago, but I am thankful I have it now. It has added such a wonderful balance to the “serious†work I do in my studio. I receive great pleasure from sketching and it provides quiet relief from a sometimes too busy life.I firmly believe that watercolor sketching can be pursued on any level of experience and professionalism. From the accomplished artist, to the serious student, to the amateur artist, to the novice, all levels can benefit from the experience.It is my hope that this book can encourage people on a course of sketching that they can build on for a lifetime.


A book of fifteen portraits and fifteen interviews by Mark W. McGinnis. The reader will grow to know elders of various religions in the northern plains of the United States including Christian, Jewish, Unitarian, and traditional American Indian. These everyday but equally exceptional people give viewpoints with wisdom and clarity as they reflect on spirituality, values, joys, sorrows, and hope for the future.