
On War is one of the most important treatises on political-military analysis and strategy ever written, and remains both controversial and influential on strategic thinking. It was written by Prussian general Carl von Clausewitz, after the Napoleonic wars, between 1816 and 1830. Clausewitz had set about revising his accumulated manuscripts, but did not live to finish the task. On War represents his theoretical explorations. Clausewitz analyzed the conflicts of his time along the line of the categories Purpose, Goal and Means. He reasoned that the Purpose of war is one's will to be enforced, which is determined by politics. The Goal of the conflict is therefore to defeat the opponent in order to exact the Purpose. The Goal is pursued with the help of a strategy that might be brought about by various Means such as by the defeat or the elimination of opposing armed forces or by non-military Means (such as propaganda, economic sanctions and political isolation). Thus, any resource of the human body and mind and all the moral and physical powers of a state might serve as Means to achieve the set goal.


Skal baggrunden for krig soges i de sorteste og hemmeligste afkroge af menneskets sjAel? Eller er krig resultatet af en rationel forfolgelse af klart definerede politiske mal? Indblik i menneskers mod, kAekhed, dristighed, frygt, men ogsa moralske krAefter og militAere fornuft er alt sammen vigtige elementer i Carl von Clausewitz' klassiske afhandling Om krig – uden sammenligning den vestlige histories mest indflydelsesrige analyse af krigens vAesen og logik.Den preussiske generalmajor Clausewitz var selv med i krigene mod Napoleon, og hans skelsAettende tanker om militAer teori og praksis har pavirket generationer af statsmAend, intellektuelle, soldater og hellige krigere; Om krig har haft vidt forskellige lAesere som Otto von Bismarck, Karl Marx, Michel Foucault og nogle af vor tids terrorister fra al-Qaeda.I denne nyudgivelse af Clausewitz har Mogens Chrom Jacobsen oversat vAerkets centrale dele. I sin introduktion reflekterer idehistoriker Mikkel Thorup bl.a. over den beromte tese, at krig blot er politikkens fortsAettelse med andre midler, og han viser, at Clausewitz er uomgAengelig, hvis man vil forsta det 21. arhundredes krige i Irak og Afghanistan.


"Vom Kriege" von Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831) ist eines der berühmtesten und berüchtigtsten Sachbücher der Literaturgeschichte. Der preußische Kriegsphilosoph gilt als der europäische Strategielehrmeister. Kaum ein Managerkurs verzichtet heute auf «Vom Kriege», um das strategische Denken von Entscheidern zu schärfen. Mit einem einleitenden Essay von Alexander Schug und allen wichtigen Facts zum Buch sowie sechs talking lines für's intelligente Konversieren von Krieger zu Krieger. 100% Sachbuchklassiker: vollständig, kommentiert, relevant, zitierbar.


On War is one of the most important treatises on political-military analysis and strategy ever written, and remains both controversial and influential on strategic thinking. It was written by Prussian general Carl von Clausewitz, after the Napoleonic wars, between 1816 and 1830. Clausewitz had set about revising his accumulated manuscripts, but did not live to finish the task. On War represents his theoretical explorations. Clausewitz analyzed the conflicts of his time along the line of the categories Purpose, Goal and Means. He reasoned that the Purpose of war is one's will to be enforced, which is determined by politics. The Goal of the conflict is therefore to defeat the opponent in order to exact the Purpose. The Goal is pursued with the help of a strategy that might be brought about by various Means such as by the defeat or the elimination of opposing armed forces or by non-military Means (such as propaganda, economic sanctions and political isolation). Thus, any resource of the human body and mind and all the moral and physical powers of a state might serve as Means to achieve the set goal.





Carl von Clausewitz entered the Prussian military at the age of twelve as a Lance-Corporal and would go on to obtain the rank of Major-General. In «On War», Clausewitz draws upon his experiences fighting in the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars, as well as his military studies at the «Kriegsakademie», or Prussian War Academy, which he would eventually become director of. Clausewitz employs a dialectic approach to military analysis, which leads to frequent modern misinterpretation. «On War», a mainstay of modern military colleges, is a monumental work of military analysis and philosophy, which continues to be studied and interpreted to this day.


Carl von Clausewitz entered the Prussian military at the age of twelve as a Lance-Corporal and would go on to obtain the rank of Major-General. In “On War”, Clausewitz draws upon his experiences fighting in the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars, as well as his military studies at the “Kriegsakademie”, or Prussian War Academy, which he would eventually become director of. Clausewitz employs a dialectical approach to military analysis, which leads to frequent modern misinterpretation. Described as both a realist and a romantic, Clausewitz argued that war could not simply be reduced to the logistics on the ground but rather called for rapid decision making by alert commanders responding to unexpected developments unfolding under the “fog of war”. First published in 1832, “On War” is a mainstay of modern military colleges, a monumental work of military analysis and philosophy, which continues to be studied and interpreted to this day. This edition follows the classic translation of Colonel J. J. Graham.


Succinct edition of the influential work, from its observations on the nature and theory of warfare to its outlines of strategic policies: moral force and military virtues, duration and decision of combat, effects of victory and retreat, tactics of offense and defense, planning, and wartime politics.