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turned out to be a member of the resistance. This was contrary to the laws, since nowhere did it say that communication with a student under suspicion could result in expulsion.

      Arriving home, Chris shared his impressions with his mother. He had heard about such situations more than once, but this was the first time this had happened before his eyes.

      – Mom, I don’t understand what’s going on?! – he said, walking around the room, and even relaxing music this time was not able to have its calming effect. – Gustave was expelled from the university just because he knew one of the rebels, where is the justice? This is arbitrariness and a direct violation of the laws! How is this even possible? Professor Graves was right: you shouldn’t take everything at face value.

      – Chris! “Barbara tried to catch his hand, but her son, as if not noticing her, continued to pace from corner to corner. – Just understand: there are different situations. The ruler cannot control everything, so sometimes violations occur on the ground. Please don’t worry so much! After the elections, your classmate’s case will definitely be sorted out.

      After a pause, Barbara continued:

      “Son, you need to study hard to do well in your final exams.” Each person should try to do his job as best as possible, and then there will be order in Vinland.

      “I understand,” Chris nodded slowly. His mother always told him about personal responsibility. Of course, the ruler thinks about a lot at once and cannot keep track of all the details, but what if there are weaknesses in the system and something is not working correctly. Is it really possible to leave this to fate?

      “Chris, promise you won’t do anything stupid!” – the mother resolutely turned him towards her and looked into his eyes.

      “I promise,” the young man said reluctantly.

      Chris promised to fulfill the request, but he was tormented by doubts. I remembered the professor’s words that absolute truth does not exist, and a person should always be in search of it, questioning and analyzing current events. It turns out that Code 282 turned out to be far from ideal, and neither was the judicial system. Chris wanted to understand his role in life, think about the future of the Continent and understand himself.

      In the depths of his soul, Chris had long understood that everything in Vinland was not as prosperous as shown on the video camera, but he did not want to believe it. There were only a few weeks left before the election of the ruler of the Continent. Although Chris had stopped watching news and political programs, as Mr. Graves had once advised him, he was increasingly hearing about arrests of suspects in connection with the insurgency. Are all these people really guilty?

      It was time for final exams, but the main event was the upcoming election of the head of Vinland. Everything was going smoothly until, shortly before election day, something happened that guards across the Continent had been warning about for the past few weeks. According to the main channels, the rebels, using chemical weapons, attacked one of the areas adjacent to the mainland. Dozens of people were poisoned. The ruler, wearing special clothes, immediately went to support the citizens and help eliminate the consequences of the attack. Addressing the residents of Vinland through the screens, he promised to continue the fight against the rebels to the bitter end and to prevent the threat of attack in the future. This act rallied the common people around the ruler and raised his rating to the desired 90 percent.

      Arrests continued before the elections. The strangest thing is that one day Professor Graves disappeared without a trace. Chris tried to make inquiries about him, but no one really knew anything. Someone said that the professor was ill, someone insisted that he had gone on vacation, as if such a thing was even possible during exams, the boldest hinted at an arrest, and this, in Chris’s opinion, was most likely to be true. What will be next?

      The fight against the rebels did not stop for a minute. The authorities continued to introduce the best agents into their ranks, but most often unsuccessfully, they were exposed. The guards needed new faces, those who could join the rebels and not arouse much suspicion. They will also help identify members of the resistance among university students. The interview took place with dozens of the best students, and one day Chris was called to the Office and offered him cooperation.

      “Both the professors and the students respect you,” the man with unpleasant, prickly eyes told Chris, “why don’t you talk to your friends, ask them about what they think about the current government.” I assure you that no one will even think that you work for us.

      – Are you asking me to spy?! – Chris jumped up on a hard chair with a high straight back, which seemed created specifically to make office visitors uncomfortable.

      – Well, why do that? – the man smiled, but his watery-gray eyes continued to remain prickly and cold. – You know how difficult the situation is now. The rebels are ready to sacrifice the lives of thousands of people to please their ambitions. The ruler will need the help and assistance of every honest citizen of Vinland. Are you an honest citizen?

      “Yes,” Chris was confused. – But I have to refuse you! This contradicts my life principles. I do not want and will not spy.

      “Don’t rush,” the man with prickly eyes looked down at the screen of the tablet lying in front of him. – You have brilliant opportunities. You can build a dizzying career. Of course, if you establish yourself as a reliable and loyal citizen. Don’t rush to answer – you still have time to think. Make your decision very carefully.

      Leaving the office, Chris had only one thing on his mind: he needed to pass his final exams and leave. The time has come to leave the capital. He does not need any career if it is built on lies and injustice. It’s better to go to one of the infected areas, for example Attica, immediately after the exams. All he wanted was to remain true to himself and do his job well.

      * * *

      – Well? – Holofernes looked hard at the visitor. – Elections are next Wednesday, and I have just one question for you: where is the list? Why can’t you find it?

      The middle-aged man who appeared on the carpet shifted awkwardly from foot to foot and looked so guilty that, in general, no explanation was required.

      “We searched everything thoroughly.” Our best people are working on this matter…” he muttered. – We already…

      But the Supreme Guardian raised his hand, interrupting the flow of speech.

      “You’ve already made a mistake, you’ve overdone it with the old man, and now he won’t tell you anything.” The list can be anywhere. What if the old man passed this information on to someone underground?

      – This is impossible! Moreover, the rebels would have already used it! – the visitor looked ingratiatingly into the eyes of the owner of the office. “I promise you, High Guardian, we will sort everything out.”

      “Of course,” he grinned. “You always sort things out.” Yes, the move with the chemical attack was not bad at all, but now that we have won the sympathy of the majority, the stakes have risen. The elections must take place without the slightest incident. If this damn list pops up anywhere, heads will roll. And you know whose heads will suffer first.

      The visitor hunched over. It seems that now he wanted to hide on the floor and become as inconspicuous as possible. Perhaps disappear into thin air. Anything.

      – Go and prepare very carefully for your next visit. “I don’t like bad news,” said Holofernes. He was burning with anger. Idiots! Honestly, idiots! We went too far with the professor – and here we are. How now to make a report to the ruler, who, of course, will ask what’s going on with this damn list.

      It seems that the problem has ceased to be small and has acquired alarming proportions.

      * * *

      As planned, elections in Vinland took place on the 27th anniversary

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