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need to continue to escalate the situation with the meteorite approaching Earth. We will prepare the people for the fact that in order to protect the Continent in your third term, it will be necessary to increase defense spending and launch into orbit a new satellite that will allow monitoring the approach of dangerous objects to the earth.

      – Are the people reacting correctly to this threat from space, have you read everything? – the ruler asked thoughtfully.

      “According to your instructions, we took a small meteorite heading towards Vinland and increased its volume thousands of times. Every day we demonstrate photographs of a meteorite taken with the latest telescope, its approach to the Earth and talk about the consequences of the collision, which should occur in 5—6 years. People are keeping a close eye on this albeit distant threat. A few years ago, we launched a special show, “Apollo’s Arrow,” in which professional pilots wearing virtual reality helmets demonstrate their skills in fighting this cosmic body.

      After thinking for a moment, the Minister of Information added:

      “But I believe that, in addition to the hypothetical threat from space, closer to the elections it is worth creating an additional event, a provocation that will rally people around you with greater force. What happened must be blamed on one of the candidates or, better yet, on the rebels. It is necessary to continue to press them, forcing them to make mistakes. I am convinced that Holofernes has agents who can organize an attack on behalf of the resistance.

      The ruler and the minister of information turned their gaze to Holofernes. Collecting his thoughts, he said:

      “Grand Master, I just wanted to report on the upcoming operation to capture a group of rebels consisting of four people. We are listening to their conversations, and according to the information we have, they are planning to invade the live broadcast of the Apollo’s Arrow show again today. A special squad of guards is monitoring all exits from the building around the clock in the hope of capturing one of their leaders, Frank Tierney, but he has not yet appeared in that apartment.

      – Did you manage to find out who exactly invaded the show last weekend? – the ruler asked.

      Seeing in what happened his omission as the head of the guards of the Continent, Holofernes replied with annoyance:

      “This attack was not like the previous ones, which we repelled with ease.” Obviously, a professional or group acted and used very expensive equipment. It has not yet been possible to find out who exactly carried out this invasion. As for the group we discovered, they use conventional technology, we can easily prevent the attack.

      After listening to Holofernes, Benedict entered the conversation:

      “I think it is necessary to capture those rebels immediately so that they do not have even the slightest opportunity to get into the airwaves.” In the report we will show the negotiations of the rebels and the equipment seized in the apartment, thereby demonstrating the determination of the master. If they manage to invade the airwaves for the second show in a row, the people may view this as a weakness of the ruler. Over the past week, we have made a lot of effort to portray the rebels who carried out that attack as a bunch of robbers, ready to do anything, even capable of interrupting a popular show for the sake of their own selfish goals. It will be more difficult to do this the second time.

      After thinking a little, Holofernes decided to propose a more radical option:

      “We have received intelligence information that the group of Zelot, the second leader of the rebels, is preparing a provocation before the elections. There is our agent in his circle. He can push the resistance to an action that will expose them as robbers and the master as a savior.

      – Wonderful, Holofernes! – Benedict approved. “We need actions that will cause people’s rejection of the rebels and even greater sympathy for the master, which will rally them around his figure!” On the eve of the elections, we will push these robbers to the most radical actions: a chemical attack or an assassination attempt on the ruler, perhaps combining both scenarios for greater effect. The main thing is that this does not threaten the master personally and does not cause him physical harm.

      – The safety of the ruler is above all! – said the chief guard.

      Looking at his watch, the Minister of Information said:

      – Grand Master, it’s time for the “Apollo’s Arrow” show, and in three hours there will be our live broadcast. It’s time to start the election campaign. Maybe you should collect your thoughts and rest? And I will go to the studio and personally make sure that all the preparations are completed.

      Having thanked Benedict, the master listened to Holofernes’ report about the secret expedition that had returned from the contaminated area, which finally managed to find top-secret information about “Project A129” in one of the caves located high in the mountains. The special headquarters of the space agency was evacuated to that same cave shortly before the disaster.

      * * *

      Despite the fact that the broadcast was interrupted by a rebel attack last weekend, interest in the show continued and ratings broke new records. The ticker announced that at the end of the show the head of the Continent would address the people. The guards monitored all suspicious hacker attacks on the television center and, taking into account previous mistakes, easily stopped all attempts to interfere. As soon as the speech of the Head of the Continent was announced, people clung to the screens.

      The Taffer family also looked forward to Demian Roskhald’s speech, hoping that he would listen to the requests of the people, as well as the senators, and agree to run for a third term. Mother and son were sincerely concerned about the situation. It’s bad if Vinland is a mess. After the unprecedented incident, it became clear that urgent and tough measures were needed. Only Demian Roskhald, who had been at the helm of the Continent for many years, could cope with the situation. The main thing is that he does not refuse to run for a third term.

      Most of the people in Vinland thought the same thing. As they say, you don’t change horses in midstream, much less rulers.

      The performance has begun.

      The expectations of the residents of Vinland were rewarded: Demian Roskhald nevertheless agreed to run for a third term and continue working for the benefit of Vinland. He explained the decision by saying that many ordinary citizens, seeing a significant improvement in life after the terrible disaster of 2046, urgently asked him to stay. He assured that he would continue to work hard for the prosperity and greatness of the Continent.

      The first slide shown on air showed a graph of economic growth and the standard of living of citizens during the reign of Mr. Roskhald. The second showed the growth of wages and pensions, although not particularly high. The head of Vinland promised to create more jobs, increase pensions and continue to work to improve the living conditions of ordinary people.

      At the end of his speech, Demian Roskhald decided to touch upon the topic of the Continental Code, interference in which worried a certain part of society. Looking confidently into the camera, the ruler promised that, despite the calls of his supporters, he is not going to make any changes to the laws prescribed in Artificial Intelligence.

      Demian Roskhald ended his speech with the words:

      – According to the laws prescribed in our “Code”, the head of the Continent must receive a mandate from the people. Citizens of Vinland, I ask your permission for a third cadence to continue moving forward. Once upon a time, you entrusted me with a continent destroyed by a terrible catastrophe. After much effort, we were able to restore socio-political life and law to parts of Vinland. We have a lot of work ahead of us in the surrounding areas. Therefore, I hope for your support and am confident that I can justify your trust.

      The Taffer family considered the ruler’s speech sincere and convincing. Mother and son, like most of the inhabitants

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