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invention would save the world from the dictates of central banks and large financial corporations.

      The professor thought for a moment and walked back and forth across the department again, after which he continued:

      – I read many books, articles and declassified materials on this topic. As has happened more than once throughout history, blockchain technology, one might say, appeared by accident, that is, they were looking for one thing and found something completely different. It, like the Internet or Wi-Fi, was developed by the military. Initially, this technology was supposed to serve as an unhindered financing of the opposition in countries with dictatorial regimes, bypassing the authorities. But seeing its potential and rapid spread, they decided to expand the scope of cryptocurrencies, that is, to raise money for the hidden financing of military space projects, both public and private. In order for the development to arouse widespread interest and not be associated with any country, it was decided to declare it to be the creator of the mythical Satoshi Nakamoto. Articles and reports about Bitcoin, created in 2008 and launched in early 2009, began to appear on the Internet and the media. It was hailed as an instrument of freedom for all people, the main advantage of which, in addition to the speed of transfers and anonymity, was the complete decentralization of the system.

      Many enthusiasts saw new technologies as an alternative to a centralized banking system controlled by a group of people. As stated in the declassified documents, the developers themselves did not expect the ensuing effect. Then all that remained was to watch as the flame fanned out from the spark. Quotes went up, attracting the attention of new investors. The media reported day after day how Bitcoin broke a new milestone, rising another 200% in a few months, while income from bank deposits and other financial instruments could not even cover inflation. Then people did not understand that Pandora’s box had been opened, and the old world order had come to an end. Over time, all savings of citizens, funds from mutual investment and non-state pension funds were invested in cryptocurrency.

      Economists warned about the consequences of the bursting of the bubble, but no one was willing to listen. Leaders of various faiths also spoke out about the risks of investing in cryptocurrency, claiming that its purchase was contrary to religious norms, and even scared of hell, but the thirst for profit was above all. This time is commonly called the Great Fever, because by 2029, twenty years after the creation of Bitcoin, almost the entire population of the planet was involved in this process. Attempts by state leaders, financiers and religious figures to reason with the people were in vain. At one point, the market collapsed, and this led to the fact that countries were unable to provide citizens with conditions for even the most modest existence. Famine came, which was personified by that very rider on a black horse. The rulers had a choice: to be overthrown and torn to pieces by the crowd or to voluntarily join the superpower.

      Seeing his hand raised, Mr. Graves allowed the student to ask a question:

      – Professor, didn’t the heads of state really have any other tools besides persuasion to stop this process?

      – Of course, the authorities of many countries tried to regulate legislation, warning about the risks that these technologies pose, and even prohibited investments in cryptocurrencies, but people circumvented all the restrictions. The clergy of all faiths without exception sided with the government. Some of them called Bitcoin the electronic Antichrist – and in some ways they were right. But the warnings of state leaders, religious denominations and prominent economists could not keep the people from temptation. In a word, people again fell under the power of the golden calf. The soul, as they used to say, and the thirst for profit were put on the scales. It was the fear of missing out that motivated people. This is not reprehensible, but when the thirst for profit passes a certain threshold, overshadowing the mind, a person begins to act emotionally. He struggles to jump into the last car, not realizing that the train is heading into a cliff.

      There were still ten minutes left before the end of the lecture, and the professor wanted to move on to students’ questions about the material covered, when suddenly a special signal sounded. At the university, it was turned on only in emergency cases, when it was necessary to gather everyone in the courtyard. As soon as the sound of the siren died down, an electronic voice was heard from the loudspeaker and at the same time, each of the students received an SMS notification: “All students from level one to four to report for scanning.” The professor announced that the lecture was over.

      The sounds of the siren grew louder, urging the last of the students to leave the building. The audience quickly emptied. The professor looked out of the window and saw a Continental Guard van with a line lined up. Drones circled above the crowd as a voice over the loudspeaker continued to urge students to report immediately for their scans. The first group of drones made sure that no one left the university, and the second group scanned the retina of the eyes from a distance, identifying the person.

      The professor walked away from the window and heard the voice of student Chris Taffer, who was slowly taking last notes about the lecture:

      – Mr. Graves, excuse me, can I ask you one more quick question?

      – Yes, I’m listening.

      “I tried to look for the answer to it in library books and the continental network, but most of the information is missing. They say it was erased by the rebels. I am extremely interested in the process of the birth and development of the first cryptocurrency, and I am thinking of writing a thesis on this topic. – After a short pause, the student continued: “You said that enthusiasts were attracted by the revolutionary technology, but for the first ten years, few people paid with cryptocurrencies, that is, used them for their intended purpose, people bought them only for investment purposes.”

      – Yes, back then the throughput of the Bitcoin network was low, and transaction fees were significant, and this made the system unsuitable for daily use. Therefore, investing in cryptocurrencies has become largely speculative. Each buyer hoped that new investors would come to the market and buy coins from them at a higher cost.

      – It turns out that people didn’t even study this technology and didn’t know its ultimate purpose… I’m talking about its payment advantages: speed, anonymity, decentralization… It turns out that they didn’t even suspect that Bitcoin was originally conceived by the intelligence services as a tool of global control?

      After pausing briefly to remember certain dates, the professor calmly replied:

      – As you know, the first block was generated at the beginning of 2009, and Bitcoin was accepted by the general public only in 2013. Many thought that this was the invention of a lone genius, but those who carefully familiarized themselves with the principle of operation of the system understood that a group of highly qualified cryptographers and mathematicians was working on the project. As you know, the main place of employment for specialists of this level is the government or intelligence agencies.

      Looking at his watch, the professor continued:

      – The arms race required colossal funds. Due to a lack of funding, the launch of many projects related to space exploration had to be postponed, but the heads of the superpowers understood: whoever owns space will own the world. From declassified documents, it became clear that, on behalf of the government, in 2007, the intelligence services created a unit in which the best cryptographers and mathematicians were looking for an effective solution for financing expensive space programs. There, dozens of projects were developed in parallel. Most of them were launched with failure or minor success, but the Blockchain project, which created Bitcoin, showed amazing results. A decision was made to expand the division. Cryptographers and mathematicians who worked on the project were assigned to a special department, which was joined by the best marketers at the final stage. This is how the first cryptocurrency was born. People who wanted to get rich were not particularly interested in what goals were pursued. It was a process that neither reason, nor authorities, nor religion could stop. As blockchain and quantum technologies developed, the Apocalypse and the imminent arrival of the Messiah, who

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