
The events in the book take place in 27 AD. (2073 according to the old calendar). To avoid monopolization of power, the ruler of Vinland was controlled by Artificial Intelligence. He served on the Continent as an arbitrator and guardian of 282 laws, which were also called the Code.This system was designed to protect citizens from dictatorship, preventing the concentration of power in one hand.The book was translated into English using Google Translator.


The book tells the story of Julie Watson, an actress at the Windsor Drama Theatre. In November, she buys three paintings dated 1929, 1932 and 1939. Trying to make sense of the paintings, Julie becomes increasingly immersed in the past.Before her mind’s eye passes the great love of the author of these canvases and the monstrous pogroms that went down in history as the Night of Broken Glass, which became the trigger of the Holocaust…The book was translated into English using Google Translator.


Horus and Set were mortal enemies who embodied the timeless struggle between good and evil.When Set killed Osiris and became the supreme ruler of Egypt, he raised taxes, and the lives of ordinary Egyptians became unbearably difficult. Horus, the grown son of Osiris and Isis, brought his claim to the throne to the Council. The Council ruled in favor of Set, but Horus had no intention of accepting this decision, and so the two became embroiled for years in their struggle for the Egyptian throne.


This book draws the reader’s attention to the story of high love that existed between Rabbi Akiva and Rachel as described in the Talmud. Thanks to his wife Rachel, Akiva went from being an illiterate shepherd to becoming one of the greatest wise-men in Jewish history. This story took place approximately two thousand years ago and since then has been passed from generation to generation as an example of the idea of high love in a relationship between a man and a woman.


The book «Akiva the Shepherd» is about a man who worked his way up from a simple shepherd to a great sage. Akiva spent his youth as a shepherd for Kalba Savua, a wealthy citizen of Jerusalem, who had a very beautiful daughter, Rachel. Akiva fell in love with the girl and promised her if she had married him he would have started learning. Akiva kept his promise. Аt the age of forty, he started his studies despite hardship and mockery, eventually becoming one of the greatest sage in history.