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Only he can pacify these robbers,” the woman sighed.

      “The fight against the rebels continues every day. Today they even carried out checks at the university to identify the conspirators. Prohibited literature was found on one student’s computer. He is suspected to be linked to the resistance. I’m sure this is a misunderstanding. Surely he just downloaded some book about the revolutions of the past from a forbidden source, and soon everything will become clear. Sometimes I am tempted to download a book from a pirated site, but I try to obtain knowledge only from licensed sources and am sure that there is enough information about everything there.

      – Son, you need to think about your career and communicate less with students who have violated the ban and read books that have not been licensed by the Ministry of Education. And please, put thoughts of exploring new areas, rebels out of your head, and rather focus on your studies – it’s your senior year. In your position, you will bring much more benefit to the Continent – there is now an acute shortage of specialists. – Looking at a childhood photo of Chris near the big screen, she continued: “You are the first generation after that terrible tragedy that occurred 26 years ago, and you must do everything for the prosperity of Vinland and maintain the power of the rightful ruler.” They used to like to say: everyone should be useful in their place, try to follow this. A brilliant career awaits you.

      When the host announced the start of the third round, the Taffers once again immersed themselves in the atmosphere of the show.

      The game ended in victory for Rick Fleming’s team, which mother and son were very happy about.

      There was another version of the show “Apollo’s Arrows”, the so-called night one. In it, the battle took place entirely in the real world, and often state criminals or the same rebels found themselves in the arena. They fought with professionals for the opportunity to receive a pardon. Chris was not too sympathetic to them, since he recognized the right of the state to punish the guilty, but still did not like the night version of Apollo’s Arrow. Cruelty, even forced, did not attract him.

      Immediately after the end of the show, the speech of the head of Vinland was announced. People from all over the Continent were waiting for this speech. For several months now, intrigue has persisted: will the ruler agree to run for a third term, as numerous voters asked him to do, or will he propose a successor in his place who will compete for this post. Chris and his mother were also looking forward to the performance. The woman didn’t even go to boil water for tea, for fear of missing the beginning. The Taffers were supporters of the ruler and were going to give him their votes.

      “At work all week they were just discussing whether Mr. Roskhald would agree to run for a third term or not.” “I wish he’d make up his mind as soon as possible, we’re already so used to him,” Barbara sighed.

      “And Professor Graves says that they have already decided everything a long time ago and are just waiting for the right moment to announce the nomination.”

      “This professor of yours knows everything,” the mother grinned. – The Supreme Ruler will go for a third term if he is confident that he can do something useful for Vinland and its citizens, which is why he thinks about it, and does not deliberately pause.

      Despite the fact that last weekend during the broadcast there was interference on the air and the show was interrupted for several minutes, interest in the program did not fade, and the ratings broke new records… As soon as the speech of the head of the Continent was announced, people clung to the screens.

      – Citizens of the Continent! I am proud to welcome you on the eve of new elections. “I thank you for the trust that you have placed in me all these years, and it is absolutely clear…” the ruler began solemnly, but then the image suddenly trembled, rippled and changed.

      Instead of a traditional office with a huge flag of the Continent, a dimly lit room with bare gray walls appeared on the entire wall, and instead of a ruler, a man in a mask appeared before the audience.

      “Citizens of Vinland, isn’t it clear to you that elections are just another government show?” We are being deceived, we are being manipulated!..’ the stranger said hotly. ‘I call on all concerned residents of the Continent to join the rebel movement and put an end to this government. We must not succumb to government manipulation! Go out and declare…

      Then the image flickered again and disappeared.

      – What is it?! – Barbara jumped up in fear. – How did these robbers even manage to break into the airwaves?

      Chris shrugged. He didn’t know the answer to this question. The only thing that became clear: these same rebels had good opportunities. It is not surprising that the government has been unable to deal with them for so long.

      This time the broadcast was interrupted for several hours, and the ruler’s speech was postponed indefinitely. Chris, returning to the room, continued reading another historical novel, and Barbara finished her tea and thought about what to cook for her son for breakfast.

      * * *

      The man sitting at the table raised his head and looked at the visitor with a hard look, from which the broad-shouldered man who entered seemed to shrink.

      In this office – quite large, but furnished extremely minimally: a long table, several chairs with high straight backs, the only decorations were a large portrait of the ruler located above the chair of the owner of the office – as if there was an eternal draft. Everyone who entered felt uncomfortable and exhaled with relief only when they again found themselves on the other side of the massive mahogany door.

      “And don’t say that you haven’t sorted out this small matter yet,” said the owner of the office, staring at the visitor with watery-gray eyes.

      – We’re on the trail. Our agent, embedded in the rebel camp, reported that the list was in the possession of Professor William Graves. We set up surveillance and…

      “There’s nothing left until the election of the head of the Continent,” the voice of the owner of the office seemed deceptively calm, but with each word the visitor shrank more and more. – Please don’t waste my time. I expect you to put on this table what interests me, and not to explain why you haven’t done it yet. If I suddenly want to chat, I will find a more interesting company. All clear?

      – Yes, High Guardian! – The visitor stood at attention, seemingly forgetting to breathe.

      – Then do it! “The man sighed heavily and bent over the tablet, instantly forgetting about the unlucky visitor who hastened to silently retreat from the office. What to do if you have to work with not very competent employees. Sometimes seditious thoughts came to mind that among the rebels there were much more thinking and capable people, otherwise they would not have lasted so long. For example, this professor…

      A three-dimensional photograph of an elderly man with a very noticeable bald spot in his hair appeared on the tablet. An absolutely ordinary-looking person, except that intelligence is visible in his eyes, and his jawline reveals a stubborn nature. Perhaps you can’t just split something like that. Well, let them try.

      It was this man who found himself at the center of state interests, and his life was now worth less than nothing. The professor’s unspoken death sentence had already been signed. All that remains is to shake all his secrets out of this smart guy.

      The High Guard of Vinland, Holofernes, stretched in an uncomfortable chair, stretching his stiff back. Yes, you could put one of those newfangled floating chairs here that adapts to any body shape, but that’s for spoiled slackers. He sincerely believed that the chair should be uncomfortable so as not to allow him to relax. First of all, service. There will be rest later, when all matters are settled, the rebels are neutralized, and the very memory of them is covered with dust.

      Only then will it be possible to relax and take a break. And now it’s work and only work, especially

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