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and on Monday he went to work.

      * * *

      On Monday, Chris was contacted by the professor’s daughter. She introduced herself as Minerva and said that Mr. Graves was delighted when he heard about the former student’s visit, and would like to meet tomorrow at the Leonard Cafe on Trotsky Avenue.

      The next day, taking with him a bundle of books, Chris went to the Leonard cafe. From the panoramic windows one could watch people passing by and look at recently erected buildings. In the middle of the street stood a monument on a pedestal in honor of Trotsky, a famous revolutionary of the past. After the disaster, the new government wanted to focus on the social development of the continent, blurring the boundaries between rich and poor. That is why in Vinland there were so many names of streets and squares in honor of the leaders of the proletariat from different continents – great revolutionaries who wanted to make the world of the past more just. At the agreed time, a pretty girl approached the table where Chris was sitting.

      – I’m Minerva. Can I sit down?

      – Certainly! – Chris pulled up a chair and looked around in search of the professor.

      “Father described exactly what you look like, so it wasn’t difficult to find you in the cafe,” the girl said, turning her gaze towards the guy. Chris couldn’t help noticing that the professor’s daughter looked slightly vulgar because of her short skirt and too deep neckline for this time of day. The professor himself was nowhere to be found, and Chris asked with annoyance:

      “Didn’t Mr. Graves come with you?”

      “He was going to, but in the morning he felt bad, and the doctors recommended bed rest. I didn’t want to leave my father alone, but he insisted that I go to meet you.

      “It’s a pity that the professor couldn’t come.” How is he feeling? – Chris asked.

      Looking around, the girl said indignantly, but barely audibly:

      “You know what methods these executioners use to extract a confession!” After their father spent two and a half years under torture and interrogation, his health rapidly deteriorated. As soon as he was acquitted, I visited my father every day in the apartment, and then took him to the countryside, closer to the hospital, he is gradually recovering.

      They ordered coffee, and the waiter brought it in the old fashioned way, and there was a certain charm about it. Chris did not like modern ordering systems, when selection is made remotely, and food and drinks are served to the table using a conveyor belt or a robot waiter.

      – Why did the guards seize the professor? How did it all happen? Chris asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

      The cozy atmosphere of the cafe: bouquets of fresh flowers on every table, real curtains, like in pictures in old books, and even antique furniture made of dark wood, all this took you back to distant times and created a feeling of reliability, stability, and peace. It is not surprising that the professor loved to spend time here after long lectures.

      “This is a very complicated story,” the girl sighed and straightened her hair with a fleeting movement. – According to the official version, several of his students went over to the side of the rebels. The guards forced him to confess to recruiting these students and creating a resistance cell under the roof of the university. But even now, the father continues to claim that the main goal of the authorities was to get some information, some kind of list that he kept for a special occasion. “Looking around again, the girl quietly added: “No matter how much the guards intimidated my father, threatening him with a death sentence, they never managed to get a confession.” Unable to prove anything, they were forced to release him.

      Chris thought for a moment, then clarified:

      “So Mr. Graves was a member of the resistance all this time?”

      – Yes, from the very first day! – the girl said with delight.

      Her revelations surprised Chris. He was about to clarify what prompted the professor to side with the rebels, but the girl continued:

      “We are ready to do anything to overthrow the government!” With your help, we will put an end to injustice and be victorious in this fight. “Chris was confused and didn’t understand what he was talking about. Looking around once again, the girl continued enthusiastically: “Father was incredibly happy when the housekeeper announced your visit.” He said that now is the crucial time for our struggle and once you hand over the list, we will finally overthrow the head of the Continent. The ruler cannot be allowed to monopolize power by pushing Kronos away from control over the decisions he makes.

      Chris couldn’t understand what list the girl was talking about, since this topic had never been touched upon in conversations with Mr. Graves, and just in case he decided to clarify:

      – What list are we talking about?

      – With the names of the rebels. With your help, we will alert key members of the resistance on the Continent and start an uprising. Father said that the list is kept with you. “After a pause, the girl continued: “All these years, the government has been deceiving the people, and therefore Mr. Roskhald manages to remain at the head of the Continent, but now his power will come to an end!”

      Chris tried to remember if he had actually received anything unusual from the professor’s hands, and said:

      – I don’t have any list.

      – How is it not? – the girl was indignant. “Did your father give you anything before your arrest?”

      – Some books. But I didn’t find anything similar there. The data may be stored by another student.

      Trying to hide her indignation, the girl, pointing to the package that Chris had brought with him, asked sharply:

      – Is this for father?

      Not understanding the girl’s behavior, Chris calmly replied:

      – Yes. I wanted to present these books in person, but Mr. Graves, unfortunately, did not come. Please give them to the professor.

      The girl looked carefully at the package. Chris was about to say that he couldn’t find Mr. Graves’s book, The Age of Blockchain, or Belshazzar’s Feast, in stores, but he noticed that her focus had shifted. She suddenly fell silent, turning to the window of the coffee shop. After a short pause, the girl turned back to Chris, a smile appeared on her face, and in a kind voice Minerva said:

      “Chris, your father spoke very highly of you, and so I am glad to announce that the main battle is approaching.” Demian Roskhald’s days as leader of the Continent are numbered, but we need loyal men to put an end to his rule. Do you want to continue your father’s work and join the ranks of the rebels?

      After looking carefully at the girl, Chris answered sincerely:

      “Whether the professor told you or not, I do not accept the rebels’ methods of fighting.” You are trying to violently overthrow the government, inciting government violence in response. Ordinary residents of Vinland suffer from this.

      Without reacting, the girl turned her gaze to the clock, which suddenly began to blink, notifying her of an incoming message. After reading it, she said:

      – The doctor wrote that my father’s health has improved and he is ready to see you. Now you can personally hand over the books to him. My car is parked next to the cafe.

      Chris was happy about this news and, having paid, went to the meeting.

      Arriving at the country house where Minerva said Mr. Graves was, they drove into the garage. The automatic gates closed, and the girl, turning off the ignition, offered to go inside. Chris got out of the car, but before he even had time to look around, he felt a sting in his back and lost consciousness.

      Having come to his senses, Chris could not understand where he was. He was lying

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