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mother showed me the funds! – the young man said with admiration. The yellowed paper of the edition of bygone times smelled of dust and, barely perceptibly, of expensive tobacco. Whose fingers touched her once? Who left this small scratch on a perfectly preserved binding? This book had its own story, and Chris wanted to know it.

      “Mr. Anand carefully kept them all this time,” the girl tenderly ran her hand along the spines of the books lined up on the shelf. “He is opposed to edited publications presented electronically on the Continent, and wants to convey reliable information to future generations. There is not only a bookstore, but also a library where you can borrow real paper books. The next shelf displays a collection of books published in the 19th century.

      “Do you know anything about Mr. Graves?” – Chris regretfully returned the book to its place.

      “There has been no news about the professor since his arrest,” Lucia shook her head, and sadness surged in her speckled brown eyes.

      Chris was surprised by the girl’s answer.

      – Where does this information come from?

      – He’s my father. I arrived in the capital to find him.

      Just as he thought. Another daughter and another test. Now, for sure, they will ask him about the list and cooperation with the resistance. Still, it’s a pity that the story ended so anally. He was beginning to like Lucia, she wanted so much to believe him. Well, obviously you shouldn’t delay it. He must show that he is a good citizen, if only in order not to fail his mission in the AI tower. Chris was about to press the button on the pen given by those interrogating him last time and call the guards, but the girl noticed his movement and quickly said:

      – Please don’t do this! I am indeed Professor Graves’ daughter. My full name is Minerva-Lucia Carter.

      Chris paused. Of course, her words mean nothing – and the first provocateur called herself Minerva.

      “Maybe my father was talking about me.” I was raised by my grandmother far from the capital and took my mother’s surname as a child.

      Minerva showed a photograph from her childhood archives, where she stood next to the professor, and then a video from one of her birthdays to convince Chris of the truth of her words, and then continued:

      “Having learned that the guards had captured my father, I arrived here and joined the ranks of the resistance.

      “You’re the second professor’s daughter I’ve met in a week,” Chris shook his head. “If you don’t show me Mr. Graves, who will confirm these words, I will leave.”

      The girl put a magnetic key and the book “The Age of Blockchain, or Belshazzar’s Feast” on the table and, pointing to the door, calmly said:

      “Since the day of my father’s arrest, none of the rebels have seen him.” Some think that he is still in the hands of the guards, others that he has escaped and is hiding, and still others claim that he has been dead for a long time. That’s all I know. You can go. Use the key and you’re free.

      Taking the key and book in his hands, Chris was about to leave the store, but something stopped him. The girl continued with sadness in her voice:

      “The guards said they released my father, but there is no confirmation of this, he did not contact anyone. We think all the pardon talk is part of a plan being played out by the guards to find out about the list and identify resistance agents. We wouldn’t involve you, but we simply have no other choice. Steve, Cheng and Nigel will arrive now, they would like to talk to you. – Taking out the tablet and sorting through the folders in search of the desired file, the girl continued: – We have been collecting information about you from the moment you came to your father’s apartment. We know about your service in the AI tower, that you live close to work and go home to the north of the capital once a month. When you came to your father’s house, it immediately became known to government investigators. That housekeeper immediately passes on all the information about visitors to the guards, so, alas, it was not possible to get to you before the interrogators. Having learned that you were inquiring about your father’s health, they sent their agent to you. “Handing out a tablet with a photo of the guards and that girl agent arresting a group of rebels, Minerva asked: “Was that her?”

      – Yes.

      There was a knock. Mr. Anand opened the door and three people entered the bookshop. One of them, the tallest and broad-shouldered, hugged Minerva and, looking disdainfully at Chris, asked:

      – Lucia, why did you bring him here?

      “Steve gave permission, Nigel,” the girl slipped out of his arms and took a step back.

      And Chris looked at those who entered and thought: is this really a member of the underground that they talk so much about? Are these the same villains who do not hesitate to endanger the lives of hundreds, if not thousands, of the people of the Continent? Or was it all a lie too?

      “I’m Steve Farlow,” a short man with a stern face stepped forward, perhaps the most homely of the trio, but from the way his comrades behaved with him, it became obvious that he was in charge here. “This is Nigel,” Steve nodded at the broad-shouldered man hugging Minerva, “and this is Cheng.” Chris, we have heard of you as an honest and reasonable person. Can we count on your integrity?

      “I’m not ready to make any promises without understanding what we’re talking about,” Chris frowned and stepped back from the bookshelf.

      “You are completely free,” Steve took a step, clearing the passage. – You can leave right now. Or stay to hear what we have to say.

      Chris hesitated for a second, but nodded, confirming his agreement to stay.

      Steve led the guests into a small office where there was a rather shabby table surrounded by uncomfortable old-style chairs.

      When everyone was seated, Steve spoke:

      “Minerva said that you knew Mr. Graves and even visited the professor’s apartment.”

      – Yes, he was my teacher at the university.

      The man was about to ask a second question, but Chris interrupted:

      – What do you want from me?

      Minerva, looking carefully at the guest, replied:

      – We need a list.

      – I don’t understand what list you are talking about. You are not the first to be interested in it, but I sincerely don’t understand what all the fuss is about.

      Minerva looked at Steve and, waiting for an approving nod, began to tell the story:

      – This is a list of resistance agents hiding in different government structures. In an effort to be the first to get to him, we even had to rent an apartment on the floor above in order to know about all of my father’s visitors and try to find the keeper of the list among them. By using the list, we will be able to raise a rebellion throughout the Continent, capable of awakening the AI. Try to remember, perhaps your father gave you something, a book or a piece of paper, where certain names might be indicated?

      “Mr. Graves sent me a bundle of books, but the guards checked it and there was no list there.”

      Cheng, Steve’s longtime associate, entered the conversation:

      – Chris, could you bring these books for scanning? Maybe Nail will be able to discover some kind of code there. The hour is approaching, and without the list we will not be able to carry out a mass action of disobedience.

      “The professor may not have told you, but I do not share your views and am against violence.” The methods of the rebels are alien to me, as are the methods used by the guards.

      “Would you rather see Mr. Roskhald usurp power?” Cheng continued.

      “I do

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