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Tektime S.r.l.s.
Все книги издательства Tektime S.r.l.s.Аннотация
Series: I write for you Massimo and Maria Grazia are a couple in life and writing. They love writing together fantastic stories for readers of all ages. This series aims at turning the fairy tales and stories they have invented for their children into books. Translator: Kim Somers
Series: I write for you Massimo and Maria Grazia are a couple in life and writing. They love writing together fantastic stories for readers of all ages. This series aims at turning the fairy tales and stories they have invented for their children into books. Translator: Deborah Deandri
Il contenuto di questo ebook sui laghetti da giardino per carpe Koi e i temi correlati è suddiviso in diciotto capitoli che vi aiuteranno a scegliere un posto per il vostro laghetto, ad allestirlo e a mantenerlo tutto l’anno, nonché a prendervi cura dei vostri preziosi pesci durante le varie stagioni, persino in condizioni climatiche particolarmente avverse. Potrebbe inoltre aiutarvi a intraprendere una nuova carriera. Il contenuto di questo ebook sui laghetti da giardino per carpe Koi e i temi correlati è suddiviso in diciotto capitoli che vi aiuteranno a scegliere un posto per il vostro laghetto, ad allestirlo e a mantenerlo tutto l’anno, nonché a prendervi cura dei vostri preziosi pesci durante le varie stagioni, persino in condizioni climatiche particolarmente avverse. Potrebbe inoltre aiutarvi a intraprendere una nuova carriera. Il minimo che può fare è risparmiarvi centinaia di consigli professionali. Come bonus aggiuntivo, vi concedo il permesso di utilizzare i contenuti sul vostro sito web o sui vostri blog e newsletter, anche se è meglio riscriverli prima a parole vostre. Potete anche dividere il libro e rivendere gli articoli, ma l'unico diritto che non avete è quello di rivendere o regalare il libro così come vi è stato consegnato. Translator: Marco Massa Trucat
Расследуя похищение ребенка, частный детектив получает помощь от маленькой девочки, которая то появляется, то исчезает. Что произойдет, если молодой полицейский с блестящей карьерой, женатый на женщине всей своей жизни, вдруг потеряет нерожденного ребенка из-за выкидыша, случившегося у жены, потом потеряет жену, которую убьет рак, потеряет работу из-за инцидента с применением силы с подозреваемым? Он начнет напиваться, чтобы забыть. Именно это произошло с Николасом Тернером десять лет назад. Сейчас, благодаря помощи его сестры, Мелиссы, и его лучшего друга, агента ФБР Маркуса Мура, Николас почти победил пьянство и стал частным следователем, специализирующимся на делах, связанных с детьми. Дочь Мередит Ричардсон, Карен, была похищена, а полиция города, похоже, ни чем не могла помочь. По предложению Маркуса Мура, Мередит нанимает Николаса для поисков девочки. А Николас получает неожиданную помощь. Маленькая девочка, которую, судя по всему, видит только Николас, помогает ему в расследовании. Она появляется, когда Николасу нужна подсказка, затем также быстро исчезает. Кто эта девочка? Почему Николаса так тянет к его клиентке? Кто украл дочку клиентки? И почему это дело становится таким ужасным? Вдохновленная классической песней Гордона Лайтфута, «Если бы ты мог прочесть мои мысли», это трогательная история об искуплении, романтике и вторых шансах. Translator: Elena
”Cuando te burlaste de mí, quizá olvidaste que podía matarte en cualquier momento.” Siempre había sabido que había algo especial y mágico dentro de mí, pero nunca había buscado respuestas. ¿Por qué descubrir el pasado, cuando era feliz con mi familia de acogida, mis libros y mi trabajo en la librería? Sin embargo, el destino tenía otros planes para mí y la llegada de Scarlett Leclerc, mi hermana gemela, cuya existencia nunca había sospechado, había desbordado por completo mi vida. De repente, todas esas preguntas que nunca había tenido el valor de hacerme habían tenido respuesta y… una familia que me reclamaba. Mantener el equilibrio de mi vida con esta novedad había sido complicado, pero siempre me las había arreglado, hasta que mi hermana me pidió que hiciera un intercambio: vivir su vida durante una semana en Nueva York, mientras ella iba a Francia a descubrir la magia de Leclerc que nos habían arrebatado. Acepté, cumpliendo así un sueño mío. Todo iba bien, hasta que un alumno de ojos azules teñidos de púrpura me amenazó: ”Cuando te burlaste de mí, quizá olvidaste que podía matarte en cualquier momento”. ¿Qué quería ese chico de mí? ¿Por qué me perseguía? ¿Por qué actuaba como si yo fuera su novia? Translator: Vanesa Gomez Paniza
If you have paid a premium to get the most famous device available, then you deserve a book that is also able to create the same kind of user experience in making your use of the iPhone 13’s Pro Max camera an easy experience. Even for experienced iPhone users, iPhone 13 Pro Max comes with new innovative features that make it the coolest phone out there in the market. The iPhone 13 Pro Max is an embodiment of luxury and as is typical of Apple, customer user experience is at the forefront of its usage which is what this book aims to help illustrate. Congratulations on getting the most aesthetically beautiful products created. The Apple iPhone experience is always about great design, elegance, and experience. You now have the iPhone 13 Pro in your hands, now you are probably wondering what next? How do you become one of the smartest users of the phone without looking like a dummy? This book will help you explore some of the hidden camera features that can help you create some of the most stunning and amazing pictures possible, not just that, it will show how to shoot cool videos with this stylish iPhone 13 Pro Max. Because the iPhone 13 Pro Max makes users feel different and ahead of the pack, you can’t help but feel cool about owning the phone, then learning to use a lot more features than an average user will put you further ahead of the crowd and make you look more modern and cooler. The iPhone 13 Pro Max is the ultimate tool of creativity which helps to reinforce your self-esteem as a new addition to your existing Apple system or just getting started on the Apple ecosystem. Every time you use this book alongside your iPhone 13 Pro Max when sharing your photos with your loved ones and friend, it tells a story of who you are in a way no other device can. This bang for buck book is the ultimate guide and companion to have with your iPhone 13 as you begin to explore your iPhone 13 Pro Max. It will show you how to take advantage of the cinematography feature of the phone In it, you will also learn how to activate and use the new camera function called Photographic Style You will then be exposed to how to switch between lenses easily on the iPhone Learn the differences between optical zoom and digital zoom and when to use them This book also contains many important photography principles to make you understand some of the features Apple added to this new iPhone 13 Pro Max. One more thing, the price of this book is likely to go up soon, so if you Buy it Now with one click, you will be among the very few who are able to get it at this bargain price. So, don’t miss out. Translator: Johnn Bryan
If you have paid a premium to get the most famous device available, then you deserve a book that is also able to create the same kind of user experience in making your use of the iPhone 13’s Pro Max camera an easy experience. Even for experienced iPhone users, iPhone 13 Pro Max comes with new innovative features that make it the coolest phone out there in the market. The iPhone 13 Pro Max is an embodiment of luxury and as is typical of Apple, customer user experience is at the forefront of its usage which is what this book aims to help illustrate. Congratulations on getting the most aesthetically beautiful products created. The Apple iPhone experience is always about great design, elegance, and experience. You now have the iPhone 13 Pro in your hands, now you are probably wondering what next? How do you become one of the smartest users of the phone without looking like a dummy? This book will help you explore some of the hidden camera features that can help you create some of the most stunning and amazing pictures possible, not just that, it will show how to shoot cool videos with this stylish iPhone 13 Pro Max. Because the iPhone 13 Pro Max makes users feel different and ahead of the pack, you can’t help but feel cool about owning the phone, then learning to use a lot more features than an average user will put you further ahead of the crowd and make you look more modern and cooler. The iPhone 13 Pro Max is the ultimate tool of creativity which helps to reinforce your self-esteem as a new addition to your existing Apple system or just getting started on the Apple ecosystem. Every time you use this book alongside your iPhone 13 Pro Max when sharing your photos with your loved ones and friend, it tells a story of who you are in a way no other device can. This bang for buck book is the ultimate guide and companion to have with your iPhone 13 as you begin to explore your iPhone 13 Pro Max. It will show you how to take advantage of the cinematography feature of the phone In it, you will also learn how to activate and use the new camera function called Photographic Style You will then be exposed to how to switch between lenses easily on the iPhone Learn the differences between optical zoom and digital zoom and when to use them This book also contains many important photography principles to make you understand some of the features Apple added to this new iPhone 13 Pro Max. One more thing, the price of this book is likely to go up soon, so if you Buy it Now with one click, you will be among the very few who are able to get it at this bargain price. So, don’t miss out. Translator: Johnn Bryan
Now that you have got the iPhone 13 Pro Max, you are probably wondering what next? How do you make the most of this flagship phone and learn to use some of the hidden features of the phone? If you thought iPhone 12 or any other previous iPhone to have come from Apple is the bomb, wait till you start using your iPhone 13 Pro. On this phone, Apple took it to a new level that will be difficult for competitors to catch up with any time soon. Anyone on the Apple Ecosystem should consider him or herself fortunate to be alive to witness the advanced technology behind the hood that makes life when using the iPhone 13. With more and more people using video technology for their everyday use, Apple has included a whole new lot of video-related features that can help you use your iPhone for cinematography purposes. The iPhone camera has so many hidden features and tricks that you probably don’t know about and only a book like this can help to expose those hidden features for you. If you have an iPhone 11 Pro and want to be able to take stunning photos with it, then this book is for you. This time with the launch of the iPhone 13, they have included camera upgrades like Portrait mode video, updated filter systems, ProRes, and so much more, but will require that you master the camera setting for you to be able to use it to capture great shots, which is why you should be ordering this book right away because it is going to tell you how to do just that. Very often the manuals and user guides that accompany devices tend to be basic on providing the best tricks and tips required to get the best from such devices which is why this book was written to help you get the most out of your iPhone 13 Pro Camera app. In this book, you will learn: How to use the iPhone 13 Pro exclusive feature called ProRes The meaning of Cinematic mode and how they improve your iPhone videography Why manual camera settings can improve your picture quality How to access some hidden camera functions that you probably did not expect a phone camera to have The different functions of the three lenses and how you should use them Why you should not use the digital zoom and use the optical zoom instead to get the best from your photos This book shows many more functions than you would expect to find on a phone and helps you better utilize your iPhone 13 Pro Max when next you go on a trip, visit the airport, go on vacation, capture important moments, and document the different stages of your child’s life. This book is so valuable that this present price is not likely to stay for long as it will be reviewed soon, only those who make an early decision to buy now will benefit from this bargain as it is a real gem of a book. Translator: Ian A Miller
Now that you have got the iPhone 13 Pro Max, you are probably wondering what next? How do you make the most of this flagship phone and learn to use some of the hidden features of the phone? If you thought iPhone 12 or any other previous iPhone to have come from Apple is the bomb, wait till you start using your iPhone 13 Pro. On this phone, Apple took it to a new level that will be difficult for competitors to catch up with any time soon. Anyone on the Apple Ecosystem should consider him or herself fortunate to be alive to witness the advanced technology behind the hood that makes life when using the iPhone 13. With more and more people using video technology for their everyday use, Apple has included a whole new lot of video-related features that can help you use your iPhone for cinematography purposes. The iPhone camera has so many hidden features and tricks that you probably don’t know about and only a book like this can help to expose those hidden features for you. If you have an iPhone 11 Pro and want to be able to take stunning photos with it, then this book is for you. This time with the launch of the iPhone 13, they have included camera upgrades like Portrait mode video, updated filter systems, ProRes, and so much more, but will require that you master the camera setting for you to be able to use it to capture great shots, which is why you should be ordering this book right away because it is going to tell you how to do just that. Very often the manuals and user guides that accompany devices tend to be basic on providing the best tricks and tips required to get the best from such devices which is why this book was written to help you get the most out of your iPhone 13 Pro Camera app. In this book, you will learn: How to use the iPhone 13 Pro exclusive feature called ProRes The meaning of Cinematic mode and how they improve your iPhone videography Why manual camera settings can improve your picture quality How to access some hidden camera functions that you probably did not expect a phone camera to have The different functions of the three lenses and how you should use them Why you should not use the digital zoom and use the optical zoom instead to get the best from your photos This book shows many more functions than you would expect to find on a phone and helps you better utilize your iPhone 13 Pro Max when next you go on a trip, visit the airport, go on vacation, capture important moments, and document the different stages of your child’s life. This book is so valuable that this present price is not likely to stay for long as it will be reviewed soon, only those who make an early decision to buy now will benefit from this bargain as it is a real gem of a book. Translator: Johnn Bryan
Hier geht es nicht um Investitionen, sondern um die Funktionsweise der Blockchain-Technologie und ihre mögliche zukünftige Nutzung Anstatt über Investitionen zu sprechen, wird sich dieses Buch auf die Funktionsweise der Blockchain-Technologie und ihren möglichen zukünftigen Nutzen konzentrieren. Folgende Themen werden in diesem Buch behandelt: Welches Problem löst die Blockchain? Wie kann Technologie unsere Institutionen schneller und kostengünstiger machen? Könnte die Technologie unsere Institutionen (wie Regierungen, Banken usw.) vollständig ersetzen? Wie kann die Blockchain Vertrauen zwischen Fremden aufbauen? Wie erhöht Blockchain die Sicherheit für Transaktionen und Verträge? Kann die Blockchain auch außerhalb der Finanzwelt eingesetzt werden? Was ist ein Block? Was ist die Kette und warum brauchen wir sie? Was lautet die technische Erklärung dafür, was in der Blockchain geschieht? Was ist Mining und warum wird es benötigt? Gibt es im Hinblick auf die Erstellung einer Blockchain Alternativen zum Mining? Was ist die Geschichte von Bitcoin? Verursacht Bitcoin Probleme? Was ist Ethereum und was ein Smart Contract? Gibt es noch andere Blockchain-Technologien, über die ich Bescheid wissen sollte? Wie setzen Unternehmen Blockchain ein? Welche regulatorischen Hürden könnten der Einführung von Blockchain im Wege stehen? Das ist ein ganzes Bündel an Fragen. Wenn Sie bereit sind, sich damit auseinanderzusetzen, können wir beginnen. Translator: Bianca Balzer