
This book examines the integration of major trade unions from the six biggest countries of EU's Eastern enlargement into EU governance structures. Based on extensive empirical research, including more than 150 in-depth interviews, comprehensive data, document research, and eight detailed case studies, the contributions describe the activities and perceptions of the trade unions under investigation and the different levels of engagement, including European umbrella organizations, interregional cooperation, and European Works Councils. The book thus contributes to political science research on interest representation and Europeanization as well as sociological research on labor relations.


Collective action problems are ubiquitous in situations involving human interactions and therefore lie at the heart of economy and political science. In one of the most salient statements on this topic, Elinor Ostrom (co-recipient of the 2009 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences) even claims that “the theory of collective action is the central subject of political science”. The current volume, Modern Dilemmas: Understanding Collective Action in the 21st Century, is a collection of essays which target the problem of collective action from both a theoretical and applied perspective. The volume consists of four parts, each of these providing insights into different research fields. Thus, the first part, Theoretical Approaches, offers a guideline to the study of collective action in public choice theory and rational choice institutionalism and shows how it can be connected to other research programs such as constructivism, social network analysis and contractualism. The second part, Collective Action and Responsibility, tackles issues specific to political philosophy such as collective and individual responsibility and the morality of free-riding behavior. The third part, Collective Action and Public Policies, presents empirical studies on collective action in relation to educational policies, health policies and policies which target food security. Finally, the fourth part, Collective Action, Political Institutions and Social Movements, consists of various studies on classical problems of collective action such as political protests and revolutions, but also problems which are not traditionally associated with collective action such as party funding and the role of international organizations in economic recessions. The multidisciplinary character of the volume therefore makes it an interesting reading for students and scholars working in a number of different areas of study, such as political science, economy, political philosophy, public policies, comparative politics and international relations.


With an artistic love of freedom, Felix Reuter has taken up central motifs of the Beethoven Sonata Pathétique, «distilled» the work sensitively and allowed his own stylistic colours to flow in a very organic way. They make the artistic essence shine anew as a personal reading – more peaceful and less stirring than the original work, yet with great expressiveness.
From the second movement of the «Pathétique», which with its calm, catchy melody is almost reminiscent of pop music, Reuter has devoted himself to the frame motif, rewriting it to E-flat major and drawing out this aesthetic even more strongly. The recording breathes life experience and peace of mind.
In this edition the piano sheet music of second movement are included. Movements 1 and 3 are also available as sheet music editions.
Mit künstlerischer Freiheitsliebe hat Felix Reuter zentrale Motive der Beethoven-Sonate Pathétique aufgegriffen, das Werk gefühlvoll „destilliert“ und auf ganz organische Weise eigene Stilfarben hineinfließen lassen. Sie bringen die künstlerische Essenz als eine persönliche Lesart neu zum Strahlen – friedvoller und weniger aufwühlend als das ursprüngliche Werk, und doch mit großer Ausdruckskraft.
Aus dem zweiten Satz der „Pathétique“, der mit seiner ruhigen, eingängigen Melodie geradezu an Popmusik erinnert, hat sich Reuter dem Rahmenmotiv gewidmet, es nach Es Dur umgeschrieben und diese Ästhetik noch stärker hervorgelockt. Die Aufnahme atmet Lebenserfahrung und Seelenfrieden.
In dieser Ausgabe sind die Klaviernoten zum zweiten Satz enthalten. Satz 1 und 3 sind ebenfalls als Notenausgaben erhältlich.


Königs Erläuterung zu Lorraine Hansberry: A Raisin in the Sun in englischer Sprache ist eine verlässliche und bewährte Textanalyse und Interpretationshilfe für Schüler und weiterführende Informationsquelle für Lehrer und andere Interessierte: verständlich, übersichtlich und prägnant. In einem Band bieten dir die Königs Erläuterungen alles, was du zur Vorbereitung auf Referat, Klausur, Abitur oder Matura benötigst. Das spart dir lästiges Recherchieren und kostet weniger Zeit zur Vorbereitung. Alle wichtigen Infos zur Interpretation… – von der ausführlichen Inhaltsangabe über Aufbau, Personenkonstellation, Stil und Sprache bis zu Interpretationsansätzen – Abituraufgaben mit Musterlösungen … sowohl kurz als auch ausführlich … – Die Schnellübersicht fasst alle wesentlichen Infos zu Werk und Autor und Analyse zusammen. – Die Kapitelzusammenfassungen zeigen dir das Wichtigste eines Kapitels im Überblick – ideal auch zum Wiederholen. … und klar strukturiert … – Ein zweifarbiges Layout hilft dir Wesentliches einfacher und schneller zu erfassen. – Die Randspalte mit Schlüsselbegriffen ermöglichen dir eine bessere Orientierung. – Klar strukturierte Schaubilder verdeutlichen dir wichtige Sachverhalte auf einen Blick.


Description An ideal book to learn tennis quickly and easily. " Defined Timing" makes it possible to develop his own movement in each grade, if you are beginner or advance player. A theoretical and practical part describes the holistic method and apprenticeship.
Requirements: Compatible with iPad, iPhone and iPod touch Requires iPhone OS 2.2 or later Website: www.definiertes-timing.de


This music book contains the original sheet music of the well-known classical piece «The Blue Danube». Arranged for piano for intermediate to advanced piano players in D major.


This music book contains the original sheet music of the Folk Song «Auld Lang Syne» for Piano. Medium difficulty in F major.


The practical Au Pair Guide provides you with answers to all of these questions. It contains important information and addresses, numerous tips for your daily au pair duties and instructions for caring for children. It also includes notes on child development, ideas for children’s games, first aid tips, country information, a to-do list for applying as an au pair, advice on solving possible complications and an au pair dictionary. The Au Pair Guide is a trusty companion for your au pair experience – from the pre-application phase to your last day abroad.


“The time of religions is over. We have entered the age of universal spirituality, of spiritual experience in its initial purity.” (The Mother) “The Truth of the Divine which is the spiritual reality behind all religions and the descent of the supramental which is not known to any religion are the sole things which will be the foundation of the work of the future.” (Sri Aurobindo)


“In a profound sense it is the call and attraction of the future that makes the past and present, and that future will be more and more seen to be the growth of the godhead in the human being which is the high fate of this race that thinks and wills and labours towards its own perfection. This is a strain that we shall hear more and more, the song of the growing godhead of the kind, of human unity, of spiritual freedom, of the coming supermanhood of man, of the divine ideal seeking to actualise it self in the life of the earth, of the call to the individual to rise to his godlike possibility....” (Sri Aurobindo) “If a spiritual unfolding on earth is the hidden truth of our birth into Matter, if it is fundamentally an evolution of consciousness that has been taking place in Nature, then man as he is cannot be the last term of that evolution: he is too imperfect an expression of the Spirit, Mind itself a too limited form and instrumentation; Mind is only a middle term of consciousness, the mental being can only be a transitional being. If, then, man is incapable of exceeding mentality, he must be surpassed and Supermind and superman must manifest and take the lead of the creation. But if his mind is capable of opening to what exceeds it, then there is no reason why man himself should not arrive at supermind and supermanhood or at least lend his mentality, life and body to an evolution of that greater term of the Spirit manifesting in Nature.” (Sri Aurobindo) “Each time we try not to be ordinary men, not to live the ordinary life, to express in our movements, our actions and reactions the divine Truth, when we are governed by that Truth instead of being governed by the general ignorance, we are apprentice-supermen, and according to the success of our efforts, well, we are more or less able apprentices, more or less advanced on the way.” (The Mother)