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Секс и семейная психология
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This booklet 4 about the human capability of creativity from the Trilogos Wegweiser series is about:
– Creativity, an often used term: What does it have to do with me personally? – How do I act and react in difficult situations? – How do I deal with unexpected challenges?
This booklet offers some explanations and thoughts on these topics as well as exercises that might prove helpful.
Информация о книге
Автор произведения Linda Vera Roethlisberger
Жанр Секс и семейная психология
Серия Guidebooks
The third Booklet of our »TRILOGOS Wegweiser« series is about Intuition. The author gives us insights of:
– What assistance might I need on the often challenging, difficult path to myself?
– How do I find out what to do or not to do as the next step?
– How can I trust my perception, emotional security or intuition? How can I assess them?
This booklet offers some explanations and thoughts on these topics as well as exercises that might prove helpful.
Информация о книге
Автор произведения Linda Vera Roethlisberger
Жанр Секс и семейная психология
Серия Guidebooks
In this second booklet of our series »TRILOGOS Wegweiser« the author gives us an insight of:
– What exactly is intuition? – Where and why do I need intuition in my everyday life? – How do I live intuition?
This booklet offers some explanations and thoughts on these topics as well as exercises that might prove helpful.
Информация о книге
Автор произведения Linda Vera Roethlisberger
Жанр Секс и семейная психология
Серия Guidebooks
This is the first booklet of the »TRILOGOS Guidebooks«. The author gives us very interesting insights what basic trust means and shows us ways how to find it inside ourselves:
– What is trust, self-confidence and primordial trust? – Where do I personally stand with regards to my trust? – What about my fears, my primordial fears?
This booklet offers some explanations and thoughts on these topics as well as exercises that might prove helpful.
Информация о книге
Автор произведения Linda Vera Roethlisberger
Жанр Секс и семейная психология
Серия Guidebooks
Dann lade ich dich mit diesem Buch ein, dich selbst neu kennenzulernen und eine tiefe Verbindung zu deinem wahren Ich aufzubauen. Vielleicht sogar neue Gefühle und Gedanken sowie ein ganz neues inneres Erleben von dir und deinen Möglichkeiten zu entdecken. Schaue über deine eigenen Begrenzungen hinaus und entscheide dich für dich und dein Potenzial, für dich und dein Leben, für dich und dein TRUE YOU.
Dieses Übungshandbuch vereint theoretischen Input zu innerpsychischen Vorgängen und biochemischen Abläufen im Körper mit Alltagsbeispielen, schriftlichen Aufgaben und Imaginationsübungen zur schrittweisen Persönlichkeitstransformation. Weiterhin befinden sich im letzten Drittel des Buchs praktische Tools und Hinweise zur Festigung der inneren Ausgeglichenheit und Gesundheit im Alltag.
Психологическое рождение человеческого младенца. Симбиоз и индивидуация - Маргарет С. Малер
Библиотека психоанализаАннотация
Информация о книге
Автор произведения Маргарет С. Малер
Жанр Секс и семейная психология
Серия Библиотека психоанализа