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Fountains, being parts, and again made up into Operations.

      60. "And Anger and Concupiscence go into the brutish or unreasonable Nature; and the rest striveth upward by Harmony.

      61. "And to the first Zone it giveth the power it had of increasing and diminishing.

      62. "To the second, the machination or plotting of evils, and one effectual deceit or craft. 63. "To the third, the idle deceit of Concupiscence.

      64. "To the fourth, the desire of Rule, and unsatiable Ambition.

      65. "To the fifth, profane Boldness, and headlong rashness of Confidence.

      66. "To the sixth, Evil and ineffectual occasions of Riches.

      67. "And to the seventh Zone, subtle Falsehood always lying in wait.

      68. "And then being made naked of all the Operations of Harmony it cometh to the eighth Nature, having its proper power, and singeth praises to the Father with the things that are, and all they that are present rejoice, and congratulate the coming of it; and being made like to them with whom it converseth, it heareth also the Powers that are above the eighth Nature, singing praise to God in a certain voice that is peculiar to them.

      69. "And then in order they return unto the Father, and themselves deliver themselves to the powers, and becoming powers they are in God.

      70. "This is the Good, and to them that know to be deified.

      71. "Furthermore, why sayest thou, What resteth, but that understanding all men, thou become a guide, and way-leader to them that are worthy; that the kind of Humanity or Mankind, may be saved by God!"

      72. When Pymander had thus said unto me, he was mingled among the Powers.

      73. But I giving thanks, and blessing the Father of all things, rose up, being enabled by him, and taught the Nature, of the Nature of the whole and having seen the greatest sight or spectacle.

      74. And I began to Preach unto men, the beauty and fairness of Piety and Knowledge.

      75. O ye People, Men, born and made of the Earth, which have given Yourselves over to Drunkenness, and Sleep, and to the Ignorance of God, be Sober, and Cease your Surfeit, whereto you are allured, and invited by Brutish and Unreasonable Sleep.

      76. And they that heard me, come willingly, and with one accord, and then I said further.

      77. Why, O Men of the Off-spring of the Earth, why have you delivered Yourselves over unto Death, having Power to Partake of Immortality; Repent and Change your Minds, you that have together Walked in Error, and have been Darkened in Ignorance.

      78. Depart from that dark Light, be Partakers of Immortality, and Leave or Forsake Corruption.

      79. And some of Them That Heard Me, mocking and scorning, went away and delivered themselves up to the way of death.

      80. But others, casting themselves down before my feet, besought me that they might be taught; but I causing them to rise up, became a guide of mankind, teaching them the reasons how, and by what means they may be saved. And I sowed in them the words of Wisdom, and nourished them with Ambrosian Water of Immortality.

      81. And when it was Evening, and the Brightness of the same began wholly to go down, I commanded them to give thanks to God; and when they had finished their thanksgiving, everyone returned to his own lodging.

      82. But I wrote in myself the bounty and beneficence of Pymander; and being filled with what I most desired, I was exceeding glad.

      83. For the sleep of the Body was the sober watchfulness of the mind; and the shutting of my eyes the true Sight, and my silence great with child and full of good; and the pronouncing of my words, the blossoms and fruits of good things.

      84. And thus came to pass or happened unto me, which I received from my mind, that is, Pymander, the Lord of the Word; whereby I became inspired by God with the Truth.

      85. For which cause, with my Soul, and whole strength, I give praise and blessing unto God the Father.

      86. Holy is God the Father of All Things.

      87. Holy is God Whose Will is Performed and Accomplished by His Own Powers.

      88. Holy is God, that Determineth to be Known, and is Known of His Own, or Those that are His.

      89. Holy art Thou, that by Thy Word hast established all Things. 90. Holy art Thou of Whom all Nature is the Image.

      91. Holy art Thou Whom Nature hath not Formed.

      92. Holy art Thou that art Stronger than all Power.

      93. Holy art Thou, that art Greater than all Excellency.

      94. Holy art Thou, Who art Better than all Praise.

      95. Accept these Reasonable Sacrifices from a Pure Soul, and a Heart stretched out unto Thee.

      96. O Thou Unspeakable, Unutterable, to be Praised with Silence!

      97. I beseech Thee, that I may never Err from the Knowledge of Thee, Look mercifully upon me, and enable me, and enlighten with this Grace, those that are in Ignorance, the Brothers of my Kind, but Thy Sons.

      98. Therefore I believe thee, and bear Witness, and go into the Life and Light.

      99. Blessed art Thou, O Father, Thy Man would be Sanctified with Thee, as Thou hast given Him all Power.

      The Third Book called "The Holy Sermon”

       Table of Contents

      1. The glory of all things, God, and that which is Divine, and the Divine Nature, the beginning of things that are.

      2. God, and the Mind, and Nature, and Matter, and Operation, or Working and Necessity, and the End and Renovation.

      3. For there were in the Chaos, an infinite darkness in the Abyss or bottomless Depth, and Water, and a subtle Spirit intelligible in Power; and there went out the Holy Light, and the Elements were coagulated from the Sand out of the moist Substance.

      4. And all the Gods distinguished the Nature full of Seeds.

      5. And when all things were interminated and unmade up, the light things were divided on high. And the heavy things were founded upon the moist sand, all things being Terminated or Divided by Fire; and being sustained or hung up by the Spirit they were so carried, and the Heaven was seen in Seven Circles.

      6. And the Gods were seen in their Ideas of the Stars, with all their Signs, and the Stars were numbered, with the Gods in them. And the Sphere was all lined with Air, carried about in a circular, motion by the Spirit of God.

      7. And every God by his internal power, did that which was commanded him; and there were made four footed things, and creeping things, and such as live in the Water, and such as fly, and every fruitful Seed, and Grass, and the Flowers of all Greens, and which had sowed in themselves the Seeds of Regeneration.

      8. As also the Generations of men to the knowledge of the Divine Works, and a lively or working Testimony of Nature, and a multitude of men, and the Dominion of all things under Heaven and the knowledge of good things, and to be increased in increasing, and multiplied in multitude.

      9. And every Soul in flesh, by the wonderful working of the Gods in the Circles, to the beholding of Heaven, the Gods, Divine Works, and the Operations of Nature; and for Signs of good things, and the knowledge of the Divine Power, and to find out every cunning workmanship of good things.

      10. So it beginneth to live in them, and to be wise according to the Operation of the course of the circular Gods; and to be resolved into that which shall be great Monuments; and Remembrances of the cunning Works done upon Earth, leaving them to be read by the darkness of times.

      11. And every generation of living flesh, of Fruit, Seed, and all Handicrafts, though they be lost, must of necessity be renewed by the renovation of the Gods, and of the Nature of a Circle,

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