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dressed myself quickly and going out into the hall, proceeded at once to give Mrs. Bratt a piece of my mind. I told her, and in not over quiet tones either, that she was an alcoholic old beast, and shouted to her, as she retreated hysterically towards the kitchen, that I should be leaving that day week. When she feebly remonstrated with me for speaking so loudly and pointed reproachfully to Captain Barker's door, saying, "Hush, hush," I got angrier still, and stamped noisily about the hall, flourishing the dead man's walking stick that I had taken from the stand.

      I felt that I wanted to kill her, and had quite a difficulty to restrain myself from doing her some injury.

      She was quite thunderstruck at my rage, as well she might be, for I had been always meek as a young calf before her.

      I swallowed some sort of breakfast, and banging the door behind me set off to catch my usual train up to the city.

      The sun was shining gloriously, but it only roused my anger with its promise of more heat and I felt ready to quarrel with everything and everybody.

      A big ugly looking dog was sunning himself on the footpath, and I surprised both myself and him by sending him off howling with a well directed kick in the ribs.

      The usual last minute crowd was hurrying into the station as I arrived, and I pushed and elbowed amongst them in a manner that quickly reaped for me a rich harvest of black looks, but my savage face and the complete indifference with which I received their uncomplimentary remarks preserved me from molestation and, the train steaming into the station, I threw myself sourly into a corner seat and gave myself up to my own thoughts.

      I was beginning to think that after all there might be some virtue in the red paste. I felt quite different from the way I did yesterday. I didn't feel afraid of anyone any more, and I was just longing to injure someone at the office. But I told myself I mustn't be too hurried and too eager in paying off my grudges. I must be cunning and take advantage of my supposed timidity to be revenged on everyone in their proper turn. I musn't overdo it at first.

      I reached the office in good time and could not refrain from commencing the new era by straightaway giving the office boy a slap on the face for being immersed in the pages of a book instead of dusting the desks and filling the inkpots as was his proper duty. He gasped at first, in mingled pain and astonishment, but immediately recovering called me a damned fool and prepared to show fight. But he was a small boy with all his damns, and I was soon able to convince him that physically, at least, I was easily his superior. Indeed, the generosity of my violence took all the fight out of him at once.

      I took the accustomed place in my corner and the other clerks began to arrive chatting and passing laughing remarks to one another as they hung up their hats and took their seats at the desks.

      Waller came in as usual, last of all—twenty-one minutes after his proper time I noticed. I said nothing, however, to anyone, and was apparently absorbed as usual in my work.

      Waller exhibited no particular hurry to settle at his desk; instead he perambulated about the room, flourishing a high-colored sporting paper and informing the office generally that he had a certain winner for the afternoon at ten to one.

      "Fireball's bound to win," he exclaimed emphatically, "the distance will just suit her and Nat Slogger's got the mount."

      It was the very chance I had been waiting for, and I stood up at my desk.

      "Mr. Waller," I interrupted icily, "this is not a betting club. You work here at a salary for so many hours a week and I notice you have already this morning cheated the firm of five-and-twenty minutes of their time."

      Waller looked at me blankly in a puzzled sort of way and then, apparently becoming aware who it was had spoken, dropped his jaw to an ugly sneer. Whatever retort he was about to make was stayed, however, by the abrupt entrance of Mr. William, who came in with some papers in his hand.

      "Mr. William," I said at once in the same level tones that I had used to Waller, "you requested me yesterday to report more carefully on the conduct of those in this room, and I take the opportunity now to inform you that Mr. Waller has only just this minute arrived. He is twenty-five minutes late this morning, and I may add he is rarely on any day at his desk within a quarter of an hour of the proper time."

      Mr. William seemed, I thought, rather taken aback at my remarks, and looked as if he had to half smother a smile, but he remarked grimly enough, anyhow, "Thank you, Wacks, I am much obliged to you. Business is not very good just now, and we have been thinking lately of dispensing with the services of two or three gentlemen in this room. I shall, therefore, be glad to know the ones we shall miss least," and then, beckoning to Waller. "I'll have a word with you, my friend, if you'll please come out with me."

      "And something more, Mr. William," I went on calmly, "I am not at all satisfied with Muggins here. His work has become very slovenly lately, and nearly all the invoices he makes out I have to re-do myself, because of the blots and mistakes he makes. I understand he expects a rise at the end of this month, but I would suggest, sir, that the firm hold it over until some improvement be shown."

      "Certainly, Wacks, I think it's quite a good idea. Now is there anything more you would like to tell me?"

      "Yes, sir," I continued coldly, "I understand from remarks here that more heats of the dart tournament are to be played off this afternoon, and, if that be so, I am afraid I shall have to ask you for more pens. You will understand, sir, that using the nibs as darts rather spoils them for other kinds of work, and, in consequence, I often find it difficult to carry on the work of the office with the supply of pens and nibs that you allow me."

      I spoke quite quietly and without any particular feeling or passion, but I hardly recognised my own voice, and seemed almost to be speaking in a dream.

      "Quite so, quite so," replied Mr. William, again, I thought, smothering a smile. "I can understand. Well, if any more pens are required this afternoon for this tournament you refer to, I shall be glad if you will send those participating in the game to fetch them,"—very grimly—"I shall be glad to meet them. Now, please come with me, Waller."

      They went out together. Waller looking very frightened and pasty faced, and for half a minute, at least, there was a dead silence over our room. Then the storm broke, and their tongues lashed out. Everyone seemed to have something to say.

      "You sneak—you little cur—you blasted little fool," were but a few of their remarks to me, but I looked round indifferently, as if not interested, until one of them, more practical than the others in their rage, threw a dirty and wet duster at me from across the room.

      The duster missed me easily, but the action instantly brought my temper to a blaze.

      A heavy brass paper-weight lay near me on my desk, and seizing it up, quick as thought, I hurled it point blank at the offender. It missed his head only by a hair's breadth, and crashed through the wire protection of the window behind. Nothing daunted, I followed it up immediately with a big lead inkstand, which, missing again, broke in a panel of the door. Then, having nothing further to my hand to throw, I seized up a stool and brandishing it over my head made ready to at least maim someone if anyone came on. But they were unnerved by my violence, and stood with white faces at their desks.

      They could see I was in earnest, and quite reckless of what I did. The paper-weight I threw would have seriously injured Monks had it hit him, and if the lead inkstand had found its mark it would have smashed his face in like a drum.

      They looked blankly at one another, and their violence seemed suddenly to die down as I faced them. No one leading an attack, they subsided gradually to cursing and black looks, and by the time Waller returned, which he did in about ten minutes looking scared and uncomfortable, the office was wrapped in an unusual quiet.

      Waller scowled menacingly at me, and was quietly informed of what had happened in his absence. He pursed up his lips when he was shown the strained wire netting, and he stared thoughtfully at the broken panel of the door. Then—and somehow I felt it at once—the impression got among them that I had gone mad. They edged away from me, and I saw it also in their nervous faces and averted eyes.

      All the

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