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processes. It is in uncertainty that philosophy has been at its most adventurous—through to the concept of free will—and has intensified the uncertainty that emerges from the theory of relativity. The mysterious concept of the “dualism” of waves/particles is also unnecessary—a particle may interact as if it were a wave, but it always remains the particle that it is at rest, like a boat that causes a wave but remains a boat.

      It is a given that quantum mechanics is an immeasurable creation; it is only through its existence that deductive physics becomes possible.15

      The dynamics of elementary particles


      Elementary particle

      Elementary particles form the inner dynamics of that which appears outwardly to be an object with inertia and gravity, and possibly a charge. Inductive elementary particle physics cannot produce the connection between the internal and external. Deductive physics, however, does not seek to create a kind of bonsai proton, which already has its inertia, gravity, spin, charge, etc., but the dynamics that generate these phenomena. In the figure, the dynamics sought are represented by three points that emerge as vortices in the continuum and correspond to quarks in the standard model.

      When continuum flows concentrically towards a point, the result is a black hole (if the Earth were condensed to a black hole, it would be the size of a cherry). Elementary particles, however, are not black holes: in the case of elementary particles, continuum does not flow radially, but tangentially, thus forming vortices. The frequency of rotation and the quantum mechanical frequency enter into resonance, which leads to an angular momentum ħ that determines the radius of a nucleon such as the proton.16 The ratio of the vortex radius of the proton to the radius it would have if it were a black hole is 1038*: this means that, given an equal inflow volume, radically different configurations would form.


      In a space filled with a continuum with properties c, G, ħ, elementary particles organise themselves:

      –Vortices form, similar to a hurricane (which consists of air and rain, though it is not air and rain, but dynamics of these; vortices correspond to the building blocks of elementary particle physics, the quarks);

      –The diameter of the vortex is determined by resonance;

      –Vortices radiate that which flows to them (similarly to the “dynamics of masses”)—between radiations, interference and resonance occur, like in the organ pipe; in elementary particles its discrete tones correspond to specific frequencies and thus specific energies.

      Individual vortices are not viable (no quarks have yet been isolated), but they attract one another by means of interferences (the cancelling out of field energy); in pairs they form the most short-lived mesons, and in threes they are perpendicular to one another (energy minimisation), forming baryons and leptons, including the stable proton, the stable electron and the relatively stable neutron.

      Conserved quantities17


      Three orthogonal vortices

      Physics is founded on conserved quantities, such as those of energy, momentum, charge, which remain constant as a system evolves and can be relied upon. Elementary particle physics has introduced new conserved quantities: quantum numbers. From the start, elementary particle physics allocates to each particle a set of quantum numbers, which are retained at every particle decay and at every particle collision. As an analogy, a number of men (particles), some with hats, some with umbrellas or briefcases or both (quantum numbers), enter a meeting room, and after the meeting (collision of particles) go out again—but all the hats, umbrellas and briefcases are distributed differently among the men.

      Deductive physics attributes these quantum numbers to the conservation of vortices and their structures. Since

      –vortices are products of resonance and energy minimisation, they continue to exist in all processes. They form the foundations of all permanence of matter;

      –vortices can only exist in structures made up of threes, the topology of the structures also remains intact, which means in particular that the vortices are being conserved on each of the three axes. (To this end the standard model has put forward the law that the quarks forming a particle must have three different “colours” which are being conserved;

      –the structures that produce electrical fields are being conserved, the same applies also to the charges.

      In deductive physics, the large numbers of particles that appear in high-energy collisions in particle accelerators such as the LHC in Geneva correspond to a morphologically limited number of combinations of individual possible structures (similar to the arrangement of the elements in the periodic table).


      “Charge” is an assumption—all that is experienced is the electrical force field. Physics attributed a cause to this—similarly to the attribution of a mass/gravity field. In deductive physics, on the other hand, charge is produced by the dynamics of masses and does not begin in the quark as a mysterious third or two-thirds charge18. There are no charges without mass as the bearer.

      An electrical field consists of hollow vortices, the angular momentum of which have elementary value ħ, which are radiated by an object19 (inductive physics: “virtual photons”). Electricity is a resonance, or quantum mechanical, phenomenon, not a further quantity from nothing.

      If two radiations meet head-on, they cancel each other out if they revolve counter to one another, which has the effect of attraction similar to that of sources and sinks. If they revolve in the same direction, they displace one another with a repulsion effect.

      The Maxwell equations of 1864 basically describe the quantity and movement accounting for the virtual photons, and deductive physics is able to produce them. Substituting one in the other results in the wave equation for the expansion of electromagnetic radiation (light). Magnetism results from a delayed effect of the electrical field, and is consequently a relativistic phenomenon. The ratio of the rest energy of an object mc2 to the field energy of its charges corresponds to the fine-structure constant α = 1/13720, which makes clear the purely geometric link between electrical field and mass dynamics.


      Electrical forces



      James Clerk Maxwell,


      Molecules add complexity—now atoms “want” to come together and amazingly approach one another, but only to a certain distance. The protons and electrons repel one another and attract one another cross-wise. This is augmented by the “centrifugal force” of the electrons, caused by their (circular) motion, which also influence one another electromagnetically. The relationships cannot be precisely calculated and an approximation on the basis of the calculable is used. On the other hand, the binding energy can be measured precisely, at around one-third4.5 eV of the energy needed to bind an electron to the proton in the individual hydrogen atom. The magnitude is plausible if one considers the distances—between the two protons are two Bohr radii plus 1%, in other words twice the distance to the proton in which the individual electron is found.


      Niels Bohr, 1885–1962

      Molecular structures. The atoms in H2O, for example, form an angle of 105 degrees, and this angle has a position in space, thus defining a plane. In the example of methane, CH4, the four hydrogen atoms are bonded to the carbon atom in a perfect tetrahedron.


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