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us live up to it and add a new laurel to the crown of America.

      My affectionate confidence goes with you in every battle, and every test. God keep and guide you!

      —Woodrow Wilson


       Table of Contents



      By permission of the author

      We laid the keel of the ship that sails the waters of peace or war.

       We built her strong for the strongest gales, and big for the load she bore!

       We made the ship and we made her great with the things that we put inside—

       We made the ship and we made the freight, the seas of the world to ride!

       If a ship of war, then we made her guns—if a ship of trade, her wares!

       She's built of the bone of the working ones, and the blood of her flag is theirs!

       Sailor or soldier or citizen she will carry across the main—

       She's made of the muscle of working men, and born of the worker's brain.

       The load of her deck, the grain of her hold, whatever her cargo be,

       Food or clothing or goods or gold, whatever she takes to sea,

       The sower's arm or the toiler's toil made ready the thing to go—

       The shop's machine or the farmer's soil or the forge's lusty blow!

      ​The birds of the sea must nest on land, on the land the birds are born;

       They must take their stores from the toiler's hand, they must take their wheat and corn;

       For they who sail are a mighty race, and serving a mighty need—

       But he who stands in the Worker's place is serving the world indeed!

      —Douglas Malloch


       Table of Contents



      Sunday it is in Flanders,

      ⁠And, blue as flax, the sky

       O'er plain and windmill stretches

      ⁠Its peaceful canopy.

       The bells, high in the belfries,

      ⁠Are singing blithe and gay,

       The overflowing gladness

      ⁠Of coming Holiday.

      ⁠Ring out! Ring on! Ring loudly

      ⁠The merry Flemish peal!

       But suddenly there rises

      ⁠To heaven a cry of fear—

       Quick! To the belfry, quickly!

      ⁠The ravenous horde is here,

       See them! the crows and vultures,

      ⁠Sowers of dire alarms;

       Oh! bells, from out your steeples

      ⁠Fling forth your call to arms!

      ⁠Ring out! Ring on! Ring madly

      ⁠The valiant Flemish peal!

       The fell sword of the troopers—

      ⁠Brief triumph shall they know—

       Upon your soil ancestral

      ⁠E'en now your sons lay low!

       ​But to the ruthless victor

      ⁠Your freedom dear you sell,

       Proud, dauntless, little nation,

      ⁠Whom only numbers quell!

      ⁠Ring out! Ring on! Ring sadly

      ⁠The noble Flemish peal!

       But see! in the dark heavens

      ⁠The dawn of justice light!

       There to the dim horizon

      ⁠The brutal horde takes flight.

       The radiant day of glory

      ⁠Day of revenge is here,

       Oh! bells, proclaim your triumph

      ⁠With music loud and clear!

      ⁠Ring out! Ring on! Ring proudly

      ⁠The free-born Flemish peal.

      —From the French of Dominique Bonnaud


       Table of Contents



      Permission of the Evening Bulletin, Philadelphia

      Ere we wonder at his absence, let us tell a little truth

      ⁠Of the healthy, careless fellow who epitomizes Youth.

       We will miss him from the gridiron when the foot ball season comes

       For he left his spirit moving to the music of the drums;

      ⁠For he knows that all the knowledge

      ⁠He can make his own at college

       Will not compensate him wholly for the absence of the drums;

      ⁠For the rat-tat-tat of drums!

       You will miss him from the diamond, the links and tennis court,

      ⁠Miss the sport.

      ⁠He's been summoned by the drums!

       By the thrilling call of bugles, by the echoing report

       Of a cannon fired by Rumor where grim Death is doing sums;

      ⁠Doing sums with grim precision—

      ⁠Hell's subtraction and division—

      ⁠With an abacus of drums;

      ⁠Not the tiny kettle drums;

      ⁠Not the snare, or tenor drums;

       ​But the drum fire of the cannon that perpetually strums

      ⁠With insistent shot and shell

      ⁠On the tympanum of Hell.

      ⁠But there's music in the drums!

      ⁠There is magic in the drums!

      ⁠There is music, there is magic,

      ⁠There is fascination tragic

      ⁠⁠In the drums!

       For the drums are telling patriots of wrongs that must be righted;

       The drums are droning dirges of the lives the Hun has blighted;

      ⁠Of the blood that he has spilled;

      ⁠Of the babies he has killed;

       Of the retribution awful that a righteous Lord has willed.

      ⁠"Boy, we need you!"

      ⁠⁠Cry the drums.

      ⁠"Though we bleed you,"

      ⁠⁠Cry the drums.

      ⁠"Free the world as we have freed you!"

      ⁠⁠Cry the drums.

      ⁠"Boy, you're wanted!"


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