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view of these statements recent attempts to prove that Bacon was no true patriot and not interested in righting the people's wrongs seem strange indeed. It is hardly credible that he was merely pretending when he wrote these fiery words, that he posed as the champion of the people to further his personal ambitions, that he trumped up charges against Berkeley because of the disagreement over the Indian war.

      But, it has been said, Bacon showed no interest in the passage of the reform laws enacted by the Assembly of June 1676, refused to have them read before his army, and complained that the Burgesses had not lived up to his expectations. Had he been really interested in reform, would he not have gloried in these laws and have praised the Assembly for passing them?

      Any such conclusion falls flat when we consider the conditions under which this session was held. The Burgesses had hardly taken their seats when Bacon, who had been elected as one of the members to represent Henrico County, was captured. Though Berkeley pardoned him and restored him to his seat in the Council, he was a virtual prisoner during the first few days of the session. So he looked on with growing resentment as the governor overawed the Burgesses and reform measures were set aside.

      Then, suddenly, the entire situation changed. Bacon got permission to return to Henrico because his wife was ill. Once there he placed himself at the head of his army of enraged frontiersmen and marched rapidly on Jamestown. When this news reached the little capital, the governor, his Council, and the Burgesses were panic stricken. Since resistance was useless, every thought was of appeasement. A series of reform laws, which struck at the very roots of Berkeley's system of rule through placemen, was introduced in the Assembly, rushed through, and signed by the governor.

      Not knowing what had happened during his absence, on his arrival Bacon mounted the steps to the Long Room of the State House where the Assembly met, to urge them to right the people's wrongs. Thomas Mathews, who was present, says that "he pressed hard, nigh an hour's harangue on preserving our lives from the Indians, inspecting the revenues, the exorbitant taxes, and redressing the grievances and calamities of that deplorable country." It was only when he had finished that someone spoke up to tell him that "they had already redressed their grievances." To contend that Bacon was not interested in laws which he himself had so passionately urged and which had obviously been passed to conciliate him and his followers is merely to attempt to disprove the obvious.

      Philip A. Bruce, in a statement published in 1893, in the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, points out that Bacon's Rebellion "preceded the American Revolution by a century, an event which it resembled in its spirit, if not in its causes and results. Bacon is known in history as the Rebel, but the fuller information which we have now as to the motives of his conduct shows that he can with more justice be described as Bacon the Patriot. He headed a powerful popular movement in which the sovereignty of the people was for the first time relied upon on American soil by a great leader as the justification of his acts. The spirit breathing through the Declaration of the People is the spirit of the Declaration of Independence." Nothing which has been brought out in the sixty-four years since Dr. Bruce wrote these words has shaken or can shake their truth. Bacon was the torchbearer of the Revolution.

      Attempts to defend Sir John Harvey are as unconvincing as those to belittle Bacon. Certainly the Sackville Papers, recently made available to historians, contain nothing to warrant any change in the conclusion, long accepted by Virginia historians, that Harvey's expulsion was richly deserved.

      Charles Campbell, in his History of the Colony and Ancient Dominion of Virginia, thus describes Harvey's administration: "He was extortionate, proud, unjust, and arbitrary; he issued proclamations in derogation of the legislative powers of the Assembly; assessed, levied, held, and disbursed the colonial revenue without check or responsibility; transplanted into Virginia exotic English statutes; multiplied penalties and exactions and appropriated fines to his own use; he added the decrees of the court of high commission of England to the ecclesiastical constitutions of Virginia." Could we have a more perfect description of a despot?

      It remains to point out a few errors which crept into the original manuscript. On page 21 "the falls of the Appomattox" should be "the first bend of the Appomattox"; on page 75 "John Pott" should be "Francis Pott"; on page 82 "Matthew Kemp" should be "Richard Kemp".

      Thomas J. Wertenbaker

      Princeton, New Jersey

       August, 1957


       Table of Contents

      Arb. Smith, Works of Captain John Smith, Edward Arber. Scobell, Scobell's Collection of Acts and Ordinances of General Use. F. R., The First Republic in America, Alexander Brown. Gen., The Genesis of the United States, Alexander Brown. Force, Tracts and Other Papers Relating to the Colonies in North America, Peter Force. Nar. of Va., Narratives of Early Virginia, Lyon G. Tyler. Va. Car., Virginia Carolorum, E. D. Neill. Hen., The Statutes at Large, W. W. Hening. Proceedings of Va. Co., Proceedings of the Virginia Company of London. Cradle of Rep., The Cradle of the Republic, Lyon G. Tyler. Bruce, Inst. Hist., Institutional History of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century, P. A. Bruce. Bruce, EC. Hist., Economic History of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century, P. A. Bruce. Miller, The Legislature of the Province of Virginia, E. I. Miller. P. R. O., British Public Record Office. Stith, History of Virginia, William Stith. Osg., American Colonies in the Seventeenth Century, H. L. Osgood. Neill, Va. Co., History of the Virginia Company of London, E. D. Neill. Fiske, Old Va., Old Virginia and her Neighbors, John Fiske. Burk, History of Virginia, John Burk. Va. Hist. Reg., Virginia Historical Register. Beverley, History of Virginia, Robert Beverley. Va. Mag., Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. Wise, The Early History of the Eastern Shore of Virginia, J. C. Wise. Southern Lit. Mess., Southern Literary Messenger. Campbell, History of Virginia, Charles Campbell. McD., McDonald Papers, Virginia State Library. Jour. H. of B., Journals of the House of Burgesses. Manuscript copies in the Virginia State Library. Justice in Virginia, Justice in Colonial Virginia, O. P. Chitwood. Sains., Sainsbury Papers, Virginia State Library. Mass. S. IV., Massachusetts Historical Collections, Series IV. T. M., The Beginning, Progress and Conclusion of Bacon's Rebellion. W. & M. Q., William and Mary Quarterly. Inds' Pros., Indians' Proceedings. Bac's Pros., Bacon's Proceedings. Ing's Pros., Ingram's Proceedings. Cotton, Our Late Troubles in Virginia, Mrs. A. Cotton. Va. Vet., Virginia Vetusta, E. D. Neill.

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