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166 Gwain to Feäir 167 Jeäne o' Grenley Mill 168 The Bells ov Alderburnham 169 The Girt Wold House o' Mossy Stwone 170 A Witch 173 Eclogue:—The Times 175

       Table of Contents

Blackmwore Maïdens 185
My Orcha'd in Lindèn Lea 186
Bishop's Caundle 187
Hay Meäkèn—Nunchen Time 189
A Father out an' Mother Hwome 191
Riddles 192
Day's Work a-done 196
Light or Sheäde 197
The Waggon a-stooded 197
Gwaïn down the Steps 201
Ellen Brine ov Allenburn 202
The Motherless Child 203
The Leädy's Tower 204
Fatherhood 208
The Maïd o' Newton 211
Childhood 212
Meäry's Smile 213
Meäry Wedded 214
The Stwonèn Bwoy 215
The Young that died in Beauty 217
Fäir Emily of Yarrow Mill 218
The Scud 219
Mindèn House 221
The Lovely Maïd ov Elwell Meäd 222
Our Fathers' Works 224
The Wold vo'k Dead 225
Culver Dell and the Squire 227
Our Be'thplace 229
The Window freämed wi' Stwone 230
The Waterspring in the Leäne 231
The Poplars 232
The Linden on the Lawn 233
Our abode in Arby Wood 235
Slow to come, quick agone 236
The Vier-zide 236
Knowlwood 238
Hallowed Pleäces 240
The Wold Wall 242
Bleäke's House 243
John Bleäke at Hwome 245
Milkèn Time 247
When Birds be Still 248
Ridèn Hwome at Night

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