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animate your costume that you make yourself superior to the lay figure or the sawdust doll.

       Table of Contents

I Mme. Geraldine Farrar in Greek Costume as Thaïs Sketched by Thelma Cudlipp (Frontispiece)
II Woman in Ancient Egyptian Sculpture-Relief 9
III Woman in Greek Art 19
IV Woman on Greek Vase 29
V Woman in Gothic Art Portrait Showing Pointed Head-dress 39
VI Woman in Art of the Renaissance Sculpture-relief in Terra-cotta: The Virgin 49
VII Woman in Art of the Renaissance Sculpture-relief in Terra-cotta: Holy Women 59
VIII Tudor England Portrait of Queen Elizabeth 69
IX Spain--Velasquez Portrait 79
X Eighteenth Century England Portrait by Thomas Gainsborough 89
XI Bourbon France Portrait of Marie Antoinette by Madame Vigée Le Brun 99
XII Costume of Empire Period An English Portrait 109
XIII Eighteenth Century Costume Portrait by Gilbert Stuart 119
XIV Victorian Period (About 1840) Mme. Adeline Genée in Costume 129
XV Late Nineteenth Century (About 1890) A Portrait by John S. Sargent 139
XVI A Modern Portrait By John W. Alexander 149
XVII A Portrait of Mrs. Philip M. Lydig By I. Zuloaga 159
XVIII Mrs. Langtry (Lady de Bathe) in Evening Wrap 169
XIX Mrs. Condé Nast in Street Dress Photograph by Baron de Meyer 179
XX Mrs. Condé Nast in Evening Dress 189
XXI Mrs. Condé Nast in Garden Costume 199
XXII Mrs. Condé Nast in Fortuny Tea Gown 209
XXIII Mrs. Vernon Castle in Ball Costume 219
XXIV Mrs. Vernon Castle in Afternoon Costume--Winter 229
XXV Mrs. Vernon Castle in Afternoon Costume--Summer 239
XXVI Mrs. Vernon Castle Costumed À La Guerre for a Walk 249
XXVII Mrs. Vernon Castle--A Fantasy 259
XXVIII Modern Skating Costume--1917 Winner of Amateur Championship of Fancy Skating 269
XXIX A Modern Silhouette--1917 Tailor-Made. Drawn from Life by Elisabeth Searcy 279
XXX Tappé's Creations Sketched for Woman as Decoration by Thelma Cudlipp

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