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system crashes disastrously every decade or so.

      The third fix to the inequality engine in this book thus redesigns US financial regulation not by removing all the costly rules imposed on banks after 2010, but instead by realigning rules so that like-kind financial activities come under like-kind rules. When only banks are under tough safety-and-soundness and consumer-protection rules, finance moves outside banks and thus outside a lot of equality-critical regulation. This it did from 2010 to 2020 and we know what happened then.

      Finally, we can't forget the inequality engine's fuel: money. Companies such as Facebook and Amazon aren't just dominant in social media and retailing – they plan to issue new forms of money on a redesigned payment system. This could give them control not only over with whom we associate, what we buy, what we read, and even how we vote, but also over how much money we have and to whom it goes how. We are used to thinking about money as the bills in our wallets or the numbers in our bank accounts, but a quiet revolution redefining money is well under way. If it proceeds without appropriate controls, then the inequality engine's fuel will go still faster and in even larger amounts to those who need it least.

      Thus, the last fix I detail crafts a new, digital money system under Fed control along with controls on the Fed to ensure that its new money enhances equal access and secure transactions, not just for the wealthy but also for the rest of us. Much in this book lambasts the Fed, but I still trust it with my money more than Facebook.

      To address the defining economic, social-justice, and moral questions of our time requires a fast-acting, targeted, and politically-plausible action plan aimed at the policies that exert the most force in the inequality engine. This book will prove that financial policy is this inequality engine and also that it can first be reversed and then shut down. If we fail in the 2020s as badly as we failed in the 2010s to fix financial policy, fury will indeed be loosed and financial policy-makers will deserve it. The rest of us, not so much.

      1 1. Karen Shaw Petrou, “Income Inequality: The Battlefield Casualty of Post-Crisis Financial Policy” (speech, Chicago, November 3, 2020), available at https://fedfin.com/images/stories/press_center/speeches/Income%20Inequality-The%20Battlefield%20Casualty%20of%20Post-Crisis%20Financial%20Policy_Speech.pdf.

      2 2. Karen Shaw Petrou, “The Inexorable Will of the Financial Market: Profit Imperatives and Financial-Policy Design” (speech, New York, March 1, 2018), available at https://fedfin.com/images/stories/press_center/speeches/Karen%20Petrou%20Remarks%20Prepared%20for%20Distinguished%20Speaker%20Lecture%20Federal%20Reserve%20Bank%20of%20New%20York.pdf.

      3 3. Thomas Piketty, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, translated by Arthur Goldhammer (Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2014).

      4 4. Irving Kristol, “'When virtue loses all her loveliness' – some reflections on capitalism and ‘the free society,’” Public Interest 8 (Fall 1970), available at https://www.nationalaffairs.com/storage/app/uploads/public/58e/1a4/afc/58e1a4afc4eee090463739.pdf.

      Nobody had our backs in office, not Democrats or Republicans. I'm tired of being sugarcoated and being robbed in the process.… [Politicians] are so out of touch with reality and real people. All of them.

      – An autoworker who voted twice for Barack Obama and then for Donald Trump*

      It's no coincidence that 2010 also marks the start of massive changes to US financial policy due to the monetary and regulatory response to the 2008 financial crisis. The powerful link between financial policy and our far more unequal economy is the topic of this book; breaking it is its goal.

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