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stock; it's of course due to how much you own. The percentages showing that the rich benefit most from rising financial markets of course reflect the fact that stock ownership is best measured by the value of the shares each person owns, not by the number of people who own them.

      As a result, Fed asset purchases stoked stock-market rises that dramatically increased the wealth of those able to invest in the stock market. From 2007 to 2019, the S&P index for stocks rose 77 percent; that is, an investor with $10,000 in the market at the start of the crisis would have $17,700 to show for it after these twelve years. As shown below, small savers who were not also stock-market investors were worse off than ever before. Wealth inequality was thus even worse than it was before 2008, and the Fed is to blame for at least part of it.

      Of course, banks also lend to corporations. One might thus have thought – the Fed surely did – that banks wary of consumers would still lend to companies that then built plants and bought more equipment, stimulating the recovery as conventional thinking dictates. However, companies that got loans didn't boost economic growth; nonfinancial companies maximize profits at least as assiduously as banks. As a result, there was a giant spree of stock buybacks and other capital distributions that made shareholders richer, but kept the overall US economy in first gear. That's better than reverse, of course, but still nowhere near good enough to enhance equality.

      When the Fed began to raise rates in 2015, these were still at or below real positive territory, with interest rates ever since hovering at just about a sliver above or below inflation. Rich investors can borrow cheaply at rates such as these and then invest in rising markets to make their returns still greater (if also riskier due to all this leverage). Average households don't play in the complex “carry-trade” or high-leverage arenas that benefit from ultra-low rates. They also often lack access to mutual funds or other investment vehicles that beat the Fed's low rates.

      Instead, these households put whatever money they may have – and as we've seen it's not much – in the bank. Interest rates of 0.25 percent – not counting fees for bounced checks and other costs – made money in the bank a losing proposition for anyone without $10,000 or so to put aside.

      A simple example shows why. Assume a parent saving for a child's education puts $2,000 a year in a savings account paying a 5 percent compound rate of interest for 20 years. At the end of 20 thrifty years, he or she has $69,438 to show for this in nominal terms. After accounting for 2 percent annual inflation, he or she has $49,598. As a result, $40,000 has earned an additional $9,598, or 24 percent. Now take that same $2,000 for the same 20 years – $40,000 – and the same 2 percent inflation. But instead of a 5 percent interest rate, the parent earns only the half of one percent interest rate paid on small savings since the financial crisis. Instead of $69,438, this parent has only $42,168. After accounting for inflation, that is only $30,120, almost 25 percent less.

      Financial policy subsumes more than monetary policy. It also includes all of the tough new rules bank regulators imposed since the crisis. It makes a lot of sense to make banks safer. But the inexorable nature of profit-maximization means that, when rules make lending to lower-income families unprofitable, banks don't make loans to lower-income families. Only higher-income Americans with stellar credit histories need apply.

      Post-crisis rules may well have made US banks safer, but they have also changed the bank business model to one focused on wealth management, corporate and commercial real-estate lending, and other activities with little equality impact. Given the depth of the great financial crisis in 2008 and how close we then came to another Great Depression, it's easy to say that banks deserve every rule they got. But no matter how justified all of this regulatory retribution, quashing the capacity of banks to take deposits, make loans, and to operate the overall financial system leaves America with two choices: do without banks and the economic growth that depends on them, or rely instead on nonbanks, including giant technology companies such as Facebook and Amazon.

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