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at the same time, a total disregard of all political liberty, and a total ignorance of the real advantages which a parent state may derive from its colonies; which vest the higher powers of legislation in persons residing out of the country, not chosen by the people, nor affected by the laws they make, and yet leave commerce unrestrained; the patentees proceeded to execute the arduous and almost untried task of peopling a strange, distant, and uncultivated land, covered with woods and marshes, and inhabited only by savages easily irritated, and when irritated, more fierce than the beasts they hunted.


       Table of Contents

      Voyage of Newport. … Settlement at Jamestown. … Distress of colonists. … Smith. … He is captured by the Indians. … Condemned to death, saved by Pocahontas. … Returns to Jamestown. … Newport arrives with fresh settlers. … Smith explores the Chesapeake. … Is chosen president. … New charter. … Third voyage of Newport. … Smith sails for Europe. … Condition of the colony. … Colonists determine to abandon the country. … Are stopped by Lord Delaware. … Sir Thomas Dale. … New charter. … Capt. Argal seizes Pocahontas. … She marries Mr. Rolf. … Separate property in lands and labour. … Expedition against Port Royal. … Against Manhadoes. … Fifty acres of land for each settler. … Tobacco. … Sir Thomas Dale. … Mr. Yeardley. … First assembly. … First arrival of females. … Of convicts. … Of African slaves. … Two councils established. … Prosperity of the colony. … Indians attempt to massacre the whites. … General war. … Dissolution of the company. … Arbitrary measures of the crown. … Sir John Harvey. … Sir William Berkeley. … Provincial assembly restored. … Virginia declares in favour of Charles II. … Grant to Lord Baltimore. … Arrival of a colony in Maryland. … Assembly composed of freemen. … William Clayborne. … Assembly composed of representatives. … Divided into two branches. … Tyrannical proceedings.

      The funds immediately appropriated to the planting of colonies in America, were inconsiderable, and the early efforts to accomplish the object, were feeble.

      The first expedition for the southern colony consisted of one vessel of a hundred tons, and two barks, carrying one hundred and five men, destined to remain in the country.


      Voyage of Newport.


      Is driven into the Chesapeake.

      Newport, whose place of destination was Roanoke, took the circuitous route by the West India islands, and had a long passage of four months. The reckoning had been out for three days, and serious propositions had been made for returning to England, when a fortunate storm drove him to the mouth of the Chesapeake. On the 26th of April, he descried cape Henry, and soon afterward cape Charles. A party of about thirty men, which went on shore at cape Henry, was immediately attacked by the natives, and, in the skirmish which ensued, several were wounded on both sides.

      The first indications of a permanent settlement in their country, seem to have excited the jealousy of the natives. Displeased with the intrusion, or dissatisfied with the conduct of the intruders, they soon formed the design of expelling, or destroying, these unwelcome and formidable visitors. In execution of this intention, they attacked the colonists suddenly, while at work, and unsuspicious of their hostility; but were driven, terrified, into the woods by the fire from the ship. On the failure of this attempt, a temporary accommodation was effected.

      Newport, though named of the council, had been ordered to return to England. As the time of his departure approached, the accusers of Smith, attempting to conceal their jealousy by the affectation of humanity, proposed that he also should return, instead of being prosecuted in Virginia; but, with the pride of conscious innocence, he demanded a trial; and, being honourably acquitted, took his seat in the council.

      As misfortune is not unfrequently the parent of moderation and reflection, this state of misery produced a system of conduct towards the neighbouring Indians, which, for the moment, disarmed their resentments, and induced them to bring in such supplies as the country afforded at that season. It produced another effect of equal importance. A sense of imminent and common danger called forth those talents which were fitted to the exigency, and compelled submission to them. On captain Smith, who had preserved his health unimpaired, his spirits unbroken, and his judgment unclouded, amidst this general misery and dejection, all eyes were turned, and in him, all actual authority was placed by common consent. His example soon gave energy to others.

      He erected such rude fortifications as would resist the sudden attacks of the savages, and constructed such habitations as, by sheltering the survivors from the weather, contributed to restore and preserve their health, while his own accommodation gave place to that of all others. In the season of gathering corn, he penetrated into the country at the head of small parties, and by presents and caresses to those who were well disposed, and by attacking with open force, and defeating those who were hostile, he obtained abundant supplies.

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