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the eternal silences

       None heard but He who always spake,

       And the silence was unbroken.

       O marvellous! O worshipful!

       No song or sound is heard,

       But everywhere and every hour

       In love, in wisdom, and in power,

       The Father speaks His dear Eternal Word.

       Frederick W. Faber

      A popular belief among Christians divide the work of God between the three Persons, giving a specific part to each, as, for instance, creation to the Father, redemption to the Son, and regeneration to the Holy Spirit. This is partly true but not wholly so, for God cannot so divide Himself that one Person works while another is inactive. In the Scriptures the three Persons are shown to act in harmonious unity in all the mighty works that are wrought throughout the universe.

      In the Holy Scriptures the work of creation is attributed to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. The incarnation is shown to have been accomplished by the three Persons in full accord (Luke 1: 35), though only the Son became flesh to dwell among us. At Christ’s baptism the Son came up out of the water, the Spirit descended upon Him and the Father’s voice spoke from heaven. Probably the most beautiful description of the work of atonement is found in Hebrews 9:14, where it is stated that Christ, through the Eternal Spirit, offered Himself without spot to God; and there we behold the three persons operating together.

      The resurrection of Christ is likewise attributed variously to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. The salvation of the individual man is shown by the apostle Peter to be the work of all three Persons of the Godhead, and the indwelling of the Christian man’s soul is said to be by the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

      The doctrine of the Trinity, as I have said before, is truth for the heart. The fact that it cannot be satisfactorily explained, instead of being against it, is in its favor. Such a truth had to be revealed; no one could have imagined it.

      O Blessed Trinity!

       O simplest Majesty! O Three in One!

       Thou art for ever God alone.

       Holy Trinity!

       Blessed equal Three.

       One God, we praise Thee.

       Frederick W. Faber

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