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target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_6997eebe-4d65-5378-9234-aed1c0a0c781">↑ Phil. Trans, (abridged) xiii. 566.

      11  Holland's Pliny, vol. i, p. 267.

      12  Encyc. Brit. Supp. vol. iv. p. 269.

      13  Introduction to Conchology, p. 11.

      14  Edin. Med. and Surg. Journal, xxix. p. 88.

      15  Test. Brit. Supp. p. 122.

      16  Animal Kingdom, p. 383.

      17  Ann. and Mag. K. H. Oct. 1848.

      18  Excursions to Arran, p. 319.

      19  Penny Cyclop., art. Malacology.


       Table of Contents

      (Head-footed Mollusks.)

      If we were to take a Poulpe or a Cuttle-fish from some hole or tide-pool in the rocks, and look upon its many flexible arms studded with sucking disks, its sack-like body, its green staring eyes, and its bird-like beak, we should be ready to say that such an animal presents but a slight analogy with the sluggish and almost shapeless creatures familiar to us under the name of shell-fish. And, in truth, the former do possess a higher rank in the scale of animal life, having their senses developed into greater perfection, and forming, indeed, the link by which the latter take hold of the races which, from their elaborate organization, are placed at the summit of the scale—the Vertebrata.

      We shall better understand the connexion between the present Class and other Mollusca, by considering, with Cuvier, that "the mantle unites beneath the body, and thus forms a muscular sac which envelopes all the viscera. This body, or trunk, is fleshy and soft, varying in form, being either spherical, elliptical, or cylindrical, and the sides of the mantle are in many of the species extended into fleshy fins. The head protrudes from the muscular sac, and is distinct from the body: it is gifted with all the usual senses, and the eyes, in particular, which are either pedunculated or sessile, are large and well developed. The mouth is anterior and terminal, ​armed with a pair of horny or calcareous mandibles, which bear a strong resemblance to the bill of a parrot, acting vertically one upon the other. Its situation is the bottom of a subconical cavity, formed by the base of the numerous fleshy tentacular appendages which surround it, and which have been termed arms by some naturalists, and feet by others."

      These fleshy flexible feet are characteristic of the Class, and give to it its systematic appellation of Cephalopoda, signifying head-footed. They are instruments of locomotion; the animal being enabled to crawl awkwardly upon this circle of feet, head downwards. But their chief use to the animal is as organs for the seizing and holding of prey; and for this purpose they are eminently qualified. Each arm is furnished with a double row of sucking disks, each of which on being applied to any surface adheres to it at the will of the animal with immense force, so that it is easier to tear away the substance of the limb while the creature maintains its hold, than to release it from its attachment; and even after death, the suckers continue to retain a considerable power of adhesion.

      The manner in which these suckers act, will be understood by a reference to the principle of a cupping-glass. Each one consists of a firm fleshy or cartilaginous ring, across which a disk of muscular membrane is stretched, with a circular aperture in the centre. A cone-shaped mass of flesh fills this aperture, like a piston, capable of being drawn backward. The membranous disk itself can also be drawn in. Now, let us suppose that one of the sucking disks of a tentacle touches any object fit for prey, such as a fish, for example, ​gliding by. The instant that the Cuttle feels the contact, instinctively, and with the speed of lightning, it retracts the fleshy piston; a vacuum is thus created, and the edges of the disk are pressed against the surface of the victim, with a force equal to the weight of the water that is above it, added to the weight of the atmosphere. If need be, as when the victim makes strenuous efforts to escape, the vacuum, and consequently the adhesion, is increased by the withdrawal of the membranous disk.

Natural History - Mollusca - Sucker.png


      This apparatus, powerful as it is, is but one out of a thousand instruments of the same kind with which the animal is furnished. Our common Poulpe (Octopus vulgaris) has eight tentacular arms, and every one of these carries one hundred and ​twenty pairs of sucking disks. The struggles of the unhappy victim once touched by the fatal spell, only ensure its speedy destruction; for as it writhes and darts to and fro, it ever comes into contact with others of the disks in succession, each of which adheres. Others of the arms now entwine themselves about it, and thus it is surely dragged to the central mouth, where the sharp and horny beak soon cuts it to pieces in spite of its scaly armour. The effective power of this apparatus is graphically described by Mr. Broderip:—

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