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href="#ulink_3e8339ff-d6b4-559e-99d3-5c06c13388ea">Epitaph On Holy Willie Death and Doctor Hornbook Epistle To J. Lapraik, An Old Scottish Bard Second Epistle To J. Lapraik Epistle To William Simson Postcript One Night As I Did Wander Tho' Cruel Fate Should Bid Us Part Song—Rantin', Rovin' Robin^1 Elegy On The Death Of Robert Ruisseaux^1 Epistle To John Goldie, In Kilmarnock The Holy Fair^1 Third Epistle To J. Lapraik Epistle To The Rev. John M'math Second Epistle to Davie Song—Young Peggy Blooms Song—Farewell To Ballochmyle Fragment—Her Flowing Locks Halloween^1 To A Mouse, On Turning Her Up In Her Nest With The Plough, November, 1785 Epitaph On John Dove, Innkeeper Epitaph For James Smith Adam Armour's Prayer The Jolly Beggars: A Cantata^1 Song—For A' That^1 Song—Merry Hae I Been Teethin A Heckle The Cotter's Saturday Night Address To The Deil Scotch Drink 1786 The Auld Farmer's New-Year-Morning Salutation To His Auld Mare, Maggie The Twa Dogs^1 The Author's Earnest Cry And Prayer The Ordination Epistle To James Smith The Vision Suppressed Stanza's Of “The Vision” Address To The Unco Guid, Or The Rigidly Righteous The Inventory^1 To John Kennedy, Dumfries House To Mr. M'Adam, Of Craigen-Gillan To A Louse, On Seeing One On A Lady's Bonnet, At Church Inscribed On A Work Of Hannah More's Song, Composed In Spring To A Mountain Daisy, To Ruin The Lament Despondency: An Ode To Gavin Hamilton, Esq., Mauchline, Versified Reply To An Invitation Song—Will Ye Go To The Indies, My Mary? Song—My Highland Lassie, O Epistle To A Young Friend Address Of Beelzebub A Dream A Dedication Versified Note To Dr. Mackenzie, Mauchline The Farewell To the Brethren of St. James' Lodge, Tarbolton. On A Scotch Bard, Gone To The West Indies Song—Farewell To Eliza A Bard's Epitaph Epitaph On “Wee Johnie” The Lass O' Ballochmyle Lines To An Old Sweetheart Motto Prefixed To The Author's First Publication Lines To Mr. John Kennedy Lines Written On A Banknote Stanzas On Naething The Farewell Thomson's Edward and Eleanora. The Calf Nature's Law—A Poem Song—Willie Chalmers Reply To A Trimming Epistle Received From A Tailor The Brigs Of Ayr Fragment Of Song Epigram On Rough Roads Prayer—O Thou Dread Power Farewell Song To The Banks Of Ayr Address To The Toothache Lines On Meeting With Lord Daer^1 Masonic Song Tam Samson's Elegy The Epitaph Per Contra Epistle To Major Logan Fragment On Sensibility A Winter Night Song—Yon Wild Mossy Mountains Address To Edinburgh Address To A Haggis 1787 To Miss Logan, With Beattie's Poems, For A New-Year's Gift, Jan. 1, 1787. Mr. William Smellie—A Sketch Song—Bonie Dundee Extempore In The Court Of Session Inscription For The Headstone Of Fergusson The Poet^1 Epistle To Mrs. Scott Verses Intended To Be Written Below A Noble Earl's Picture^1 Prologue The Bonie Moor-Hen Song—My Lord A-Hunting Epigram At Roslin Inn Epigram Addressed To An Artist The Book-Worms On Elphinstone's Translation Of Martial's Epigrams Song—A Bottle And Friend Epitaph For William Nicol, Of The High School, Edinburgh Epitaph For Mr. William Michie Address To Wm. Tytler, Esq., Of Woodhouselee Epigram To Miss Ainslie In Church Burlesque Lament For The Absence Of William Creech, Publisher Note to Mr. Renton Elegy On “Stella” The Bard At Inverary Epigram To Miss Jean Scott On The Death Of John M'Leod, Esq, Elegy On The Death Of Sir James Hunter Blair Impromptu On Carron Iron Works To Miss Ferrier Written By Somebody On The Window The Poet's Reply To The Threat Of A Censorious Critic The Libeller's Self-Reproof^1 Verses Written With A Pencil Song—The Birks Of Aberfeldy The Humble Petition Of Bruar Water Lines On The Fall Of Fyers Near Loch-Ness. Epigram On Parting With A Kind Host In The Highlands Strathallan's Lament^1 Castle Gordon Song—Lady Onlie, Honest Lucky Theniel Menzies' Bonie Mary The Bonie Lass Of Albany^1 On Scaring Some Water-Fowl In Loch-Turit Blythe Was She^1 A Rose-Bud By My Early Walk Song—The Banks of the Devon Epitaph For Mr. W. Cruikshank^1 Braving Angry Winter's Storms Song—My Peggy's Charms The Young Highland Rover Birthday Ode For 31st December, 1787^1 On The Death Of Robert Dundas, Esq., Of Arniston, Sylvander To Clarinda^1 1788 Love In The Guise Of Friendship Go On, Sweet Bird, And Sooth My Care Clarinda, Mistress Of My Soul I'm O'er Young To Marry Yet To The Weavers Gin Ye Go M'Pherson's Farewell Stay My Charmer Song—My Hoggie Raving Winds Around Her Blowing Up In The Morning Early Hey, The Dusty Miller Duncan Davison The Lad They Ca'Jumpin John Talk Of Him That's Far Awa To Daunton Me The Winter It Is Past The Bonie Lad That's Far Awa Verses To Clarinda The Chevalier's Lament Epistle To Hugh Parker Of A' The Airts The Wind Can Blaw^1 Song—I Hae a Wife O' My Ain Lines Written In Friars'-Carse Hermitage To Alex. Cunningham, ESQ., Writer Song.—Anna, Thy Charms The Fete Champetre Epistle To Robert Graham, Esq., Of Fintry Song.—The Day Returns Song.—O, Were I On Parnassus Hill A Mother's Lament The Fall Of The Leaf I Reign In Jeanie's Bosom Auld Lang Syne My Bonie Mary The Parting Kiss Written In Friar's-Carse Hermitage The Poet's Progress Elegy On The Year 1788 The Henpecked Husband Versicles On Sign-Posts 1789 Robin Shure In Hairst Ode, Sacred To The Memory Of Mrs. Oswald Of Auchencruive Pegasus At Wanlockhead Sappho Redivivus—A Fragment Song—She's Fair And Fause Impromptu Lines To Captain Riddell Lines To John M'Murdo, Esq. Of Drumlanrig Rhyming Reply To A Note From Captain Riddell Caledonia—A Ballad To Miss Cruickshank Beware O' Bonie Ann Ode On The Departed Regency Bill Epistle To James Tennant Of Glenconner A New Psalm For The Chapel Of Kilmarnock Sketch In Verse The Wounded Hare Delia, An Ode The Gard'ner Wi' His Paidle On A Bank Of Flowers Young Jockie Was The Blythest Lad The Banks Of Nith Jamie, Come Try Me I Love My Love In Secret Sweet Tibbie Dunbar The Captain's Lady John Anderson, My Jo My Love, She's But A Lassie Yet Song—Tam Glen Carle, An The King Come The Laddie's Dear Sel' Whistle O'er The Lave O't My Eppie Adair On The Late Captain Grose's Peregrinations Thro' Scotland Epigram On Francis Grose The Antiquary The Kirk Of Scotland's Alarm Presentation Stanzas To Correspondents Sonnet On Receiving A Favour Extemporaneous Effusion Song—Willie Brew'd A Peck O' Maut^1 Ca' The Yowes To The Knowes I Gaed A Waefu' Gate Yestreen Highland Harry Back Again The Battle Of Sherramuir The Braes O' Killiecrankie Awa' Whigs, Awa' A Waukrife Minnie The Captive Ribband My Heart's In The Highlands The Whistle—A Ballad To Mary In Heaven Epistle To Dr. Blacklock The Five Carlins Election Ballad For Westerha' Prologue Spoken At The Theatre Of Dumfries 1790 Sketch—New Year's Day [1790] Scots' Prologue For Mr. Sutherland Lines To A Gentleman, Elegy On Willie Nicol's Mare The Gowden Locks Of Anna Postscript Song—I Murder Hate Gudewife, Count The Lawin Election Ballad Elegy On Captain Matthew Henderson The Epitaph Verses On Captain Grose Tam O' Shanter On The Birth Of A Posthumous Child Elegy On The Late Miss Burnet Of Monboddo 1791 Lament Of Mary, Queen Of Scots, On The Approach Of Spring There'll Never Be Peace Till Jamie Comes Hame Song—Out Over The Forth The Banks O' Doon—First Version The Banks O' Doon—Second Version The Banks O' Doon—Third Version Lament For James, Earl Of Glencairn Lines Sent To Sir John Whiteford, Bart Craigieburn Wood Epigram On Miss Davies The Charms Of Lovely Davies What Can A Young Lassie

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