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Mrs. Dunlop. Mrs. Henri. The Song of Death 440 1792. CCXXVI. To Mrs. Dunlop. The animadversions of the Board of Excise 441 CCXXVII. To Mr. William Smellie. Introducing Mrs. Riddel 441 CCXXVIII. To Mr. W. Nicol. Ironical reply to a letter of counsel and reproof 442 CCXXIX. To Francis Grose, Esq. Dugald Stewart 443 CCXXX. To the same. Witch stories 443 CCXXXI. To Mr. S. Clarke. Humorous invitation to teach music to the M’Murdo family 444 CCXXXII. To Mrs. Dunlop. Love and Lesley Baillie 445 CCXXXIII. To Mr. Cunningham. Lesley Baillie 446 CCXXXIV. To Mr. Thomson. Promising his assistance to his collection of songs and airs 447 CCXXXV. To Mrs. Dunlop. Situation of Mrs.Henri 448 CCXXXVI. To the same. On the death of Mrs. Henri 449 CCXXXVII. To Mr. Thomson. Thomson’s fastidiousness. “My Nannie O,” &c. 449 CCXXXVIII. To the same. With “My wife’s a winsome wee thing,” and “Lesley Baillie” 450 CCXXXIX. To the same. With Highland Mary. The air of Katherine Ogie 450 CCXL. To the same. Thomson’s alterations and observations 451 CCXLI. To the same. With “Auld Rob Morris,” and “Duncan Gray” 451 CCXLII. To Mrs. Dunlop. Birth of a daughter. The poet Thomson’s dramas 451 CCXLIII. To Robert Graham, Esq., of Fintray. The Excise inquiry into his political conduct 452 CCXLIV. To Mrs. Dunlop. Hurry of business. Excise inquiry 453 1793. CCXLV. To Mr. Thomson. With “Poortithcauld” and “Galla Water” 453 CCXLVI. To the same. William Tytler, Peter Pindar 453 CCXLVII. To Mr. Cunningham. The poet’s seal. David Allan 454 CCXLVIII. To Thomson. With “Mary Morison” 455 CCCXLIX. To the same. With “Wandering Willie” 455 CCL. To Miss Benson. Pleasure he had in meeting her 455 CCLI.

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