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Lines, intended to be written under a Noble Earl’s Picture 155 Elegy on the year 1788. A Sketch 155 Address to the Toothache 155 Ode. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Oswald, of Auchencruive 156 Fragment inscribed to the Right Hon. C.J. Fox 156 On seeing a wounded Hare limp by me, which a Fellow had just shot 157 To Dr. Blacklock. In answer to a Letter 158 Delia. An Ode 159 To John M’Murdo, Esq. 159 Prologue, spoken at the Theatre, Dumfries, 1st January, 1790 159 Scots Prologue, for Mr. Sutherland’s Benefit-night, Dumfries 160 Sketch. New-year’s Day. To Mrs. Dunlop 160 To a Gentleman who had sent him a Newspaper, and offered to continue it free of expense 161 The Kirk’s Alarm. A Satire. First Version 162 The Kirk’s Alarm. A Ballad. Second Version 163 Peg Nicholson 165 On Captain Matthew Henderson, a gentleman who held the patent for his honours immediately from Almighty God 165 The Five Carlins. A Scots Ballad 167 The Laddies by the Banks o’ Nith 168 Epistle to Robert Graham, Esq., of Fintray, on the close of the disputed Election between Sir James Johnstone, and Captain Miller, for the Dumfries district of Boroughs 169 On Captain Grose’s Peregrination through Scotland, collecting the Antiquities of that kingdom 170 Written in a wrapper, enclosing a letter to Captain Grose 171 Tam O’ Shanter. A Tale 171 Address of Beelzebub to the President of the Highland Society 174 To John Taylor 175 Lament of Mary Queen of Scots, on the approach of Spring 175 The Whistle 176 Elegy on Miss Burnet of Monboddo 178 Lament for James, Earl of Glencairn 178 Lines sent to Sir John Whitefoord, Bart., of Whitefoord, with the foregoing Poem 179 Address to the Shade of Thomson, on crowning his Bust at Ednam with bays 179 To Robert Graham, Esq., of Fintray 180 To Robert Graham, Esq., of Fintray, on receiving a favour 181

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