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       Dean C. Worcester

      The Philippines - Past and Present (Vol. 1&2)

      Complete Edition


      OK Publishing, 2020

       [email protected] Tous droits réservés.

      EAN 4064066395933

       Volume 1

       Volume 2

      Volume 1

       Table of Contents

       Chapter I View Point and Subject-Matter

       Chapter II Was Independence Promised?

       Chapter III Insurgent “Coöperation”

       Chapter IV The Premeditated Insurgent Attack

       Chapter V Insurgent Rule and the Wilcox-Sargent Report





       Nueva Ecija

       Chapter VI Insurgent Rule in the Cagayan Valley

       Chapter VII Insurgent Rule in the Visayas and Elsewhere

       South Ilocos

       The Province of Manila

       La Laguna





       Ambos Camarines





       Chapter VIII Did We Destroy a Republic?

       Chapter IX The Conduct of the War

       The Visayas

       Chapter X Mr. Bryan and Independence

       Chapter XI The First Philippine Commission

       Chapter XII The Establishment of Civil Government

       Chapter XIII The Philippine Civil Service

       Chapter XIV The Philippine Constabulary and Public Order

       Chapter XV The Administration of Justice

       Chapter XVI Health Conditions

       Chapter XVII Baguio and the Benguet Road

       Chapter XVIII The Coördination of Scientific Work

      Chapter I

      View Point and Subject-Matter

       Table of Contents

      It is customary in Latin countries for a would-be author or orator to endeavour, at the beginning of his book or his speech, to establish his status. Possibly I have become partially Latinized as the result of some eighteen years of residence in the Philippines. At all events it is my purpose to state at the outset facts which will tend to make clear my view point and at the same time briefly to outline the subject-matter which I hereinafter discuss.

      As a boy I went through several of the successive stages of collector’s fever from which the young commonly suffer. First it was postage stamps; then birds’ nests, obtained during the winter season when no longer of use to their builders. Later I was allowed to collect eggs, and finally the birds themselves. At one time my great ambition was to become a taxidermist. My family did not actively oppose this desire but suggested that a few preliminary years in school and college might prove useful.

      I eventually lost my ambition to be a taxidermist but did not lose my interest in zoölogy and botany. While a student at the University of Michigan I specialized in these subjects. I was fortunate in having as one of my instructors Professor Joseph B. Steere, then at the head of the Department of Zoölogy. Professor Steere, who had been a great traveller, at times entertained his classes with wonderfully interesting tales of adventure on the Amazon and in the Andes, Peru, Formosa, the Philippines and the Dutch Moluccas. My ambition was fired by his stories and when

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