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we read the Bible, and then go to church to [20]

      hear it expounded? Only because both are important.

      Why do we read moral science, and then study it at


      You are benefited by reading Science and Health, but

      it is greatly to your advantage to be taught its Science [25]

      by the author of that work, who explains it in detail.

      What is immortal Mind?

      In reply, we refer you to “Science and Health with

      Key to the Scriptures,”2 Vol. I. page 14: “That which

      [pg 036]

      is erring, sinful, sick, and dying, termed material or [1]

      mortal man, is neither God's man nor Mind; but to be

      understood, we shall classify evil and error as mortal

      mind, in contradistinction to good and Truth, or the

      Mind which is immortal.” [5]

      Do animals and beasts have a mind?

      Beasts, as well as men, express Mind as their origin;

      but they manifest less of Mind. The first and only

      cause is the eternal Mind, which is God, and there is

      but one God. The ferocious mind seen in the beast is [10]

      mortal mind, which is harmful and proceeds not from

      God; for His beast is the lion that lieth down with

      the lamb. Appetites, passions, anger, revenge, subtlety,

      are the animal qualities of sinning mortals; and the

      beasts that have these propensities express the lower [15]

      qualities of the so-called animal man; in other words,

      the nature and quality of mortal mind—not immortal


      What is the distinction between mortal mind and immortal

      Mind? [20]

      Mortal mind includes all evil, disease, and death;

      also, all beliefs relative to the so-called material laws,

      and all material objects, and the law of sin and death.

      The Scripture says, “The carnal mind [in other words,

      mortal mind] is enmity against God; for it is not sub- [25]

      ject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” Mortal

      mind is an illusion; as much in our waking moments

      as in the dreams of sleep. The belief that intelligence,

      Truth, and Love, are in matter and separate from God,

      is an error; for there is no intelligent evil, and no power [30]

      [pg 037]

      besides God, good. God would not be omnipotent if [1]

      there were in reality another mind creating or governing

      man or the universe.

      Immortal Mind is God; and this Mind is made

      manifest in all thoughts and desires that draw man- [5]

      kind toward purity, health, holiness, and the spiritual

      facts of being.

      Jesus recognized this relation so clearly that he said,

      “I and my Father are one.” In proportion as we oppose

      the belief in material sense, in sickness, sin, and death, [10]

      and recognize ourselves under the control of God,

      spiritual and immortal Mind, shall we go on to leave the

      animal for the spiritual, and learn the meaning of those

      words of Jesus, “Go ye into all the world … heal the

      sick.” [15]

      Can your Science cure intemperance?

      Christian Science lays the axe at the root of the tree.

      Its antidote for all ills is God, the perfect Mind, which

      corrects mortal thought, whence cometh all evil. God

      can and does destroy the thought that leads to moral [20]

      or physical death. Intemperance, impurity, sin of every

      sort, is destroyed by Truth. The appetite for alcohol

      yields to Science as directly and surely as do sickness

      and sin.

      Does Mrs. Eddy take patients? [25]

      She now does not. Her time is wholly devoted to in-

      struction, leaving to her students the work of healing;

      which, at this hour, is in reality the least difficult of the

      labor that Christian Science demands.

      [pg 038]

      Why do you charge for teaching Christian Science, when [1]

      all the good we can do must be done freely?

      When teaching imparts the ability to gain and main-

      tain health, to heal and elevate man in every line of

      life—as this teaching certainly does—is it un- [5]

      reasonable to expect in return something to support

      one's self and a Cause? If so, our whole system

      of education, secular and religious, is at fault, and the

      instructors and philanthropists in our land should ex-

      pect no compensation. “If we have sown unto you [10]

      spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your

      carnal things?”

      How happened you to establish a college to instruct in

      metaphysics, when other institutions find little interest in

      such a dry and abstract subject? [15]

      Metaphysics, as taught by me at the Massachusetts

      Metaphysical College, is far from dry and abstract. It

      is a Science that has the animus of Truth. Its practical

      application to benefit the race, heal the sick, enlighten

      and reform the sinner, makes divine metaphysics need- [20]

      ful, indispensable. Teaching metaphysics at other col-

      leges means, mainly, elaborating a man-made theory,

      or some speculative view too vapory and hypothetical

      for questions of practical import.

      Is it necessary to study your Science in order to be healed [25]

      by it and keep well?

      It is not necessary to make each patient a student

      in order to cure his present disease, if this is what

      you mean. Were it so, the Science would be of less

      [pg 039]

      practical value. Many who apply for help are not [1]

      prepared to take a course of instruction in Christian


      To avoid being

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