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must not prevail over Science. Christianity is not

      superfluous. Its redemptive power is seen in sore trials, [5]

      self-denials, and crucifixions of the flesh. But these come

      to the rescue of mortals, to admonish them, and plant

      the feet steadfastly in Christ. As we rise above the seem-

      ing mists of sense, we behold more clearly that all the

      heart's homage belongs to God. [10]

      More love is the great need of mankind. A pure af-

      fection, concentric, forgetting self, forgiving wrongs and

      forestalling them, should swell the lyre of human love.

      Three cardinal points must be gained before poor

      humanity is regenerated and Christian Science is dem- [15]

      onstrated: (1) A proper sense of sin; (2) repentance;

      (3) the understanding of good. Evil is a negation: it

      never started with time, and it cannot keep pace with

      eternity. Mortals' false senses pass through three states

      and stages of human consciousness before yielding error. [20]

      The deluded sense must first be shown its falsity through

      a knowledge of evil as evil, so-called. Without a sense

      of one's oft-repeated violations of divine law, the in-

      dividual may become morally blind, and this deplorable

      mental state is moral idiocy. The lack of seeing one's [25]

      deformed mentality, and of repentance therefor, deep,

      never to be repented of, is retarding, and in certain mor-

      bid instances stopping, the growth of Christian Scientists.

      Without a knowledge of his sins, and repentance so severe

      that it destroys them, no person is or can be a Christian [30]


      Mankind thinks either too much or too little of sin.

      [pg 108]

      The sensitive, sorrowing saint thinks too much of it: the [1]

      sordid sinner, or the so-called Christian asleep, thinks too

      little of sin.

      To allow sin of any sort is anomalous in Christian

      Scientists, claiming, as they do, that good is infinite, All. [5]

      Our Master, in his definition of Satan as a liar from the

      beginning, attested the absolute powerlessness—yea,

      nothingness—of evil: since a lie, being without founda-

      tion in fact, is merely a falsity; spiritually, literally, it

      is nothing. [10]

      Not to know that a false claim is false, is to be in danger

      of believing it; hence the utility of knowing evil aright,

      then reducing its claim to its proper denominator—

      nobody and nothing. Sin should be conceived of only

      as a delusion. This true conception would remove mortals' [15]

      ignorance and its consequences, and advance the second

      stage of human consciousness, repentance. The first

      state, namely, the knowledge of one's self, the proper

      knowledge of evil and its subtle workings wherein evil

      seems as real as good, is indispensable; since that which [20]

      is truly conceived of, we can handle; but the misconcep-

      tion of what we need to know of evil—or the concep-

      tion of it at all as something real—costs much. Sin

      needs only to be known for what it is not; then we are

      its master, not servant. Remember, and act on, Jesus' [25]

      definition of sin as a lie. This cognomen makes it less

      dangerous; for most of us would not be seen believing

      in, or adhering to, that which we know to be untrue.

      What would be thought of a Christian Scientist who be-

      lieved in the use of drugs, while declaring that they have [30]

      no intrinsic quality and that there is no matter? What

      should be thought of an individual believing in that

      [pg 109]

      which is untrue, and at the same time declaring the unity [1]

      of Truth, and its allness? Beware of those who mis-

      represent facts; or tacitly assent where they should dis-

      sent; or who take me as authority for what I disapprove,

      or mayhap never have thought of, and try to reverse, in- [5]

      vert, or controvert, Truth; for this is a sure pretext of

      moral defilement.

      Examine yourselves, and see what, and how much, sin

      claims of you; and how much of this claim you admit

      as valid, or comply with. The knowledge of evil that [10]

      brings on repentance is the most hopeful stage of mortal

      mentality. Even a mild mistake must be seen as a mis-

      take, in order to be corrected; how much more, then,

      should one's sins be seen and repented of, before they

      can be reduced to their native nothingness! [15]

      Ignorance is only blest by reason of its nothingness;

      for seeing the need of somethingness in its stead, blesses

      mortals. Ignorance was the first condition of sin in the

      allegory of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. Their

      mental state is not desirable, neither is a knowledge of [20]

      sin and its consequences, repentance, per se; but, ad-

      mitting the existence of both, mortals must hasten through

      the second to the third stage—the knowledge of good;

      for without this the valuable sequence of knowledge

      would be lacking—even the power to escape from the [25]

      false claims of sin. To understand good, one must discern

      the nothingness of evil, and consecrate one's life anew.

      Beloved brethren, Christ, Truth, saith unto you, “Be

      not afraid!”—fear not sin, lest thereby it master you;

      but only fear to sin. Watch and pray for self-knowledge; [30]

      since then, and thus, cometh repentance—and your

      superiority to a delusion is won.

      [pg 110]

      Repentance is better than sacrifice. The costly balm [1]

      of Araby, poured on our Master's feet, had not

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