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and scholarly physicians openly admit.

      To prevent all unpleasant and unchristian action—as

      we drift, by right of God's dear love, into more spiritual [5]

      lines of life—let each society of practitioners, the matter-

      physicians and the metaphysicians, agree to disagree, and

      then patiently wait on God to decide, as surely He will,

      which is the true system of medicine.

      Do we not see in the commonly accepted teachings of the [10]

      day, the Christ-idea mingled with the teachings of John

      the Baptist? or, rather, Are not the last eighteen centuries

      but the footsteps of Truth being baptized of John, and com-

      ing up straightway out of the ceremonial (or ritualistic)

      waters to receive the benediction of an honored Father, and [15]

      afterwards to go up into the wilderness, in order to over-

      come mortal sense, before it shall go forth into all the cities

      and towns of Judea, or see many of the people from beyond

      Jordan? Now, if all this be a fair or correct view of this

      question, why does not John hear this voice, or see the [20]

      dove—or has not Truth yet reached the shore?

      Every individual character, like the individual John

      the Baptist, at some date must cry in the desert of

      earthly joy; and his voice be heard divinely and

      humanly. In the desolation of human understanding, [25]

      divine Love hears and answers the human call for help;

      and the voice of Truth utters the divine verities of being

      which deliver mortals out of the depths of ignorance

      and vice. This is the Father's benediction. It gives

      lessons to human life, guides the understanding, peoples [30]

      [pg 082]

      the mind with spiritual ideas, reconstructs the Judean [1]

      religion, and reveals God and man as the Principle and

      idea of all good.

      Understanding this fact in Christian Science, brings

      the peace symbolized by a dove; and this peace floweth [5]

      as a river into a shoreless eternity. He who knew the

      foretelling Truth, beheld the forthcoming Truth, as it

      came up out of the baptism of Spirit, to enlighten and

      redeem mortals. Such Christians as John cognize the

      symbols of God, reach the sure foundations of time, stand [10]

      upon the shore of eternity, and grasp and gather—in all

      glory—what eye hath not seen.

      Is there infinite progression with man after the destruc-

      tion of mortal mind?

      Man is the offspring and idea of the Supreme Being, [15]

      whose law is perfect and infinite. In obedience to this

      law, man is forever unfolding the endless beatitudes of

      Being; for he is the image and likeness of infinite Life,

      Truth, and Love.

      Infinite progression is concrete being, which finite [20]

      mortals see and comprehend only as abstract glory. As

      mortal mind, or the material sense of life, is put off,

      the spiritual sense and Science of being is brought to


      Mortal mind is a myth; the one Mind is immortal. [25]

      A mythical or mortal sense of existence is consumed

      as a moth, in the treacherous glare of its own flame—

      the errors which devour it. Immortal Mind is God,

      immortal good; in whom the Scripture saith “we live,

      and move, and have our being.” This Mind, then, is not [30]

      subject to growth, change, or diminution, but is the divine

      [pg 083]

      intelligence, or Principle, of all real being; holding [1]

      man forever in the rhythmic round of unfolding bliss,

      as a living witness to and perpetual idea of inexhaustible


      In your book, Science and Health,3 page 181, you [5]

      say: “Every sin is the author of itself, and every

      invalid the cause of his own sufferings.” On page

      182 you say: “Sickness is a growth of illusion, spring-

      ing from a seed of thought—either your own thought

      or another's.” Will you please explain this seeming [10]


      No person can accept another's belief, except it be

      with the consent of his own belief. If the error which

      knocks at the door of your own thought originated in

      another's mind, you are a free moral agent to reject or [15]

      to accept this error; hence, you are the arbiter of your

      own fate, and sin is the author of sin. In the words

      of our Master, you are “a liar, and the father of it

      [the lie].”

      Why did Jesus call himself “the Son of man”? [20]

      In the life of our Lord, meekness was as conspicuous

      as might. In John xvii. he declared his sonship with

      God: “These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his

      eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come;

      glorify Thy Son, that Thy Son also may glorify Thee.” [25]

      The hour had come for the avowal of this great truth,

      and for the proof of his eternal Life and sonship. Jesus'

      [pg 084]

      wisdom ofttimes was shown by his forbearing to speak, [1]

      as well as by speaking, the whole truth. Haply he waited

      for a preparation of the human heart to receive start-

      ling announcements. This wisdom, which character-

      ized his sayings, did not prophesy his death, and thereby [5]

      hasten or permit it.

      The disciples and prophets thrust disputed points on

      minds unprepared for them. This cost them their lives,

      and the world's temporary esteem; but the prophecies

      were fulfilled, and their motives were rewarded by [10]

      growth and more spiritual understanding, which dawns

      by degrees on mortals. The spiritual Christ was infal-

      lible; Jesus, as material manhood, was not Christ.

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