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Anthem. Then came another address, presented by the Lord Mayor and the Corporation of Dublin, in their civic robes. This was read and handed to His Royal Highness, who thus replied:—

      "My Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of the City of Dublin—I return you my hearty thanks for the kind welcome you have given me, and for your loyal expressions towards Her Majesty the Queen. I regret that circumstances should prevent the extension of my visit to a longer period. It would have been very gratifying to the Princess had she been able to accompany me, and I request that you be assured that we look forward to another occasion when she will have the opportunity of appreciating the hearty welcome which my own experience leads me to anticipate for her. You justly ascribe to me a peculiar interest in this day's ceremony. As the son of that revered and lamented parent to whose wisdom, energy, and influence you truly state exhibitions such as these owe their origin, I may well feel proud in being able to assist in the inauguration of the one we are about to open. May your prayers be granted that it will be the means of producing the usual result attending well-directed labour, and conduce to the prosperity of Ireland and to the happiness of her people."

      Then followed more music, from Haydn's Creation, and the State procession moved from the centre of the nave, and made a tour of the Exhibition. The Committee had arranged that music should form a notable feature of the ceremonies, for when the Prince returned to the daïs, the orchestra gave with grand effect Mendelssohn's 'Hymn of Praise.' At its conclusion the Prince rose and commanded Sir Bernard Burke, Ulster King-at-Arms, to declare the Exhibition open. This was done amidst a flourish of trumpets, and on a rocket being sent up as a signal, salvos of artillery were fired from the forts and batteries, and from the ships of war off Kingstown.

      Such was the opening ceremony. In the evening the Lord Mayor gave a ball at the Mansion House. The city was brilliantly illuminated. Next day there was a review in the Phœnix Park, the number of spectators on the ground being greater than on any occasion since the visit of the Queen in 1849. The Prince of Wales, who wore the uniform of the 10th Hussars, of which regiment he is Colonel, was received with the utmost enthusiasm.

      This was the first State visit of the Prince of Wales to Ireland. His second visit, along with the Princess of Wales, was a time of even greater brilliancy, and evoked equal enthusiasm of loyalty. If later visits were marked with less unanimity of rejoicing, the causes of the apparent disloyalty are well understood, and the disaffection is known to be partial and temporary. Nothing has ever occurred to lessen the personal popularity of the Prince of Wales, nor to give reasonable cause for the reception of any of the Royal Family being less cordial and enthusiastic than that of the Prince in 1865. The Exhibition of that year was held under the patronage of the Queen, who wished every success to the "patriotic undertaking," as she called it. They can be no true patriots who seek to lessen the Queen's interest in the welfare of Ireland.

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      May 19th, 1865.

      After the great national and international Exhibitions, in which were seen the most advanced displays of art, fostered by wealth, skill, and training, it is pleasant to look back upon other exhibitions, of a humbler but not less useful kind, which were encouraged and patronized by the Prince of Wales. One of the most memorable of these, the pattern and parent of many local exhibitions of similar kind, was the Reformatory Exhibition held in the Agricultural Hall, Islington, in 1865. It was to exhibit the productions of various schools connected with the Reformatory and Refuge Union. The articles were the veritable manufacture of poor boys and girls of the lowest classes, many of them utterly destitute and hopeless as to any usefulness in life, until rescued and taught various industries, by the efforts of Christian and philanthropic men.

      The good and venerated Lord Shaftesbury was the President of the Union, of which the Prince of Wales had gladly allowed himself to be named Patron. In an address read by Lord Shaftesbury, it was stated that the objects exhibited were contributed by workers in above two hundred separate institutions in London and other great towns. An invitation had been sent out for contributions from foreign schools of the same class, and this was responded to by articles being sent from almost every part of Europe, and some from Africa and America. Hence the title of international could be fairly given to the show. The representatives of several foreign governments were present on the occasion. The opening of the meeting by the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the sacred choral music performed by about one thousand children from the Reformatory and Refuge Schools, showed that moral and religious training was associated with the industrial work of the Union.

      To the address of Lord Shaftesbury, the Prince replied as follows:—

      This reply, read in a clear, sonorous voice, was heard in every part of the building, and at its conclusion the cheers were loud and prolonged. Prayers were then offered up by the Archbishop of Canterbury, after which, and the singing of a hymn composed by the late Prince Consort, His Royal Highness declared the Exhibition opened.

      The Prince then spent considerable time in examining various parts of the Exhibition, and delighted many youthful manufacturers by the very numerous purchases of every description, from the girls' as well as the boys' stalls, such as lace and crochet work to take to the Princess of Wales. The heartiness with which the Prince entered into the spirit of the occasion charmed all who were present.

      On an earlier day of the same year, on the 1st of March, the Prince had visited an Exhibition got up by the South London Working Classes. No formal address or speech marked this visit, but the interest taken by the Prince, and his liberal purchases, of which all the neighbourhood soon heard and spoke, secured the success of the Exhibition. One exhibitor wished the Prince to accept a toy cart, which had attracted his notice, but the Prince good-humouredly declined such irregularity, however kindly intended, and insisted on paying for this as for all the purchases during the visit.

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      May 22nd, 1865.

      It was to open this completed building that the Prince of Wales made his visit to the east of London. The event was regarded as a great honour by the crowded and busy population of that quarter, and a general holiday was held on the occasion. Many distinguished persons, including some of the Foreign Ministers, were present. Foreign seamen in the British mercantile service are admitted to benefits of the Home. An address having been read by Admiral Sir William Bowles, President of the Institution,

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