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a little, Mr. Holder. We must come back to that. About this girl, Miss Holder. You saw her return by the kitchen door, I presume?”

      “Yes; when I went to see if the door was fastened for the night I met her slipping in. I saw the man, too, in the gloom.”

      “Do you know him?”

      “Oh yes; he is the green-grocer who brings our vegetables round. His name is Francis Prosper.”

      “He stood,” said Holmes, “to the left of the door—that is to say, farther up the path than is necessary to reach the door?”

      “Yes, he did.”

      “And he is a man with a wooden leg?”

      Something like fear sprang up in the young lady’s expressive black eyes. “Why, you are like a magician,” said she. “How do you know that?” She smiled, but there was no answering smile in Holmes’s thin, eager face.

      “I should be very glad now to go up-stairs,” said he. “I shall probably wish to go over the outside of the house again. Perhaps I had better take a look at the lower windows before I go up.”

      He walked swiftly round from one to the other, pausing only at the large one which looked from the hall onto the stable lane. This he opened, and made a very careful examination of the sill with his powerful magnifying lens. “Now we shall go up-stairs,” said he, at last.

      The banker’s dressing-room was a plainly furnished little chamber, with a gray carpet, a large bureau, and a long mirror. Holmes went to the bureau first and looked hard at the lock.

      “Which key was used to open it?” he asked.

      “That which my son himself indicated—that of the cupboard of the lumber-room.”

      “Have you it here?”

      “That is it on the dressing-table.”

      Sherlock Holmes took it up and opened the bureau.

      “It is a noiseless lock,” said he. “It is no wonder that it did not wake you. This case, I presume, contains the coronet. We must have a look at it.” He opened the case, and, taking out the diadem, he laid it upon the table. It was a magnificent specimen of the jeweller’s art, and the thirty-six stones were the finest that I have ever seen. At one side of the coronet was a cracked edge, where a corner holding three gems had been torn away.

      “Now, Mr. Holder,” said Holmes, “here is the corner which corresponds to that which has been so unfortunately lost. Might I beg that you will break it off.”

      The banker recoiled in horror. “I should not dream of trying,” said he.

      “Then I will.” Holmes suddenly bent his strength upon it, but without result. “I feel it give a little,” said he; “but, though I am exceptionally strong in the fingers, it would take me all my time to break it. An ordinary man could not do it. Now, what do you think would happen if I did break it, Mr. Holder? There would be a noise like a pistol shot. Do you tell me that all this happened within a few yards of your bed, and that you heard nothing of it?”

      “I do not know what to think. It is all dark to me.”

      “But perhaps it may grow lighter as we go. What do you think, Miss Holder?”

      “I confess that I still share my uncle’s perplexity.”

      “Your son had no shoes or slippers on when you saw him?”

      “He had nothing on save only his trousers and shirt.”

      “Thank you. We have certainly been favored with extraordinary luck during this inquiry, and it will be entirely our own fault if we do not succeed in clearing the matter up. With your permission, Mr. Holder, I shall now continue my investigations outside.”

      He went alone, at his own request, for he explained that any unnecessary footmarks might make his task more difficult. For an hour or more he was at work, returning at last with his feet heavy with snow and his features as inscrutable as ever.

      “I think that I have seen now all that there is to see, Mr. Holder,” said he; “I can serve you best by returning to my rooms.”

      “But the gems, Mr. Holmes. Where are they?”

      “I cannot tell.”

      The banker wrung his hands. “I shall never see them again!” he cried. “And my son? You give me hopes?”

      “My opinion is in no way altered.”

      “Then, for God’s sake, what was this dark business which was acted in my house last night?”

      “If you can call upon me at my Baker Street rooms to-morrow morning between nine and ten I shall be happy to do what I can to make it clearer. I understand that you give me carte blanche to act for you, provided only that I get back the gems, and that you place no limit on the sum I may draw.”

      “I would give my fortune to have them back.”

      “Very good. I shall look into the matter between this and then. Good-bye; it is just possible that I may have to come over here again before evening.”

      It was obvious to me that my companion’s mind was now made up about the case, although what his conclusions were was more than I could even dimly imagine. Several times during our homeward journey I endeavored to sound him upon the point, but he always glided away to some other topic, until at last I gave it over in despair. It was not yet three when we found ourselves in our room once more. He hurried to his chamber, and was down again in a few minutes dressed as a common loafer. With his collar turned up, his shiny, seedy coat, his red cravat, and his worn boots, he was a perfect sample of the class.

      “I think that this should do,” said he, glancing into the glass above the fireplace. “I only wish that you could come with me, Watson, but I fear that it won’t do. I may be on the trail in this matter, or I may be following a will-of-the-wisp, but I shall soon know which it is. I hope that I may be back in a few hours.” He cut a slice of beef from the joint upon the sideboard, sandwiched it between two rounds of bread, and, thrusting this rude meal into his pocket, he started off upon his expedition.

      I had just finished my tea when he returned, evidently in excellent spirits, swinging an old elastic-sided boot in his hand. He chucked it down into a corner and helped himself to a cup of tea.

      “I only looked in as I passed,” said he. “I am going right on.”

      “Where to?”

      “Oh, to the other side of the West End. It may be some time before I get back. Don’t wait up for me in case I should be late.”

      “How are you getting on?”

      “Oh, so so. Nothing to complain of. I have been out to Streatham since I saw you last, but I did not call at the house. It is a very sweet little problem, and I would not have missed it for a good deal. However, I must not sit gossiping here, but must get these disreputable clothes off and return to my highly respectable self.”

      I could see by his manner that he had stronger reasons for satisfaction than his words alone would imply. His eyes twinkled, and there was even a touch of color upon his sallow cheeks. He hastened up-stairs, and a few minutes later I heard the slam of the hall door, which told me that he was off once more upon his congenial hunt.

      I waited until midnight, but there was no sign of his return, so I retired to my room. It was no uncommon thing for him to be away for days and nights on end when he was hot upon a scent, so that his lateness caused me no surprise. I do not know at what hour he came in, but when I came down to breakfast in the morning, there he was with a cup of coffee in one hand and the paper in the other, as fresh and trim as possible.

      “You will excuse my beginning without you, Watson,” said he; “but you remember that our client has rather an early appointment this morning.”

      “Why, it is after nine now,” I answered. “I should

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