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      Chapter XI. The People

      Population—Distribution—Race—Descendants of American negroes—Language—Physical traits—Mental traits—Amusements—Dances, theatres, clubs, carnivals—Gaming—Morality—Homes.

      CHAPTER XII. Religion

      Catholic religion—Concordat—Ownership of church buildings—Clergy—Religious sentiment—Shrines—Religious customs and holidays—Religious toleration—Protestant sects.

      CHAPTER XIII. Education and Literature

      Education in Spanish times—Work of Hostos—School organization—Professional institute—Primary and secondary education—Literacy—Libraries—Newspapers—Literature—Fine arts.

      CHAPTER XIV. Means of Transportation and Communication

      Railroads-Samana—Santiago Railroad—Central Dominican Railway—Roads—Mode of traveling—Inns—Principal highways—Steamer lines—Postal facilities—Telegraph and telephone lines.

      CHAPTER XV. Commerce

      Exports and imports—Foreign trade—Trade with the United States—Ports of entry—Wharf concessions—Domestic trade—Business houses—Banks—Manufactures.

      CHAPTER XVI. Cities and Towns

      General condition of municipalities—Santo Domingo City; ruins, churches, streets, popular legends—Other towns of Santo Domingo Province—San Pedro de Macoris—Seibo—Samana and Sanchez—Pacificador Province—Conceptión de la Vega—Moca—Santiago de los Caballeros—Puerto Plata—Monte Cristi—Azua—Barahona.

      CHAPTER XVII. The Remains of Columbus

      Burial of Columbus—Disappearance of epitaph—Removal of remains in 1795—Discovery of remains in 1877—Resting-place of Discoverer of America.

      CHAPTER XVIII. Government

      Form of


       Secretaries—Land and sea forces—Congress—Local

       subdivisions—Provincial governors—Communal governments.

      CHAPTER XIX. Politics and Revolutions

      Political parties—Elections—Relation between politics and revolutions—Conduct of revolutions—Casualties—Number of revolutions—Effect of revolutions.

      CHAPTER XX. Law and Justice

      Audiencia of Santo Domingo—Legal system—Judicial

       organization-Observance of law—Prisons—Character of offenses.

      CHAPTER XXI. The dominican debt and the fiscal treaty with the United States.

      Financial situation in 1905—Causes of debt—Amount of debt—Bonded debt—Liquidated debt—Floating debt—Declared claims—Undeclared claims—Surrender of Puerto Plata custom-house—Fiscal convention of 1905—Modus vivendi—Negotiations for adjustment of debt—New bond issue—Fiscal treaty of 1907—Adjustment with creditors—19l2 loan—Present financial situation.

      CHAPTER XXII. Finances

      Financial system—National revenues—Customs tariff—National budget—Legal tender—Municipal income—Municipal budgets.

      CHAPTER XXIII. The Future of Santo Domingo

      Attraction by the United States—Political future of Santo

       Domingo-Economic future of Santo Domingo.

      APPENDIX A. Chiefs of State of Santo Domingo, 1492–1918

      APPENDIX B. Old Weights and Measures in Use in Santo Domingo

      APPENDIX C. American-Dominican Fiscal Convention of 1907



      Columbus Monument on Cathedral Plaza, Santo Domingo City.

      Map of Santo Domingo

      Historic Gateway "La Puerta del Conde," where

       the independence of the Dominican Republic

       was declared:

       View from within the city

       View from without, during a revolution

      The Strongest Presidents of Santo Domingo:

       President Pedro Santana

       President Buenaventura Baez

       President Ulises Heureaux

       President Ramon Caceres

      Four Prominent Dominicans:

       President Juan Isidro Jimenez

       President Horacio Vasquez

       Minister of Finance Federico Velazquez

       Archbishop Adolfo A. Nouel

      One of the Many Beautiful Spots on the Shores

       of Samana Bay

      Partaking of Cocoanut-water

      Street in Bani

      Street in Puerto Plata

      A Roadside Store

      Building a House with the Products of the Palm-tree

      Room in "Casino de la Juventud," Santo Domingo City

      A Holiday Gathering, Santo Domingo City

      Ruins of San Francisco Church, Santo Domingo City

      A "Calvario" in the Road

      Road Scene: A Mudhole

      Wharf and Harbor of San Pedro de Macoris

      Entrance to Cathedral of Santo Domingo

      "House of Columbus," Ruins of Diego Columbus' Palace

      The "Tower of Homage," the oldest fortification erected by white men

       in America:

       View from mouth of Ozama River

       View from within fort

      Puerto Plata Scene: Milkmen

      Puerto Plata Scene: The Ox as a Riding Animal

      Sanctuary of Santo Domingo Cathedral

      Diagram of Sanctuary of Cathedral

      Lead Box found in 1877 with Remains of Columbus

      Inscription on Lid of Lead Box

      Obverse Side of Silver Plate

      Reverse Side of Silver Plate

      The Bane of Santo Domingo: Intrenchment at Puerta del Conde during a revolution

      Independence Plaza, Santo Domingo City

      Cathedral Plaza, Santo Domingo City




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