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against them, the Americans were at length driven back, and compelled to leave the gallant Montgomery on the field of battle. The victors, appreciating the courage and nobility of the fallen hero, generously offered a resting-place for his remains within the walls of the beleaguered city.

      In 1818, by an “Act of honor” passed by the New York Legislature in behalf of Mrs. Montgomery, Sir John Sherbrooke, Governor-General of Canada, was requested to allow her husband’s remains to be disinterred and brought to New York. This was granted, and “her soldier,” as she always called him, now sleeps in St. Paul’s churchyard near the monument that was ordered in France by Benjamin Franklin, in pursuance of a resolution of the Continental Congress.

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      John Thomas, born in Marshfield, Massachusetts, in 1725, was a successful medical practitioner, entering the British army first as a surgeon, in 1746. He took a prominent part in the French and Indian War, but at its close devoted himself to his profession. He was, however, among the first to counsel resistance to British oppression, and having raised a regiment of volunteers, was appointed brigadier-general by the Provincial Congress on the 9th of February, 1775, and afterward received the same appointment from the Continental Congress on the 22d of June of the same year. On the night of the 4th of March, 1776, with three thousand picked men, he took possession of Dorchester Heights, commanding Boston, where the British were intrenched, and before morning had thrown up a formidable line of earth-works—an advantage which finally led to the evacuation of the town by the enemy on the 17th of March. The death of Montgomery at the storming of Quebec necessitating the appointment of an experienced officer to command the troops in Canada, this duty was assigned to Thomas—Congress having advanced him to the rank of major-general on the 6th of March, 1776. He promptly repaired to his new post, but while waiting for promised reinforcements, was attacked by small-pox, from which he died on the 2d of June, 1776, universally respected and deeply deplored.

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      Horatio Gates, born in Malden, Essex County, England, in 1728, was the godson of Horace Walpole. Entering the military service of Great Britain at an early age, he soon rose to the rank of major. After the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle he was stationed with his regiment at Halifax. At the breaking out of the French and Indian War, he joined General Braddock’s army in the expedition against Fort Duquesne, and received in that battle a severe wound that prevented his taking an active part again until near the close of the war, when he acted in 1762 as aid to General Monckton in the expedition against the island of Martinique. After the peace of Paris in 1763, Major Gates, like many other English officers, settled in America. He purchased a fine tract of land in Berkeley County, Virginia, and devoted himself successfully to agriculture. He had married Mary, the only child of James Valence of Liverpool, and at her father’s death, just before the Revolution, she joined her husband in this country, bringing with her $450,000, which she freely expended. Thaddeus Kosciusko was tenderly nursed by her six months. As his wound was a severe one, he owed his life to her generous care.

       In 1780, Gates was given command of the Southern army, and prepared to attack Cornwallis at Camden, South Carolina. By a serious error in judgment, Gates suffered a most humiliating defeat, which ended his military career. On the 5th of October, 1780, he was suspended from service until his conduct could be investigated. Deeply mortified, he retired to his farm in Berkeley County, but as he passed through Richmond, the State Legislature passed a resolution expressive of their sympathy in his misfortune and their unabated confidence in his patriotism and military skill; he received, too, a letter from Washington containing assurances of sincere sympathy and promises of a command when the court of inquiry should have acquitted him. Restored to his command on the 14th of August, 1782, he did not serve, as the war was then practically over. The battle of Camden virtually ended his career. In 1790, he removed to New York City, generously freeing all his Virginia slaves, and amply providing for the aged and infirm. In 1800, he was elected to the New York State Legislature, and died on the 10th of April, 1806.

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      William Heath, born on the 2d of March, 1737, was the son of a farmer living in Roxbury, Massachusetts. Delighting in military exercise, he joined the militia company of his town. In 1765, he became a member of the “Ancient and Honorable Artillery” corps of Boston, subsequently becoming its commander. In 1770, he contributed a series of articles to a Boston newspaper, urging the importance of military training, etc. In 1774, he received an appointment in the Provincial army of Massachusetts, and on the 22d of June was created brigadier-general by the Continental Congress and placed in command at Roxbury. On the 9th of August, 1776, he was raised to the rank of major-general. Though taking part in none of the great battles of the war, he did good service as recruiting officer, commissary, and quartermaster. After the close of the war he retired to his farm at Roxbury. Subsequently he was elected senator, counsellor, Presidential elector, judge of probate, and in 1806 Lieutenant-Governor of Massachusetts. This office, however, he declined, choosing to spend his last years as a private citizen. He died on his estate in Roxbury on the 24th of January, 1814.

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      Joseph Spencer, born at East Haddam, Connecticut, in 1714, was an officer of militia, with the rank of colonel, during the French and Indian War. He was appointed brigadier-general on the 22d of June, 1775, by the Continental Congress, and major-general on the 9th of August, 1776. When the British fleet appeared off the coast of New England, in December of that year, he was sent with Arnold to take charge of the militia in that

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