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summit of one of the highest hills around the place.

      The sight that presented itself from this point that night was one of the grandest I ever witnessed. Before us, as far as the eye could reach, flashed thousands upon thousands of camp fires; and spell-bound we gazed upon this grand pyrotechnic display for hours. And then the next day, and for days after, the evolutions of forty thousand troops of all arms in the plain below us, was a scene indescribably grand.

       Table of Contents

      The intelligence we received from Washington now grew every day more threatening. That McClellan, with his immense and splendidly appointed army, intended to advance upon Centreville there seemed no doubt; but whether Johnston intended to fight was by us much questioned. We were in no way prepared to meet the enemy. The army was not organized, and but imperfectly equipped. Sickness prevailed in our camp to an alarming extent; and the utmost efforts of our able commander had failed to increase his force a single man. Time must, therefore, be gained. But how? Johnston was the man for the emergency. We must present a bold and defiant front to the enemy.

      Heavy details from the various regiments were, therefore, at once made to erect fortifications. Steadily the work progressed, and in a short time the heights of Centreville were crowned with what seemed at a distance most formidable works. Of siege guns we did not have one; but immense blackened logs answered the same purpose, and frowned most threateningly from many an embrasure. None but those immediately in charge were allowed to approach them; for it was well known our camp was swarming with spies. These preparations had the desired effect; and McClellan, believing the position to be impregnable, quietly settled himself down to await the coming of spring.

      I will not tire the reader with details of the same every-day dull and monotonous camp-life at Centreville, but shall, as rapidly as possible, hasten on to the more exciting and interesting scenes and incidents in which the regiment participated. Suffice it to say, we remained there until late in November, when the brigade was ordered back to Manassas, there to prepare their winter quarters.

      The spot selected by the Colonel on which to build our cabins was in the midst of a dense pine woods, and much sheltered from the cold blasts of winter, and where was also wood and water in abundance. By the last of December, in this heretofore lonely and deserted forest, had been reared a neat and substantial village, in which we hoped to remain undisturbed until the spring should have set in, and from whence we would once more go forth to measure our strength with the hosts that had just threatened us with annihilation.

      During the months of December and January, with the exception of a little disagreeable picket duty along the line of the Orange and Alexandria railroad, and the surprise of a picket post at Sangster’s Station, nothing occurred to disturb the quiet of our winter quarters. The picket alluded to was commanded by Lieut. Richard Hough, of Company F, and in the fight which ensued, Sergeant Sheehan was badly wounded, and Lieut. Joseph Stewart and ten or twelve men captured. The Federal loss was a lieutenant killed.

      The term of enlistment of the twelve months’ men was now rapidly drawing to a close, and to have an efficient army in the field when the spring campaign should open, it became necessary for the Confederate Government to take some steps to that end. An order was therefore issued some time in January, granting to all twelve months’ men who would re-enlist for the war, furloughs of from thirty to sixty days. The majority did so, and for the first time since entering the army, went home to see their families and friends.

      The unwise policy of the government in having enlisted men for a less time than the war here proved itself, and for a long while after occasioned much trouble and caused much demoralization in the army of General Johnston, for bitterly did those who were compelled to remain in camp by reason of their having enlisted for the war, complain of the injustice they believed had been done them. Particularly was this the case in the First Maryland, which contained several twelve months’ companies, two of which, Companies A and B, had re-enlisted almost to a man, and gone off on furlough; the others, Companies C, H and I, preferring to remain in the field until their time was up, when many of them proposed to go into the cavalry and artillery, they having a dislike for the infantry arm of the service. However, the war men became reconciled in a measure, and it was hoped nothing more would be heard of the matter; but in this we were mistaken, as will be seen hereafter.

      The Confederate army was now, owing to the depletion of regiments and brigades by furloughs, reduced to about twenty thousand men, whilst not an organized brigade could be found in the whole command. Of this condition of things the Federal authorities were soon apprised, and therefore, in the early part of March, 1862, an advance upon Manassas by the whole army under McClellan was determined upon. Having no facilities for the transportation of the immense quantities of stores gathered there, and unable to resist the overwhelming force of McClellan, there was no alternative left Johnston but to destroy his supplies and withdraw the army to the south bank of the Rappahannock. It was a sad necessity, and as the troops were guided on their way for many weary miles by the lurid flames from their burning buildings that seemed to lick the very heavens, all felt that the first battle of the war had proved more disastrous as a victory than would have been a defeat. There was no pretension to organization, and what had been but a few months before an organized and victorious army, now presented the appearance of an ungovernable mob, and entirely at the mercy of the enemy, should he have the enterprise and energy to pursue it.

      Fortunately, however, McClellan contented himself with occupying our deserted quarters at Manassas, thereby enabling us to reassemble and reorganize in a manner our demoralized and straggling troops upon the Rappahannock. Therefore, when soon after that General retraced his steps and prepared to move around to Yorktown, from whence he had determined to advance upon Richmond, Johnston had under his command quite a respectable army with which to reinforce the little band of heroes under Magruder, showing so bold a front to the hosts of the Federal General. But it was also necessary to leave troops behind to watch the movements of McDowell, who still remained at Manassas with a large army, and to this duty the division of Ewell was assigned. It was, perhaps at that time, the finest and best organized division in the army, and was comprised of Elzey’s, Trimble’s and Dick Taylor’s brigades, with artillery and cavalry.

      From the opposite banks of the river the two commands narrowly watched each other, and exchanged an occasional shot until the evening of the 19th of April, when orders to “pack up” were given, and in the midst of a drenching rain, we took up our line of march for Gordonsville along the Orange and Alexandria railroad.—For three days the cold, chilly rain continued, and for three days the troops, destitute of provisions, toiled over the uneven surface of the railroad’s bed before the command reached its destination, cold, hungry and dispirited.

      We were allowed to remain here several days to rest and recruit, when one bright, beautiful day, orders were received by General Ewell for his command to cross the Blue Ridge and join Jackson, who was then encamped at Swift Run Gap. Nothing could have exceeded the joy of the troops at this unexpected order, for we had supposed ourselves destined to reinforce the army of Johnston in the swamps of the Chickahominy. To be with Jackson, then, the great and glorious Jackson, in the beautiful Valley of Virginia, was a pleasure unexpected, and it was, therefore, with light hearts and elastic step that we left our camp at Gordonsville. The march was made by easy stages, and in a few days, about nine o’clock in the evening, from the mountain’s summit, his camp-fires were descried away down in the plain below us. No more stupid hours in camp, if you please. We now belong to Jackson’s army, and if laurels were to be won, we felt that they would surely be ours. Already visions of shattered and beaten armies, of prisoners innumerable, of captured camps filled with the good things with which we had been for so long unacquainted, flitted before us, and thus thinking, and thus trusting, we descended the mountain sides and threaded our way through the camps of the heroes of Kearnstown, and went into bivouac a short distance beyond, at Conrad’s store.

      At the first sound of the reveille next morning, every man sprang nimbly to his feet. They wanted to see Jackson, to talk with his troops over the great battle they had so recently fought, and

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