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of Admeasurement was such, as no man could examine whether 't were well or ill performed.

      3. The said Ameasurement, though bought at a dear rate, and exactly administred, was, as to its end and use, but a mere vitiation of the Countries estimate, which might be had for nothing, and no waies correspondent to either of the waies of Survey, which the Law required.

      4. The manner of the Admeasurers payment was such, as by how much the ​more paines they took, by so much the lesse wages they had.

      5. In the administration thereof, there was neither due tryal of Artists or Instruments; neither good Instructions before-hand, nor Examination afterwards. The Bonds taken for performance, were but the pictures of Obligations; which, though they are notoriously broken, hee the said MrWorsly never knew how to sue.

      6. The Knack of paying only for Measuring of profitable Land, and yet causing unprofitable to be admeasured, (which the Law for unknown reasons required not) begat infinite jealousies and discontents in the Army; So that the only true Art and Excellency which that Pretender expressed in this whole business, was so to frame Committees of conceited sciolous persons, intermixing some of Credit and Bulk amongst them, as whereby hee might screen himself in case of miscarriage; and when things were ill grounded at home, to put the finishing and upshot of them into the hands of others a great waies off.

      For a short proof of all which, 't is ​well known, that all the Geometrical Surveys that ever passed through his hand, have since been done over again by the conduct of others. And the charge of what hee did (being many thousand pounds) became as meerly thrown away.

      3. I thought, that besides the ordinary reward agreed mee, I should have received monumental thanks; not considering, that too great merit is more often paid with Envie, than with condign Rewards.

      4. I thought by attempting new difficulties to have stretcht my own capacity and intellect, the which (like Leather on a Last) is not only formed and fashioned, but much extended by such Employments.

      5. I hoped hereby to enlarge my Trade of Experiments from Bodies to Mindes, from the motions of the one, to the manners of the other, thereby to have understood passions as well as fermentations, and consequently to have been as pleasant a Companion to my ingenious friends, as if such an intermission from Physicks had never been: For you see, Sir, how by this means, I have gotten the occasion of practising upon my own Morals, that is, ​to learn, how with silence and smiles to elude the sharpest Provocations, and without troublesome Menstruums to digest the toughest Injuries that ever a poor man was crammed with.

      Now, as for the matter of my pecuniary gain, I say, that what my Estate in Lands revenue, and otherwise, is, I do not well know, much of my Land being doubtfull and incumbred; for which my Adversaries hinder as yet, my having Reprizals.

      2. Though I know what Rents I should have, yet how farr the Encouragements which my Adversaries give my Tenants to pay none will prevail to that purpose, I know not.

      And lastly, the frequent frights and disheartnings wherewith I have been for these three or four years distracted, hath been the cause why my other Estate is there, where perhaps I shall never meet it. So that my Estate being thus uncertain, I cannot tell what I have got or lost by my aforementioned Diversion. Wherefore I can only say, that, if I had trusted to my Faculty of Physick only for the advancement of my Fortune, that my ​Estate might have been as followeth; viz.

      In the year 1649. I proceeded Doctor in Physick; after the charge whereof, and my admission into the Colledg of London, I had left about sixty pounds: from that time, till about August 1652. by my Practice, Fellowship at Gresham and at Brazen-Nose Colledg, and by my Anatomy Lecture at Oxford, I had made that 60 l. to be neer 500 l. From August 1652. when I went for Ireland, to December 1654, (when I began the Survey and other publick Entanglements) with one hundred pounds advance mony, and with 365 l. per annum of well paid Salary, as also with the proceed of my Practice among the Chief, in the chief City of a Nation, I made my said 500 l. above 1600 l. If these be not real Truths, they are at least very probable Lyes, and such as very many will swear they believe. Now the interest of this 1600 l. for a year in Ireland, could not be less than 200 l. which with 550 l. (for another years Salary and Practice, viz. untill the Lands were set out in October 1655.) would have encreased my said Stock to 2350 l. With ​2000 l. whereof, I could have bought 8000 l. in Debentures, which would have then purchased me about 15000. acres of Land, viz. as much as I am now accused to have: These 15000. acres could not yield mee lesse than at two shillings per acre 1500 l. per annum, especially receiving the Rents of May day preceding. This years Rent, with 550 l. for my Salary and Practice, &c. till Dec. 1656. would have bought mee even then (Debentures growing dearer) 6000 l. in Debentures, whereof the 57 then paid, would have been about 4000 l. neat; for which I must have had about 8000. acres more, being as much almost, as I conceive is due to mee. The Rent for 15000. acres and 8000. acres for three yeares, could not have been lesse than 7000 l. which, with the same three years Salary, viz. 1650 l. would have been near 9000 l. Estate in mony, above the above-mentioned 2500 l. per annum in Lands. The which, whether it be more or lesse then what I now have, I leave to all the world to examine and judge.

      Now, least this should be called reckoning Chickens before they be hatcht, I ​promise at all times to present a List of forty persons, whose Negotiations have been pro ratâ more profitable then what is here set forth. Besides (without vanity, be it spoken) if universal favor with all the Grandees and their Ministers would have reacht this profit, I was not in any danger of failing: For before I dealt in Surveys, and Distributions, and other disobliging Trinkets, I referr you to all that knew mee (Annis 1652—53—54, and part of—55, and who knew the state of Ireland in those years) to give you satisfaction herein. Neither can any man alledg one cause of my coming short of the above-phancyed encrease; but I can finde him two probabilities for my exceeding the same.

      You see, Sir, what an Estate I might have gotten, without ever having medled with the Surveys, much lesse with the more fatal distribution of the Lands after they were surveyed, and without medling with the Clerkship of the Councel, or being Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant. All which, if I had been so happy as to have declined, then had I preserved an universal favor and interest with all men, ​instead of the odium and persecution I now endure. For then also, whilst I only practised Physick, no Sect or Faction was jealous of mee; whereas since, every one of them, thought even my thoughtlesse Musings were plottings against their Interest: Then I acted as a Proceptor and Director to the greatest and best persons, whereas now I have been a constant Drudge and Slave possibly to the worst; the most part whereof were not capable to value my Services: Then I spent even my time of Labour itself in choice Company and Conversations; since I have been tyed all the day long to a stake, to be baited for the most part by irrational Creatures: Then my spare hours were spent on new and curious Speculations; since I have had no spare hours at all, nor scarce time to eat or sleep, or to make reflections upon my own Miseries, or to think how to get out of them: Then no man maligned mee for supplanting him; since all my Competitors, for the places I acted in, hated mee more or lesse according to their respective judgment and honesty, some mortally, having been the uncessant Plotters of my ruine: Then I ​had improved in my skill in Physick, and in my reputation for it; now I seem am as one, that hath lost both, nor will the world think my Brains so uncrased with my sufferings as to be capable of a recovery: Then I had stood immoveable, in all the many late turnings and revolutions of the State; now liable to a new Torture by every new Powers: Then I had been free to have improved my Estate in the most open and advantagious manner; now I am forced to keep all in Holes and under hatches, for fear my Improvements should be a bait to my Enemies: then I had been acceptable in my Treaties and Bargains; whereas now, I am by some reputed a Bugbear and Goblin, and chiefly by those from whom most may be gotten, who are exceeding shie; many men foolishly thinking all my thoughts to be designs, and all my designs machinaments of fraud; so as every action I attempt is watched by an Argus, every mistake counted a studied Crime, and accordingly punished or prosecuted; no disaster which befalls mee pitied, and, which is worst, no end appearing to this said condition, then which (as by this parallel you have seen) ​nothing can be more miserable: So that

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