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Chunder, you've been too well educated to believe in a God, haven't you?"

      "Oah, yes, here! But when I go home I must conciliate popular superstition, and make ceremonies of purification, and my women will anoint idols."

      "And bang up tulsi and feast the purohit, and take you back into caste again and make a good khuttri of you again, you advanced social Free-thinker. And you'll eat desi food, and like it all, from the smell in the courtyard to the mustard oil over you."

      "I shall very much like it," said Grish Chunder, unguardedly. "Once a Hindu—always a Hindu. But I like to know what the English think they know."

      "I'll tell you something that one Englishman knows. It's an old tale to you."

      I began to tell the story of Charlie in English, but Grish Chunder put a question in the vernacular, and the history went forward naturally in the tongue best suited for its telling. After all it could never have been told in English. Grish Chunder heard me, nodding from time to time, and then came up to my rooms where I finished the tale.

      "Beshak," he said, philosophically. "Lekin darwaza band hai. (Without doubt, but the door is shut.) I have heard of this remembering of previous existences among my people. It is of course an old tale with us, but, to happen to an Englishman—a cow-fed Malechk—an outcast. By Jove, that is most peculiar!"

      "Outcast yourself, Grish Chunder! You eat cow-beef every day. Let's think the thing over. The boy remembers his incarnations."

      "Does he know that?" said Grish Chunder, quietly, swinging his legs as he sat on my table. He was speaking in English now.

      "He does not know anything. Would I speak to you if he did? Go on!"

      "There is no going on at all. If you tell that to your friends they will say you are mad and put it in the papers. Suppose, now, you prosecute for libel."

      "Let's leave that out of the question entirely. Is there any chance of his being made to speak?"

      "There is a chance. Oah, yess! But if he spoke it would mean that all this world would end now—instanto—fall down on your head. These things are not allowed, you know. As I said, the door is shut."

      "Not a ghost of a chance?"

      "How can there be? You are a Christian, and it is forbidden to eat, in your books, of the Tree of Life, or else you would never die. How shall you all fear death if you all know what your friend does not know that he knows? I am afraid to be kicked, but I am not afraid to die, because I know what I know. You are not afraid to be kicked, but you are afraid to die. If you were not, by God! you English would be all over the shop in an hour, upsetting the balances of power, and making commotions. It would not be good. But no fear. He will remember a little and a little less, and he will call it dreams. Then he will forget altogether. When I passed my First Arts Examination in Calcutta that was all in the cram-book on Wordsworth. Trailing clouds of glory, you know."

      "This seems to be an exception to the rule."

      "There are no exceptions to rules. Some are not so hard-looking as others, but they are all the same when you touch. If this friend of yours said so-and-so and so-and-so, indicating that he remembered all his lost lives, or one piece of a lost life, he would not be in the bank another hour. He would be what you called sack because he was mad, and they would send him to an asylum for lunatics. You can see that, my friend."

      "Of course I can, but I wasn't thinking of him. His name need never appear in the story."

      "Ah! I see. That story will never be written. You can try."

      "I am going to."

      "For your own credit and for the sake of money, of course?"

      "No. For the sake of writing the story. On my honor that will be all."

      "Even then there is no chance. You cannot play with the Gods. It is a very pretty story now. As they say, Let it go on that—I mean at that. Be quick; he will not last long."

      "How do you mean?"

      "What I say. He has never, so far, thought about a woman."

      "Hasn't he though!" I remembered some of Charlie's confidences.

      "I mean no woman has thought about him. When that comes; bushogya—all up' I know. There are millions of women here. Housemaids, for instance."

      I winced at the thought of my story being ruined by a housemaid.

      And yet nothing was more probable.

      Grish Chunder grinned.

      "Yes—also pretty girls—cousins of his house, and perhaps not of his house. One kiss that he gives back again and remembers will cure all this nonsense or else"—

      "Or else what? Remember he does not know that he knows."

      "I know that. Or else, if nothing happens he will become immersed in the trade and the financial speculations like the rest. It must be so. You can see that it must be so. But the woman will come first, I think."

      There was a rap at the door, and Charlie charged in impetuously. He had been released from office, and by the look in his eyes I could see that he had come over for a long talk; most probably with poems in his pockets. Charlie's poems were very wearying, but sometimes they led him to talk about the galley.

      Grish Chunder looked at him keenly for a minute.

      "I beg your pardon," Charlie said, uneasily; "I didn't know you had any one with you."

      "I am going," said Grish Chunder.

      He drew me into the lobby as he departed.

      "That is your man," he said, quickly. "I tell you he will never speak all you wish. That is rot—bosh. But he would be most good to make to see things. Suppose now we pretend that it was only play"—I had never seen Grish Chunder so excited—"and pour the ink-pool into his hand. Eh, what do you think? I tell you that he could see anything that a man could see. Let me get the ink and the camphor. He is a seer and he will tell us very many things."

      "He may be all you say, but I'm not going to trust him to your Gods and devils."

      "It will not hurt him. He will only feel a little stupid and dull when he wakes up. You have seen boys look into the ink-pool before."

      "That is the reason why I am not going to see it any more. You'd better go, Grish Chunder."

      He went, declaring far down the staircase that it was throwing away my only chance of looking into the future.

      This left me unmoved, for I was concerned for the past, and no peering of hypnotized boys into mirrors and ink-pools would help me do that. But I recognized Grish Chunder's point of view and sympathized with it.

      "What a big black brute that was!" said Charlie, when I returned to him. "Well, look here, I've just done a poem; dil it instead of playing dominoes after lunch. May I read it?"

      "Let me read it to myself."

      "Then you miss the proper expression. Besides, you always make my things sound as if the rhymes were all wrong."

      "Read it aloud, then. You're like the rest of 'em."

      Charlie mouthed me his poem, and it was not much worse than the average of his verses. He had been reading his book faithfully, but he was not pleased when I told him that I preferred my Longfellow undiluted with Charlie.

      Then we began to go through the MS. line by line; Charlie parrying every objection and correction with: "Yes, that may be better, but you don't catch what I'm driving at."

      Charlie was, in one way at least, very like one kind of poet.

      There was a pencil scrawl at the back of the paper and "What's that?" I said.

      "Oh that's not poetry 't all. It's some rot I wrote last night before I went to bed and it was too much bother to hunt for rhymes; so I made it a sort of a blank verse instead."

      Here is Charlie's "blank verse":


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