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have purposed to deliver 90

       The strong holds of the country to the enemy —

       Yea, truly! — there is no redemption for him!

       Yet it is hard, that me the lot should destine

       To be the instrument of his perdition;

       For we were pages at the court of Bergau 95

       At the same period; but I was the senior.

      Butler. I have heard so ——

      Gordon. ‘Tis full thirty years since then.

       A youth who scarce had seen his twentieth year

       Was Wallenstein, when he and I were friends:

       Yet even then he had a daring soul: 100

       His frame of mind was serious and severe

       Beyond his years: his dreams were of great objects.

       He walked amidst us of a silent spirit,

       Communing with himself: yet I have known him

       Transported on a sudden into utterance 105

       Of strange conceptions; kindling into splendour

       His soul revealed itself, and he spake so

       That we looked round perplexed upon each other,

       Not knowing whether it were craziness,

       Or whether it were a god that spoke in him. 110

      Butler. But was it where he fell two story high

       From a window-ledge, on which he had fallen asleep;

       And rose up free from injury? From this day

       (It is reported) he betrayed clear marks

       Of a distempered fancy.

      Gordon. He became 115

       Doubtless more self-enwrapt and melancholy;

       He made himself a Catholic. Marvellously

       His marvellous preservation had transformed him.

       Thenceforth he held himself for an exempted

       And privileged being, and, as if he were 120

       Incapable of dizziness or fall,

       He ran along the unsteady rope of life.

       But now our destinies drove us asunder:

       He paced with rapid step the way of greatness,

       Was Count, and Prince, Duke-regent, and Dictator. 125

       And now is all, all this too little for him;

       He stretches forth his hands for a king’s crown,

       And plunges in unfathomable ruin.

      Butler. No more, he comes.

      [After 72] [With a sly glance on BUTLER. 1800, 1828, 1829.

      [Before 88] Gordon (pauses reflecting — then as in deep dejection).

       1800, 1828, 1829.

       Table of Contents

      To these enter WALLENSTEIN, in conversation with the Burgomaster of


      Wallenstein. You were at one time a free town. I see,

       Ye bear the half eagle in your city arms.

       Why the half eagle only?

      Burgomaster. We were free,

       But for these last two hundred years has Egra

       Remained in pledge to the Bohemian crown, 5

       Therefore we bear the half eagle, the other half

       Being cancelled till the empire ransom us,

       If ever that should be.

      Wallenstein. Ye merit freedom.

       Only be firm and dauntless. Lend your ears

       To no designing whispering court-minions. 10

       What may your imposts be?

      Burgomaster. So heavy that

       We totter under them. The garrison

       Lives at our costs.

      Wallenstein. I will relieve you. Tell me,

       There are some Protestants among you still?

      [The Burgomaster hesitates.

      Yes, yes; I know it. Many lie concealed 15

       Within these walls — Confess now — you yourself —

       Be not alarmed. I hate the Jesuits.

       Could my will have determined it, they had

       Been long ago expelled the empire. Trust me —

       Mass-book or Bible—’tis all one to me. 20

       Of that the world has had sufficient proof.

       I built a church for the reformed in Glogan

       At my own instance. Hark’e, Burgomaster!

       What is your name?

      Burgomaster. Pachhälbel, may it please you.

      Wallenstein. Hark’e! —— 25

       But let it go no further, what I now

       Disclose to you in confidence.

      [Laying his hand on the Burgomaster’s shoulder.

      The times

       Draw near to their fulfilment, Burgomaster!

       The high will fall, the low will be exalted.

       Hark’e! But keep it to yourself! The end 30

       Approaches of the Spanish double monarchy —

       A new arrangement is at hand. You saw

       The three moons that appeared at once in the Heaven.

      Burgomaster. With wonder and affright!

      Wallenstein. Whereof did two

       Strangely transform themselves to bloody daggers. 35

       And only one, the middle moon, remained

       Steady and clear.

      Burgomaster. We applied it to the Turks.

      Wallenstein. The Turks! That all? — I tell you, that two empires

       Will set in blood, in the East and in the West,

       And Luth’ranism alone remain. [Observing GORDON and BUTLER.

       I’faith, 40

       ‘Twas a smart cannonading that we heard

       This evening, as we journeyed hitherward;

       ‘Twas on our left hand. Did you hear it here?

      Gordon. Distinctly. The wind brought it from the South.

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