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3 20 18, 2nd 2 50 18, 3rd 2 55 18, 4th 3 55 (late in afternoon)

      Adhadota cydonæfolia (Acanthaceæ) follows the sun. A young shoot made a semicircle in 24 hrs.; subsequently it made a circle in between 40 hrs. and 48 hrs. Another shoot, however, made a circle in 26 hrs. 30 m.

      Mikania scandens (Compositæ) moves against the sun.

H. M.
March 14, 1st circle was made in 3 10
15, 2nd 3 0
16, 3rd 3 0
17, 4th 3 33
April 7, 5th 2 50
7, 6th 2 40 This circle was made after a copious watering with cold water at 47° Fahr.

      Combretum argenteum (Combretaceæ) moves against the sun. Kept in hothouse.

H. M.
Jan. 24, 1st circle was made in 2 55 Early in morning, when the temperature of the house had fallen a little.
24, 2 circles each at an average of 2 20
25, 4th circle was made in 2 25

      Combretum purpureum revolves not quite so quickly as C. argenteum.

      Loasa aurantiaca (Loasaceæ). Revolutions variable in their course: a plant which moved against the sun.

H. M.
June 20, 1st circle was made in 2 37
20, 2nd 2 13
20, 3rd 4 0
21, 4th 2 35
22, 5th 3 26
23, 6th 3 5

      Another plant which followed the sun in its revolutions.

H. M.
July 11, 1st circle was made in 1 51 Very hot day.
11, 2nd 1 46
11, 3rd 1 41
11, 4th 1 48
12, 5th 2 35

      Scyphanthus elegans (Loasaceæ) follows the sun.

H. M.
June 13, 1st circle was made in 1 45
13, 2nd 1 17
14, 3rd 1 36
14, 4th 1 59
14, 5th 2 3

      Siphomeris or Lecontea (unnamed sp.) (Cinchonaceæ) follows the sun.

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H. M.
May 25, semicircle was made in 10 27 (shoot extremely young)
26, 1st circle 10 15 (shoot still young)
30, 2nd 8 55
June 2, 3rd 8 11
6, 4th 6 8
8, 5th 7 20 Taken from the hothouse, and placed in a room in my house.
9, 6th 8