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      E.L. Bogart, Economic History of the United States.

      P.A. Bruce, Economic History of Virginia (2 vols.).

      E. Semple, American History and Its Geographical Conditions.

      W. Weeden, Economic and Social History of New England. (2 vols.).


      1. Is land in your community parceled out into small farms? Contrast the system in your community with the feudal system of land tenure.

      2. Are any things owned and used in common in your community? Why did common tillage fail in colonial times?

      3. Describe the elements akin to feudalism which were introduced in the colonies.

      4. Explain the success of freehold tillage.

      5. Compare the life of the planter with that of the farmer.

      6. How far had the western frontier advanced by 1776?

      7. What colonial industry was mainly developed by women? Why was it very important both to the Americans and to the English?

      8. What were the centers for iron working? Ship building?

      9. Explain how the fisheries affected many branches of trade and industry.

      10. Show how American trade formed a vital part of English business.

      11. How was interstate commerce mainly carried on?

      12. What were the leading towns? Did they compare in importance with British towns of the same period?

      Research Topics

      Land Tenure.—Coman, Industrial History (rev. ed.), pp. 32–38. Special reference: Bruce, Economic History of Virginia, Vol. I, Chap. VIII.

      Tobacco Planting in Virginia.—Callender, Economic History of the United States, pp. 22–28.

      Colonial Agriculture.—Coman, pp. 48–63. Callender, pp. 69–74. Reference: J.R.H. Moore, Industrial History of the American People, pp. 131–162.

      Colonial Manufactures.—Coman, pp. 63–73. Callender, pp. 29–44. Special reference: Weeden, Economic and Social History of New England.

      Colonial Commerce.—Coman, pp. 73–85. Callender, pp. 51–63, 78–84. Moore, pp. 163–208. Lodge, Short History of the English Colonies, pp. 409–412, 229–231, 312–314.

       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents

      Colonial life, crowded as it was with hard and unremitting toil, left scant leisure for the cultivation of the arts and sciences. There was little money in private purses or public treasuries to be dedicated to schools, libraries, and museums. Few there were with time to read long and widely, and fewer still who could devote their lives to things that delight the eye and the mind. And yet, poor and meager as the intellectual life of the colonists may seem by way of comparison, heroic efforts were made in every community to lift the people above the plane of mere existence. After the first clearings were opened in the forests those efforts were redoubled, and with lengthening years told upon the thought and spirit of the land. The appearance, during the struggle with England, of an extraordinary group of leaders familiar with history, political philosophy, and the arts of war, government, and diplomacy itself bore eloquent testimony to the high quality of the American intellect. No one, not even the most critical, can run through the writings of distinguished Americans scattered from Massachusetts to Georgia—the Adamses, Ellsworth, the Morrises, the Livingstons, Hamilton, Franklin, Washington, Madison, Marshall, Henry, the Randolphs, and the Pinckneys—without coming to the conclusion that there was something in American colonial life which fostered minds of depth and power. Women surmounted even greater difficulties than the men in the process of self-education, and their keen interest in public issues is evident in many a record like the Letters of Mrs. John Adams to her husband during the Revolution; the writings of Mrs. Mercy Otis Warren, the sister of James Otis, who measured her pen with the British propagandists; and the patriot newspapers founded and managed by women.

       Table of Contents

      In the intellectual life of America, the churches assumed a rôle of high importance. There were abundant reasons for this. In many of the colonies—Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New England—the religious impulse had been one of the impelling motives in stimulating immigration. In all the colonies, the clergy, at least in the beginning, formed the only class with any leisure to devote to matters of the spirit. They preached on Sundays and taught school on week days. They led in the discussion of local problems and in the formation of political opinion, so much of which was concerned with the relation between church and state. They wrote books and pamphlets. They filled most of the chairs in the colleges; under clerical guidance, intellectual and spiritual, the Americans received their formal education. In several of the provinces the Anglican Church was established by law. In New England the Puritans were supreme, notwithstanding the efforts of the crown to overbear their authority. In the Middle colonies, particularly, the multiplication of sects made the dominance of any single denomination impossible; and in all of them there was a growing diversity of faith, which promised in time a separation of church and state and freedom of opinion.

      The Church of England.—Virginia was the stronghold of the English system of church and state. The Anglican faith and worship were prescribed by law, sustained by taxes imposed on all, and favored by the governor, the provincial councilors, and the richest planters. "The Established Church," says Lodge, "was one of the appendages of the Virginia aristocracy. They controlled the vestries and the ministers, and the parish church stood not infrequently on the estate of the planter who built and managed it." As in England, Catholics and Protestant Dissenters were at first laid under heavy disabilities. Only slowly and on sufferance were they admitted to the province; but when once they were even covertly tolerated, they pressed steadily in, until, by the Revolution, they outnumbered the adherents of the established order.

      The Church was also sanctioned by law and supported by taxes in the Carolinas after 1704, and in Georgia after that colony passed directly under the crown in 1754—this in spite of the fact that the majority of the inhabitants were Dissenters. Against the protests of the Catholics it was likewise established in Maryland. In New York, too, notwithstanding the resistance of the Dutch, the Established Church was fostered by the provincial officials, and the Anglicans, embracing about one-fifteenth of the population, exerted an influence all out of proportion to their numbers.

      Many factors helped to enhance the power of the English Church in the colonies. It was supported by the British government and the official class sent out to the provinces. Its bishops and archbishops in England were appointed by the king, and its faith and service were set forth by acts of Parliament. Having its seat of power in the English monarchy, it could hold its clergy and missionaries loyal to the crown and so counteract to some extent the independent spirit that was growing up in America. The Church, always a strong bulwark of the state, therefore had a political rôle to play here as in England. Able bishops and far-seeing leaders firmly grasped this fact about the middle of the eighteenth century and redoubled their efforts to augment the influence of the Church in provincial affairs. Unhappily for their plans they failed to calculate in advance the

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