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      (b)(i) Let a multimap F be u.s.c. at a point x0. For an arbitrary ε > 0, consider an ε-neighborhood of the set F(x0):


      Since Uε(F(x0)) is the open set it follows that there exists a number nε such that for all nnε we get F(xn) ⊂ Uε(F(x0)) implying ϱY(yn, F(x0)) ≤ ε.

      (b)(ii) Let VY be an arbitrary open set containing F(x0). Then, by virtue of compactness of the set F(x0) there exists (see Chapter 0) ε > 0 such that Uε(F(x0)) ⊂ V. But then condition (**) yields the existence of such a neighborhood U(x0) of the point x0 such that F(U(x0)) ⊂ Uε(F(x0)) ⊂ V.


      Definition 1.2.21. If a multimap F is upper and lower semicontinuous it is called continuous.

      It is clear that in the case of a single-valued map, both upper, as well as lower semicontinuity mean usual continuity. Notice also that the constant multimap F(x) ≡ Y1Y is obviously continuous.

      Example 1.2.22. (a) The multimaps from Examples 1.1.4 (a), (c); 1.1.5; 1.1.7; 1.1.8 are u.s.c. It can be verified by application of Definition 1.2.14 (do it!). Whence the multimaps from Examples 1.1.4 (a)(; 1.1.5; 1.1.7 are continuous. The multimap from Example 1.1.4 (b) is u.s.c., but not l.s.c., whereas the multimaps from Examples 1.1.4 (c)); 1.1.8 are l.s.c., but not u.s.c. In particular, for the multimap F from Example 1.1.8 we have figure, where


      (b) Let T be a compact space; X a metric space, C(T; X) denote the space of continuous functions endowed with the usual sup-norm. For an arbitrary nonempty subset Ω ⊂ C(T, X), the multimap Q : TP(x) defined as


      is l.s.c. It can be checked up by using Theorem 1.2.20. Verify that if the set Ω is compact then the multimap Q is u.s.c. and hence continuous.

      One more important class consists of closed multimaps.

      Definition 1.2.23. A multimap F is called closed if its graph ΓF (see Definition 1.1.2) is a closed subset of the space X × Y.

      Consider some tantamount formulations.

      (a)the multimap F is closed;

      (b)for each pair xX, yY such that yF(x) there exist neighborhoods U(x) of x and V(y) of y such that F(U(x)) ∩ V(y) =


      (c)for every nets {xa} ⊂ X, {yα} ⊂ Y such that xαx, yαF(xα), yαy, we have yF(x).

      Proof. 1) (a) ⇔ (b): condition (b) means that a point (x, y) ∈ X × Y belongs to the complement of the graph ΓF with a certain neighborhood;

      2) (a) ⇔ (c): condition (c) means that if a net {(xα, yα)} ⊂ ΓF converges to a point (x, y) ∈ X × Y then (x, y) ∈ ΓF.


      Notice that in the case when X and Y are metric spaces, it is sufficient to consider in condition (c) usual sequences.

      Example 1.2.25. The multimaps from Examples 1.1.4 (a), (b); 1.1.5 - 1.1.8 are closed.

      The validity of assertions in Examples may be verified by applying Theorem 1.2.24(c) (do it!).

      Introduce some notation which we will use in the sequel.

      Let Y be a topological space.

      Denote by C(Y), K(Y) the collections consisting of all nonempty closed, or respectively, compact subsets of Y. If the topological space Y

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